Chapter 9

"He's here again," Aoi says.

You look up from your lunch. Sitting across the table from you, Shinobu sighs. Gesturing with her hand, she says, "I assume he's brought gifts. Did you accept them?"

"I don't want to." Aoi purses her lips and throws a dark gaze over her shoulder. "Nee-san, can't we send him to Oyakata-sama instead of constantly receiving him here?" She lowers her voice, "His face is really annoying."

"Aoi," Shinobu admonishes.

"I know, I know." Aoi's pleading gaze lands on you. "Ryuuu! Let's greet him together. He's less annoying when you're around." Looking at the exasperation on her face, you can't help but laugh inwardly. You try not to acknowledge how grateful you feel that Ichiro Fuji hasn't left a good impression on her, and direct your focus to the current situation.

You'll help her, of course. No one should have to deal with Fuji by themselves, least of all the girls. But, you'll never pass up a chance to tease them.

You shove a spoonful of rice into your mouth, pretending to think her proposal over. Aoi's impatience eventually gets the best of her.

"Ryuu!" She stomps her feet, watching you chomp on a piece of fried katsudon. Aoi really knows how to cook, you think. Even a basic fried pork cutlet tastes like it was touched by culinary gods. "Come with me, please? I'm making red bean mochi tonight and I promise to give you extra."

"Your charge is trying to bribe me, Shinobu-san."

"Don't tease her so much or you might end up with none at all."

"That would be truly awful." You cover up a hearty laugh by wiping your mouth with your handkerchief. You push aside your bowl and get up from your seat. "I'll come back to clear this. Now, if you'll excuse me, it's time I made use of this detestable face to help Aoi chase him away."

Shinobu pins you with a stern glare. "Ryuu-san, I know you don't have a good impression of Fuji-sama, but don't go too far."

"He won't be able to find fault with me regarding my manners," You shake your head. You make duly sure you are nothing but polite with him. "But Shinobu-san, you can't avoid him forever. You've known him longer than I have, you should know he will be relentless until you give him a firm answer."

Shinobu smiles wryly. "You give him too much credit. Saying what I have in mind will simply make his attitude more unbearable. So, I won't bother."

The lines of fatigue on her face are more visible than usual. It's not at all related to Ichiro Fuji, more because of the uptick in patients after a sudden surge of demon appearances, but his aggressive advances are not doing her favours.

"I'm sorry." Your apology slips out before you can stop it.

It's been a month since that fateful night at Ginzan Onsen town, and the fire you stoked in Fuji has roared to new heights. He takes every excuse and chance to drop by the Butterfly Estate several times a week, no longer content to use his servants to deliver gifts.

Shinobu has shown nothing but apathy towards him. Her stance towards his advances have been made clear, but these past weeks have left you with complicated emotions.

You want to help relieve her burden, but you've only managed to come up one idea which can potentially work.

You'd approach Ichiro Fuji to convince him his worries are unfounded, that you're uninterested in courting the woman he's head over heels for. By clearing up your attitude towards Shinobu, Fuji may ease up on his relentless pursuit and fall back to his previous hands-off tactics of gift giving and arranging 'fated' meetings.

You don't think it's a good plan, but it's the only one which would not harm the relationship between the Wisteria family and Demon Slayer Corps. You've been wanting to tell Shinobu the idea for weeks now, but there's one small detail that's holding you back.

"You have nothing to apologize for," Shinobu says. "There are times when retreat is the only way to advance. Waiting for this crisis to blow over is also a form of patience."

"Wisely spoken." Your idea is on the tip of your tongue. All you have to do is say it. But your throat suddenly constricts, and your surroundings fall away as Shinobu returns your gaze with one of her own. "I, well..."

Shinobu tilts her head. "Yes, Ryuu-san?"

You've never said it aloud, but you know the reason for your reluctance.

The tales your comrades told of her triumphs, of her turning weakness into strength, her indomitable will and resourcefulness. Those laid a foundation for your admiration toward her. And when you were lucky enough to work with her, oh, how swiftly that admiration evolved into attraction.

It's embarrassing to admit, but Fuji's reappearance made you realize how much you're attracted to her.

You didn't pay heed to the budding feelings before, because after all, it would be arrogant to think you knew her from the short month you spent together. Even the foundation of your knowledge of her was laid through exaggerated stories spun from drunken, hot blooded men.

