
That moment went by so slow, torturing, and traumatizing. My body unable to move, my feet felt stoned on the ground as I force to watch the unbearable sight in front of me.

We had her, I don't know what went wrong, but she got ahold of both my knights with her body in an instant. As soon as I made eye contact with her, my body became paralyzed, unable to fight back. She must have the power to paralyze with her eyes.

I know deep down, everything is about to get ugly. Nevertheless, I tell myself that this shouldn't be something unfamiliar. I've been through multiple massacres, battles, and deaths. Though, it's impossible to shove this all away. The nightmare will always find its way back to me.

The knights that I trained, the men that looked up to me with hope sparkling in their eyes as I lead them to every mission. Unaware that I'm only showing them to their deaths.

I feel like a failure. Why did Blossom appoint me, an incompetent person, as commander? Why am I like this?

Colour drained from my face seeing my last two knights choked away from their lives by that giant snake. Their cries echo throughout the forest, and it pierces through my heart. I feel the ache of resentment. Yet I stood there clenching my sword, I could dash towards her head, slicing it off cleanly, wiping that horrifying grim look off her face, but I can't even mutter a word.

She got me under her control, this monster.

"Commander... run-"

"... sav- save yourself."

However, I'm frozen because of her magic. Ena must be already out of the forest, reaching the horses and heading straight back to the castle. That's a relief; this mission still was a success as long as the scythe is delivered to the castle.

She lets out a chilling laugh, "Well, look at that, you're shaking like a frightened child. Don't worry, I'll get to you soon," right after those daunting words, the loud noise of cracking bones broke the brief eerie silence which made her grin grow wider so that it could reach her eyes.

Kufa and Fion were no longer struggling, their bodies went limp, and they go pale. They're no longer breathing, they're dead, and I watched it all happen without doing anything.

"Oh, that's just sad. Now your turn."

In just a split second, the woman throws Kufa and Fion's bodies as if they were nothing, and she comes speeding toward me. The malice in her eyes glinted, warning me to move or it will be too late. 

I realize that I'm no longer in her control, so I grip my sword. Blood pumped through my veins, and out of instinct, I jump doing a double spin on air, feeling my sword slicing the woman's back.

A long slice through her back.

My right knee touches the soft soil with my back facing the screaming creature, but as I turn around to strike the second time, her tail smacks me hard on my stomach. My vision blurs from the excruciating pain, making me drop my sword.

Though I'm still aware that I'm in a battle, I have to kill this monster. My eyes flared, and through gritted teeth, I ignored the stinging pain on my stomach, rushing to capture her arm, twisting it behind her, and kicking her back with all my might hearing her let out a blood-curdling scream. My surroundings went dark; my blood boils from the wrath I feel.

This forest changes people. It brings the worst out of you. It steals away the people that you love. It ruins your mind and corrupts your heart. It's all because of that woman who implemented fear using the forest, Beorene.

All so suddenly, my surroundings start to change. I was no longer in the forest, and the snake woman wasn't the one on the ground but instead, Rose. She laid with her back facing up with her body shaking uncontrollably.

Recognition dawned on my face, and with haste, I rush to her side, helping her face upward before scooping her in my arms. She hisses when her injured arm is squished in between her body and my chest. Regret flashes on my face, and I sprinted towards the castle to get Rose treated.

I wasn't kidding when I said nightmares would come back haunting me. It feels like I left my soul in that forest. I mistook Rose for that vicious woman.

How many times do I have to remind myself that I'm back in the castle safe and sound? Ena came back for me, using her ability to blind the woman for a second as we escape together. If she didn't, then I was good as dead. But she did. You're here now.

But my men were still killed. Only Ena and I came back alive; we had to bring six horses back with us without their owners.

I burst inside the castle, not caring about the surprised and tensed expressions of creatures from my sudden raucous. Ena, who was about to head inside Blossom's private room, meets my eyes, but I ignored her and rushed straight to the infirmary.

During the whole time Rose was getting treated, I waited outside. My mind still in the dark, and I wonder if I should get treated too. My brain should be treated.

As soon as the nurse was done, I check on Rose. Standing by her side like a zombie, I kept my mouth shut. My head is screaming at me to apologize for being too rough with the poor girl.

"You thought she was the enchantress and beat her up until she broke a bone, you dunderhead."

So I open my mouth to break the ice, but Ena's voice beat me to it, "Commander Rhys, Blossom wishes to see you right now."

Right, I didn't get to report to Blossom about what happened last night. Ena and I were not ourselves from experience and went straight to our sleeping resting quarters. However, I thought Ena would have explained everything.

I look at Rose, trying my best to give her that typical cheeky smile of mine, but I can't, "you better be fine by tonight. We're going to the festival, remember?"

"Forget about it! Thanks to you, it hurts to move even just a bit."

I huff out a breath of frustration, disgruntled with myself. Why did I lose control and hurt that poor girl? Blossom will have my head once she hears about this.


Blossom raised her brow at me, and I sank to my seat and swallowed hard. I catch Ena holding a smirk on her face for a second but wiped it off to follow with seriousness.

"Rose," she started as she folds her arms, "got hurt because you couldn't control yourself?"

I jolted up, "it won't happen again-"

"I understand," she adds, motioning her hands for me to calm down, "you and Ena must have been through so much. The Whispering Forest is appalling, and I'm sorry about your fallen comrades."

Blossom's eyes show a mix of emotions conveying sorrow, fury, and tenacity. She has always held herself strong through the many challenges we've faced here. Out of everyone in Dazia, Blossom is the figure worth looking up to.

"However, I'm happy that you both made it out, my brave knights," for a moment, there was a glint of glee in her eyes. The scythe appears on her hands; she grips it as she smiles.

"I'll do it tonight."

Ena backs from the wall she was leaning on. I stood from my seat with my fists clenched. Our mouths were hanged open from the abruptness.

"Tonight But-" Ena tries to say, but Blossom lifts her hand, stopping her from saying any more.

"It has to be tonight since this will turn to dust tomorrow's sunrise," Blossom eyes me, "which is why Commander, you will bring Rose to the festival. She mustn't be here when it happens."

I bow my head, "I understand."

"Don't worry, I have Ena and the others here," Blossom comes near me putting her arm on my shoulder to ease my bewildered self, "I trust you'll keep Rose safe."

I put up a brave face while nodding. Once everything goes as planned tonight, we won't have to fear her again.