Ceremony I

After my father disappeared past the portal, I followed and emerged in front of a massive polished wooden door with beautiful carvings. I scanned my surroundings to see that I'm in a kind of waiting room; it's very spacious with only a couple of chests for storage. 

I'm alone in the room; I do not know where my father had gone until someone appears behind me. It was Trevor; he looked around as if he is confused as well until he brightens up and says, "the king entered the ballroom. Do not open the door yet." 

Faye appeared after, and the rest followed. Soon we were all together in the room, waiting for Trevor's signal to go. We cannot hear anything that's happening on the opposite side. I'm sure the walls, including the door, are soundproof. 

"Are there people out there? I wonder what's going on?" I asked very foolish questions, but it was a test for Trevor.