But maybe those were simply excuses you came up for yourself.

A little more time has passed and things feel... different, now. You've seen sides of her you never thought existed. Or perhaps, it would be more accurate to say she let you see them.

If you tell Ichiro Fuji you have no interest in Shinobu, it will be the biggest lie you ever told. You're not sure if you have a chance with her, but, if you inform Shinobu about that idea you've come up, then you will truly have none.

You shake your head. "It's nothing, I just wanted to say I'll make a list of the gifts he's brought." You give her a thumbs up. "Wish me luck."

Shinobu's tinkling laugh follows you and Aoi out the dining hall. Both of you walk side by side, Aoi starting a new round of complaints towards young master Fuji. Sumi, Naho and Kiyo don't like him very much either, she explains, and they won't allow him to meet their big sister until he personally introduces himself to them.

It's a tall order to Fuji, considering he doesn't know they exist. How he's never noticed their presence when he's hellbent on invading Shinobu's life, you will not understand. Kanao, on the other hand, has not relayed her opinion on the matter. She trains her days away, fitting for a Tsuguko.

"Aoi, prepare to put on a big smile for him," you say.

"But why?" Aoi huffs. "I don't want him to think I'm happy to see him."

"He'll think that regardless." Both of you reach the entryway and slip your feet into wooden clogs. "So if you smile at him, reinforcing his assumptions that you, and by extension Shinobu, are happy to see him... what do you think he'll do?"

Aoi's brows knit into a frown. "Hm," she presses her index finger against her temples. "Can I have a hint?" You smile wickedly. Seeing your devious expression, Aoi gasps. "Ah! He'd bring even more gifts!"

"Since he's making Shinobu-san upset, you might as well make him pay for it," you say. "It isn't as if he's not able to afford it."

Fuji is completely unaware the gifts he sends are either, gifted to the other Pillars, pawned off to increase the Butterfly Estate's treasury, or given to you and the girls. You were granted ownership of a collection of strategy books from the previous time he visited, and it's a wonderful addition to your personal library.

"Ryuu-sensei," Aoi says solemnly. "Thank you for your wise teachings."

You pull the door open and give a short bow. "And thank you, dear student, for being such a quick learner."

When you step out into the open air, you're struck by a beam of blinding sunlight. You wince as black spots do a rambunctious dance in the corners of your vision. You hear Aoi closing the door as you take a minute to let your eyes adjust to the brightness of midday.

"So annoying," Aoi mutters. It looks like she's forgotten what you told her. Her dislike of him truly seems to run more deeply than you'd expected.

You blink the last of the dots away and your vision regains clarity. But seeing the man before you, you almost wish you had remained blind.

Ichiro Fuji is posed haughtily in the middle of the small path leading up to the doorstep of Butterfly Estate. Meanwhile, the entourage of carriages behind him has completely blocked the main road which leads off to Demon Corps headquarters.

"Does he always bring so many gifts? He must be bankrupting his family," you say, shocked.

Aoi shakes her head. "It's is my first time seeing this many."

It's an impressive sight. You imagine pulling open a carriage door and having mountains of gold spill out. In your minds eye, you see Shinobu smile brilliantly at the offered treasure.

Something in your chest clenches. You scold yourself for such an absurd thought. What does it matter if Shinobu-san accepts everything Fuji brings? Having an excess of money or goods is never a bad thing.

But rational as you try to be, inferiority begins to eat away at you. As you struggle to reign it, Aoi tugs on your sleeve.

"All he ever brings is a bunch of useless stuff," she says huffily. "Don't worry, nee-san won't return like him even if he goes bankrupt trying to impress her."

You blink. "Um, yes, of course. Shinobu-san is better than that." If this was any other situation, you would take the time to wonder if Aoi knows something you don't. "Come, let's go greet him before he throws a fit."

Both of you approach young master Fuji, you with a polite smile and Aoi with an expression so dead she might as well be preparing funeral rites. To Fuji's credit, he doesn't look put out by Aoi's attitude.

He greets her with a relaxed smile, "Good afternoon, Aoi-chan. Kuroshio."

