The Weird but Adorable Cousin

^Harper's P.O.V. ^ (A couple of hours after kicking Luna out)

"Cookie can you go to bed please?" Silence. She's been doing this to me all night. She hasn't even uttered one syllable to me, and because of what? Me kicking Luna out. I mean, she had it coming. You can't just turn up on someone's door step uninvited and then abuse their guests, especially in front of a child. She's lucky I didn't call the cops on her... Not that I would have...

I am shaken out of my thoughts with shrill screams of joy and excitement, "Wyderrr!!!" and a deep chuckle "Heya there kiddo, is ya brother home?" There was a hesitant pause.

"Yer, da big meanie is in da kitsen." Shocked silence filled the house and then heavy footsteps shook the room.

"Ah, Harper. Would you mind helping a cousin out?" I let out an exhausted sigh.

"Yeah, of course" but when I turn around and see what- or rather who he held in his arms my face dropped, my breathing became irregular and worry started to settle in. There laying in Ryder's arms was Luna. My little not-so-innocent Luna in all her glory. Her skin was a faint shade of bluish-purple and all she was wearing was her jeans and band-tee from earlier. What happened? Why is she so... Pale?

"What happened?!"

"I don't know man, found her sleeping on wet grass underneath the tree at the end of the driveway. Just couldn't leave her Harp. We gotta get her to the hospital."


Ryder's face contorts into a disgusted scowl. "What do you mean 'No'?! She could die!!!"

"I mean no Ryder. End of conversation" He gives me a stone cold glare and walks back into the lounge room, only to come back and sock me one.

"What the hell happened to you man?! Three years ago you wouldn't of even stopped to breathe before helping someone out!! You've changed..." He gives me a hard shove and walks back into the lounge. I am an idiot, of course she would have found a way to turn my family against me.

^Luna's P.O.V^

I wake with the low murmur of voices and the strong smell of disinfectant. Great. Hospital. Again...

"Ah, I see your awake... I'm going to get the doctor for you." The strange guy awkwardly scratches the back of his neck and walks out, taking very long strides to the reception desk right out front of my room. I guess they were sort of annoyed at my last self-discharge.

"Ah, Miss Willows. I can't exactly say I'm glad to see you back so soon. You caused quite a panic when you left without an approved discharge the other day."

"Sooo when can I leave this time? I was hoping to get back this afternoon, wait... is it still Saturday night?" I peer over the stranger dudes shoulder, hoping to catch a glance of the outside.

"I'm sorry to inform you Luna, it is sunday afternoon." And with that the doctor continues to quietly check my vitals.

"Oh, so I should be good to leave then? I mean, according to you guys, I've been in here for almost a day." They just give me a blank stare.

"I am sorry Miss Willows, but I am going to have to insist that you stay at least tonight and tomorrow morning. If you want I can call someone for you? A parent or guardian maybe? I know that last time you were here we were only able to contact your brother and even then he was unable to come down here." The doctor tilts his head, almost in a pity like way.

"Older brother?"

The doctor just simply pulls his rectangular frames from his face and massages the bridge of his nose. "Yes, I-uh think his name was Stanley? No, that wasn't it. Uh- Steven? No that wasn't it either-"


"Yes! That was his name, he said that he was stuck in Australia and wouldn't be able to fly in for another week." The doctor nods his head-as if reassuring himself- and then leaves the room without another word.

The room was silent for at least two minutes before I decided to speak up.

"So, I'm assuming that you were the one who bought me in?" At the same time I had asked the question, the guy walked up to the bed and said.

"So, I'm the one who bought you in by the way. Didn't want you to think that I was some freak who watched over sick ones."

I stare at him for four or five seconds, processing what little conversation that had been exchanged between the both of us. My lips twitch. Then that twitch turned into a smile, that smile turned into a grin. And in no time, both of us were cracking up and even though I so badly needed to cough, I didn't. I didn't, because then that would ruin the little moment of happiness I had finally achieved since before that stupid fire.

After we had both calmed down from the laughter, we sat there. Almost content. The reason I say almost is because I can see him starting to fidget. I guess he wanted answers, but he was either too shy to ask or he just couldn't manage all his questions enough to know what to ask first.

"I'm guessing you want to know why I was sleeping under the tree in the first place?" He looks at me with a hesitant expression.

"I...if you wouldn't mind" I give him a small nod and all of a sudden my mouth just couldn't stop. I started from the fire, to the hospital and then finally to Harpers place last night. I explained my emotions, everything. And the best part was that he listened. He listened and didn't even interrupt me once with a smart remark or comment. Who is this boy? Why do I feel so open to him? Is he being fake or is this the real him?