Plans All Along

Sitting in the dining hall for lunch after the great ruckus we had two days ago is discomforting. It is the king, Faye, Ducan, and I silently sitting on our chairs, waiting for someone to initiate a conversation. 

When Faye and the king had found me outside of Ducan's door, they were only curious as to why I was out of my room when I was only allowed to be out when the bell calls for lunch. I had to make up a lie saying that I heard the explosion from my room, which Ducan had to laugh mischievously. 

I don't know whether Faye believed me, but King Luthais only invited us to lunch to change the subject. The walk here was awkwardly quiet but sitting completely still in this large hall is worse. 

Suddenly, King Luthais clears his throat. This time he's wearing something that covers his top. I thought a king would wear dazzling clothes, but he only wears a simple black laced shirt with his sleeves rolled up.