Memories, They're Dead.

Lena. I absolutely loath her. She has been in both of my period one and period two lessons, and each lesson she would talk about how close her and Nathaniel have gotten. Although, I cant see why he would be getting close to her, it just doesn't seem real, maybe its just one of Lena's ways to get rid of me.

Were sitting in the food court, waiting for the boys to get here when all of a sudden, she decides to flap her mouth. "Oh my god! You like him." What the hell is she going on about? "You like Natty!" Who the heck is Natty? Why does his/her name sound so familiar? ...Oh wait...I think my lunch might reunite with my plate soon enough

"You *cough* you call Nathaniel Natty?" She gives me a wide smile.

"I knew it!" She gives me a dark glare, "Stay away from him, hes mine." And with that she stands up and leaves taking Nathan who had just walked into the cafeteria. I glare down at my empty plate.

"I was going to tell you, you know....They have been hanging out a lot lately." Cory mutters sitting down beside me. "I've felt like a third-wheel wherever we go." I glare at him.

"Why?" He gives me a confused look, "Why are you hanging out with us? We were together for a group project, not for lunch on a Saturday or a sit-together at lunch thing." He looks hurt.

Suddenly I felt guilty again. "Look Cory, I just... I think you should go and sit back with the populars. Looks like they're missing you..." I stand up and walk out of the cafeteria, there is only one thing that can make me calm down right now, but I can't do it...I can't let other people get hurt because of me...but on the other hand, they will get hurt if I don't let off some steam. Five minutes. I will allow myself five minutes to let go but thats it...

//////////////1 hour later////////////////

*Punch, punch, kick*. Right now, I am punching the punching bag as if it were Lena. Oh, how badly I wish to punch her in the face. I promised to only allow myself five minutes to cool down but if anything, its made my anger worse because I am aware that its only a punching bag and not the annoyingly soft flesh of Lena's skin. I'm so blinded by rage that I didn't even notice people sneaking into the room. Then, I hear a crash and some giggling. That giggle sounds somewhat familiar.

"Are you alright?" Now that voice I know all too well.

"Stitch?" He looks at me for a couple of seconds, analyzing me. We stare at each other for a couple of seconds.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He hisses aggressively through his teeth, I look at him, shocked.

"What do you mean what the hell am I doing here? I came here to punch something!"

"Yeah? Well this is out of bounds Lulu" Lena sneers, I wonder if punching her in the face is now an option? Cracking my knuckles I step towards her but before I could get any closer, I was pulled back into someones chest.

"Natty, I highly suggest you let go of me before I get the chance to do something, we both will regret." Behind me I hear some snigger, wait a second....Nathaniel doesn't snigger...Who the hell is the person holding me?

"Where did you come up with the name Natty!?" The chuckles vibrate through my skin making Goosebumps appear along my arms.

"Oh Cory! Haven't you heard? Nathaniel here has swapped his nickname from Stitch to the wretche's nickname Natty!" I reply in a sarcastic tone. I step out of his hold and take a swing at Lena but before my fist connects with her already crooked nose someone steps in the way.

"WHAT THE HELL RA-LUNA?!!" I roll my eyes at Nathaniel's now bleeding nose. Its not my fault he stepped in the way.

"What? I was going to make an improvement! You're the one who stepped in the way! I guess you couldn't wait for your new face." He just glares in my direction and tries to stop the bleeding.

"You shouldn't have done that!" The wretch screeches and lunges towards me only to be yanked back by none other than Natty.

"Lena, I think we should leave." He says letting her hug his side.

"But Natty, she just attacked you! She could be suspended for that!" I wince at her voice, what happened to it? It used to sound human.

"Lenny, no. This is just as much my fault as it is hers. She can't help that shes jealous of you." What does he mean jealous of her? Why the hell would I be jealous of her? "I mean she can't help that your boyfriend is this hot" he motions to his body that she is still latched on to.

"You call this thing your girlfriend?!" I laugh so hard that tears start welling up in my eyes. "I feel sorry for you. You do know that shes still dating Gerald Offsinger, right?" I calm down and wipe the tears from my eyes. This is too good.

"Gerald Offsinger? Isn't he that geek who transferred last week?" Damn Cody, already bullying him?

"What? No, she isn't, she promised me she broke up with him the other day. And how would you know Gerald? You were away for like a month!"

I roll my eyes at his childlikeness, "You do know that I know people who aren't you guys right?"

"People, not friends?" Seriously? Nathaniel thought we would be friends with all the things he has made me put up with today? Haha, no way.

"Yeah, people." I start to walk away when someone grips my wrist hard, looks like I'll end up with a bruise in the morning.

"No. you are not leaving until we sort this situation out."

I scoff, "What situation? You mean the situation where I just caught my ex-best friends kissing in the very place, I go to let off some steam? Or the situation where your girlfriend thinks shes better than everyone?"

Speechless. I have rendered him speechless. I turn and try to walk away yet again but of course someone must grab my hand. I snap my head to Cody's face. "What now?" I groan.

He gives me a sad smile, "Nothing" and walks me out of the gym, still holding me by the hand.


We have been walking for a while now, I had offered to take my bike, but he had just given me a tired look and said no.

My legs feel as if they are about to crumble and my head hurts. Stupid summer, always taking away the cold.

Finally, we have arrived at his destination. Well, at least I think its the destination. He has walked us into an alleyway. An alleyway. Oh no, is he going to kill me? Did Nathan send him to? Or was Harper sick of my late-night karaoke?

"Why would Nathan send me to kill you?" Cory replies while Harper questions, "Why would I send him to kill you?"

I just scoff at them and turn around, heading back out and into the open.

"Oi! Did I say you could go?" I freeze in my place, not liking the commanding tone he was trying to use.


"I said, Did I say you could go?!" I spin around on my heel, clenching my jaw so bad that its starting to hurt. I slowly, almost calmly walk up to him and jab my finger into his chest

His very broad chest.

Shut up!!!

You know I'm just your thoughts, right?

Stupid brain.

"You want something cupcake?" Once again, I jab my finger into his chest.

His ve-


"You don't tell me what to do! I can go when I want to go!" he just smirks.

"Cupcake, you can't leave until I leave."

"And why not? I am my own person."

"Well for starters, it has gotten pretty dark don't ya think? You're in an unfamiliar territory and your alone. And i'm pretty sure that out of the three of us I am the only on here with a vehicle." He takes one more puff of that nasty cigarette and walks out of the alleyway.

I turn and glare at Cory, this is why he turned down the offer of my vehicle.