"Aoi has already said what she's needed," you say. "Neither of us are calling her. Still, if you want to force your way past us, we won't stop you. Just know you'd have to face the consequence of going against a Pillar's orders."
Fuji's face twists comically. He stands there, an incredulous look on his face as it sinks in none of you are about to bend to his will. He clearly isn't used to being defied.
You answer him with a firm, unyielding stare. You suspect he had banked on you reacting badly to his declaration and picking a fight. Like you'd fall into such a blatant trap. Trying to get an upper hand on a merchant in a war of words will take more effort than obnoxious swagger and pomp.
"Fuji-sama," Aoi says, "I know you've travelled a long way, even bringing so many gifts. But Shinobu-san has given me her orders, and I must fulfil them. I hope you won't make things difficult."
Aoi gives him a splendid bow. Her figure folds into a perfect ninety degree angle. To any observers, her actions breathes of humility and respect. As Fuji dissects her for flaws, his annoyed glower gradually subsides. His businessman persona makes an appearance, the same one he wore when he ruined your day with Shinobu.
"Since you say nothing can be done, I'll return for today," Fuji finally says. "I understand your position, Aoi-san, and let me say this. If I were you, I would be thrilled to work under a woman like Shinobu-san. Her work ethic and kindness are one of the many traits about her worthy of admiration. Perhaps being around her will allow them to rub off on you."
You're tempted to feign gagging at his spiel. You tilt your head away instead, to mask the pity you feel him.
Does he think complimenting Shinobu-san in front of Aoi will appeal him to her? Not counting way he insulted Aoi earlier, her opinion of him was low to begin with.
Add on that he's just declared his intentions toward a person she holds dear to her heart, you won't be surprised if Aoi was hopping mad at not being able to give Fuji a kick to the crotch.
You glance at her. Aoi's left foot bounces up and down, the hem of her robes just barely masking the movement. You silently applaud her for holding herself back. Her effort is admirable.
"Thank you, Fuji-sama." You seal your words with a bow. "Oh. I neglected to ask, but will you be leaving with the gifts or passing them to Aoi?"
Fuji scoffs, "It will obviously be the latter." He gestures for a servant to come forward. A lanky man dressed in an eye catching robe embroided with the Wisteria family emblem – who glares at you as he passes by – politely hands Aoi a scroll tied with a wax ribbon.
She turns it over in her hands. "This is...?"
"A record of the gifts my master brought today," the man says. "Feel free to look through it once we move the gifts into the estate."
I pat her on the shoulder. "That's nice of them. It'll save you time from going through them later."
You smile at her pointed gaze. The 'I rather they take everything back' is rather blatant. You turn back to the servant and his master. "Will that be all?"
"No," Fuji says. He's looking at you, and his stare holds an intensity that catches you off guard. "Kuroshio, it would please me if you joined me for tea."
That is... not what you were expecting. You don't want to interact with him for any longer than you already have, but there's an air about him that sets your danger senses alight. "Is this an invitation or an order?"
Aoi's worried gaze bounces back and forth between both of you. You're tempted to reassure her, but you can't bring yourself to do it. Like her, you have no idea what intentions he harbours.
Fuji stands with his back straight, his perfectly made hair lightly tousled by the wind. He considers your challenge, looking more even-kneeled than you've ever seen him. Then, a slow smile spreads across his face.
"It is an order from a Kinoe of the Demon Slayer Corps," he says. "Rest assured, we won't go far. My main carriage is waiting right outside the compound and it is big enough to be comfortable for a short tea session."
You'd rather let a demon take a big, wet bite out of your ass. Instead of saying the truth of your feelings, you suck it up and dip your head in acknowledgement. Of course, you can reject him by feigning illness or faking a story of being summoned by Oyakata-sama, but a small part of you is morbidly curious as to what he wants.
To persuade you to aid him in his mission to marry Shinobu, perhaps?
If your answering smile is a little too sharp... well, it's not like Fuji can do anything about it.
"Very well. This Tsuchinoto will accept your order." You try to read his face for what he might be planning, but Fuji immediately takes his leave. The lanky servant is left behind, likely to supervise the gifts. With his master gone, the man doesn't bother with you and lopes off to direct the carriages to the estate's back entrance.
"Ryuu," Aoi says. "Do you really have to?"
"Unless Shinobu-san is here to counter or rescind Fuji's order, I'm rulebound to follow him as long as he isn't purposefully leading me to my death."
Aoi pales. You realize your mistake and hasten to interject before she starts to entertain those kinds of thoughts. "It shouldn't be anything serious. We're at headquarters, and no matter how much weight he holds within the Corps, I doubt he's foolish enough to do something so drastic."
"I wish he would just go away. It's really annoying to deal with this, not knowing if he'd leave Nee-san alone. Kanao's getting annoyed with this nonsense too, and she rarely cares about stuff like this."
"Even Kanao, huh?" Despite already being here for two months, you can count on one hand how many times she's talked to you. You sigh and rub the back of your neck. At this point, you're pretty sure she doesn't like you. It's a little sad.
"Yeah. I just want to tell that stupid fellow Nee-san already..." Aoi's hand shoots up to cover her mouth. "Never mind."
You give her a quizzical stare. "Fuji-sama probably wants to talk about Shinobu-san. I'll try my best to dissuade him to be less... direct, but I won't make promises."
Ichiro Fuji, for all his blatant faults, has a deeper side to him. You've no doubt about that. Everyone does. However, how prepared you are to handle is another question entirely.
"Really troublesome," Aoi grumbles a final time. She's frowning, and it reflects how you feel inside.
"Trouble will find us whether we're prepared to deal with it or not." You stare glumly in the direction Fuji left in. You think to Shinobu's earlier words and hope it will be enough. You breathe out a heavy sigh. "Hopefully, I already have all the luck I need."