"Aoi-san," she replies without skipping a beat. You see Fuji's eye twitch. His pride as a Kinoe and head of a wealthy family must feel trampled by Aoi speaking her mind.

From his reaction, you can guess this is the first time she's dared to rebut so brazenly. Aoi is certainly making good use of you as a good luck charm. You let her lead, wanting to see where this goes.

"My apologies... Aoi-san," Fuji says, his voice strained. "Forgive me, I'm am just slightly upset that both of you kept me waiting."

"Welcome to the Butterfly Estate, Fuji-sama," Aoi bows. "We apologize for the inconvenience."

Fuji's expression eases. He sweeps his hand behind him in what you suppose he intends as a grand gesture. "Aoi-san, please inform Shinobu-san of my presence. I have something important to discuss with her." He shoots you a glance laced with smugness. It's your turn for your eye to twitch.

"I'm sorry, Fuji-sama, but she won't be able to see you." Aoi replies, "She's busy taking care of the new patients that arrived this morning. It's a delicate situation. She says any distractions will have to wait."

You think about the full beds and the exhausted lines of Shinobu's face. Lunch is the only time you've been able to see her this past week. You offered to help her on a number of occasions, but you were gently rebuffed.

You sigh internally. You might be skilled at business and mental sums, but your medical field skills are truly lacking. Easy tasks like disinfection and sewing of minor wounds are doable, but anything more severe is out of your hands. Taking lives is easier than saving them.

"Distractions?" Fuji's face is thunderous. He takes a step forward. "It is unbecoming of a disciple to insinuate my presence is a burden to a Pillar. Are you not aware of how much my aid my family has provided to the Demon Corps?"

Aoi falters under his cold stare. You decide to step in. "Fuji-sama," you start. "She is simply relaying Shinobu-san's instructions. Holding her responsible for it is pointless."

You don't say, 'Why are you so petty you would intimidate a child to get your way?' because you don't want to bring Shinobu more trouble. You wish she was here to witness this.

Though he has shown to be capable of magnanimity and politeness, he only reserves it for occasions and people he deems worthy. Everyone else is simply part of the common rabble, too low in status to lick the soles of his feet. Could this be why Aoi hates interacting with him?

Fuji flicks his sleeves. "Aoi-san, are you not training to be a demon slayer?" You glance at her face, taking in her wide eyes. Apparently, what he says is the truth. "This is not the first time that you have greeted me on the footsteps of Shinobu's mansion. You are neither kakushi or slayer and yet, here you stand, serving Shinobu. I have always wondered why. Now, I've found the reason."

"Do go on," you mutter. Aoi tugs on your sleeve, so you decide not to interrupt him.

Fuji continues, "You are simply too weak. Weak in body and in will. Aoi-san, you should give up and take up the position of the doctor's apprentice instead. Because if you are truly planning on taking up the sword, it is likely you will be crushed by the trials that await you as a Slayer." He shakes his head in an approximation of pity.

Aoi hangs her head, her hands clenched into fists. Seeing her tremble, you're overcome with indignation. Ichiro Fuji has truly overstepped.

She's told you about her past before, and you never judged her for it. Who are you to do so? More importantly, who is he to do such a thing?

"What business is it of yours?" you reply, your tone sharp and controlled. "What she is capable of is not for you to determine. She only needs to answer to herself. Yes, Aoi did not become a Slayer like either of us, but to measure the strength of a person by the number of demons they've killed is the most senseless thing I've ever heard."

You place a firm hand on Aoi's shoulder. "Fuji-sama, everyone has weakness. We've all fallen prey to it at some time or another. It's nothing to be ashamed about. It disturbs me you think you're above making such mistakes."

Ichiro Fuji laughs. It is a mocking sound that tells you he hasn't heard a single word. As Shinobu had told you earlier, you shouldn't have bothered. Trying to convince him was like attempting to scale Mount Fuji naked. You'd probably die before you succeeded.

"Enough of this," Fuji says. "I did not come to overturn whatever naïve notions you hold about the world."

"Then what did you come here for?" Aoi's voice has regained her usual strength. You nod. Good.

"Since both of you insist on treating me as an outsider, I won't be polite." Fuji squares his chest. "My intention of today's visit is to convince Shinobu to be my, Ichiro Fuji's, wife. Now, are you going to call for her, or shall I?"