I'll help you...

Lisa's POV

I saw my schedule today and was really happy. Cause after the ruined Sunday I had only five patients to attend today and this meant that I was free this evening. I thought that this was the best chance to ask Sam about it. I know he wouldn't deny it. After all, we are meeting after months since he went on that rubbish trip of business. I messaged one of my friends,

'Today at 5 pm. Be ready I'll meet you at the cafe near Holy Cross Church .'

'Really! Today? Okay then see ya.' She instantly replied and I felt all relaxed now.

This evening was going to be the best. I thought and suddenly someone opened the door of my cabin. There was a shining aura that was blinding my eyes and made me close my eyes. The person was Dr. Ray.

'Good morning Dr. Lisa, you're alright? I don't think you should be here today.' He said with his heart-melting voice.

'I am absolutely fine Dr. Ray, don't worry.' I said with a smile.

'But... it could be hectic for you.' He said with frowned eyebrows and I shook my head

'Mhm..not at all. By the way, what happened about that guy from yesterday?' I asked.

'You mean Leo Rockwell?' He asked and I nodded.

'Don't worry he's under me now.' He said.

'By the way...how's your...neck?' He asked looking worried.

'Oh! this, it's healing perfectly. Thanks to you Dr. Ray. ' I said and he smiled in relief. He handed over some reports of the patients I had to attend today and went outside.


Sarah's POV

My alarm rang and I threw it from the table on the ground. But...it was still ringing. Was it magic I thought and woke up? But then I saw it was my phone ringing. I picked up the call and laid back again, still half asleep,

'Hmm .' I murmured.

'Hello Sarah, it's good news. Mr. Niall has provided you with a paid leave. Take rest the whole day and come tomorrow to start again.' Said Emma.

'Hmm...ok.' I murmured and she ended the phone call with the phrase, take care.

I slept again but suddenly sat upright when I realized that it was a holiday for me. This meant that after that hectic week I had a whole one day to get recovered, to get fresh. I was happy. Was Mr. Niall really feeling that guilty? But it's good that I don't have to see that arrogant ass's face. I thought but then I shook away his thoughts from my mind.

I woke up brushed my teeth and came to the Hall it was around 8 am and I saw Anna all dressed up. I took an apple from the fruit basket, munched over it, and asked.

'Um..where are you going?'

'Co.. college.' She said awkwardly and started to walk outside.

And her awkwardness made me remember something and I had to ask her this today.

'Anna wait, what were you doing there yesterday? You know about where I'm asking?' I asked.

She stopped on the threshold looking outside and I was standing behind her.


Anna's POV

I knew that she'll ask me that question again but I thought till then I'll somehow make up my mind and muster my courage and tell her about it. But it's too early than I thought.

'Anna tell me?' She asked from behind.

I was not able to see her expressions and I was not even able to turn around. It was like my legs were frozen but I knew she was very serious, her voice was giving me chills.

'Anna..?' She said again and turned me around by grabbing my shoulder.

Till then my eyes were all filled. I was suffering and there was no one with whom I could share. I was scared and tired of being scared inside.

'Anna? You're alright? Why are you crying?' She asked.

I was not able to control and I started crying out loud. It was like it's been ages since I've cried all my lungs out. I hugged Sarah tightly and she didn't even felt uncomfortable. After ages, I got to hug someone. I was feeling all pain right now.

'Anna, is there anything you want to share? Tell me don't hesitate darling.' She said and ran her hand in my hair to make me comfortable.

'Sa..ra..h' I said with my voice cracking in between.

'Yeah, tell me I'm listening.' She said.

'I'm scared, Sarah. I'm very scared.' I said sobbing.

'From what? And why?' She asked being all worried.

'At night I'm scared that someone is watching me. That..that someone is in my bedroom. In the daytime, I feel someone is inside the house. When I walk on the road I feel someone is stalking me. I'm scared to death and I'm now scared of being scared. Sarah, I don't want to live like this. I just want to die. I'm all fed up with my own life.' I said it all in one breath with my voice breaking between every sentence.

It was the first time when I told everything which was in my heart to someone. It was the first time I was feeling all nice. It was...the first time when I felt that the weight on my chest is now somehow lightened up.

'Why do you feel so, tell me clearly. So, I can help you.' She said looking at me.

I sat upright and looked her in the eyes and said,

'I have Autophobia..and that is why I can't be alone. Anywhere. ' I said finally and wiped all my tears.

Cause I knew that this was the last time we are talking, after hearing this Sarah like others will leave me too. Alone, in my dark world. Hopeless.

'Au.. autophobia? But how?' She asked and I started to tell the tale of mine...


I as usual went to the library to study and sat on my usual seat with my books for studying. After a while, I pushed my chair backwards to get up when I realized that my chair bumped into someone standing just behind me. I turned around and found a guy who was passing from there got his leg hit by my chair. I asked him if he was alright, and asked him if he could accompany the canteen so that I can apologize properly. After that day we became friends and started to meet regularly."

"One day he proposed to me but I rejected him cause I saw him as my friend always and there was nothing else. But after that day I used to capture him wherever I used to go. He used to stalk me all day. He even once tried to threaten me that if I don't accept his proposal he'll hurt me, but I ignored him. Until one day when around 3 am, I heard some footsteps in my studio-sized house. I turned on the lights and saw Leo standing right next to me, to my bed, I even today don't know how the hell he got there. But as soon as I saw him I screamed and he covered my mouth with his hand and pointed a knife towards me. But thank God that my neighbour noticed him entering my house and they called the police.'

'So what happened to him then?' she asked.

'He was in prison, but after that incident, I started feeling uncomfortable in my own house so I shifted here. But still, nothing changed and yesterday I saw him there..in...in the hospital and I got more scared.' I said.

'You mean that...that psychopath, Leo?' She asked and I nodded.

It felt so nice that I got to shout out my feelings to someone. Cause, after I came here my bond with mom, got weakened somehow and my dad is now very busy since he joined the new company.

But I was nervous because Sarah's expressions were somehow bugging me.

'Now you'll leave me I guess?' I was supposed to say it in a low voice but somehow I said it loud enough to be heard by her and I bit my tongue.

But she smiled and said with her warm voice

'No..I'll help you...'