
A huge smack across the face, leaving me with a handprint on my face.

He just chuckles at me as he watches me wince slightly before glaring.

"I can't believe that you actually believed you could just....sneak in" the Italian guy smirks, taking this as a stupid game.

"I can't believe you think I actually care" I grin, I then spit onto him and smile"Ellas vienen por mi, sucio bastardo"

(They are coming for me, you dirty bastard)

He chuckles darkly before placing his hand under my chin, "you're in for a treat"

I lean forward slightly and smile, "you're going to have to try, because so far I'm falling asleep"

He pushes me back against the chair as I giggle to myself, clearly getting on his nerves as I'm not at all bothered.

The plan was simple, I creep in and keep em busy while Ethan gets his guys in position.

He steps back to his small table of tools and holds up a file, "do you know what's in this?"

"Hmmm, I don't know. Your pornographic photos? God, I should've known you're a pedophile" I say, being completely disgusted by the very idea.

"No" he says emotionless and shoves the file into my face.

"You think I believe this?" I ask him, then start to laugh.

"It's what our doctor said, how exactly can you say no to that?" He asks while tilting his head to the side.

"You know, there is a reason why your wife left you" I smirk out as his face drops and he grips his fists together, giving them a loud click.

"And this is the reason your children are going to be fatherless" he grins at me, leaning in slowly to annoy me more.

I cringe, "god, I knew I smelt onions somewhere. Or is it dog shit? I have no idea! Hey, guard dude, is it shit or his breathe?"

The guard bites his lip to stop himself from laughing and the Italian guy shoots him in the leg.

"Now that was uncalled for" I pout slightly.

"No wonder your father wanted to drop dead" he sighs while rolling his eyes, I flinch and he smiles knowing he has gotten somewhere, "or was it because of your mother? Cause he sure did kill her"

"Stop it"

"What if someday your kids watch you get murdered by Ethan?"

"I said stop!" I trash around slightly.

"I mean, history is doomed to repeat itself; he isn't here for you right now—he's probably treating your daughter the same way your father did to you." He smirks at me as he walks around his table and picking up a weapon, "or maybe...he's beating the shit out of her"

I look up slowly and smile, "sorry kiddo, I believe the only bad parent you, how old is your son now? 4? He must be walking and talking without you, your wife-sorry ex wife-must be raising him well"

His jaw slicks before we hear a bunch of gun shots in the background.

"Maybe it's the FBI for your pedo- ass" I smirk before pushing my chair backwards and breaking it.

I stand up quickly and block of his arms that went to hit me, "you should've killed me when you had the chance"

"Careful now love, wouldn't want to hurt the baby"

"I think that it'll be proud that I'm kicking your ass, if I am pregnant anyways" I think over it slightly before kicking the gun away from his hand and grabbing a knife off of the 'toys' table.

I stab him in the shoulder before attempting to run out of the room.

"ETHAN!!" I scream out loudly so he can hear me.

The guy slams me down to the ground and smirks as he drags me towards him, using my foot.

I trash against him, trying to kick and punch anywhere and he holds me up against him and presses a gun to my head.

I whimper slightly and watch as Ethan appears in eye sight.

"Ethan Knight, what a pleasure" my capture says, a smirk clearly dancing on his face.

"Romondo Wilson" Ethan breathes out and meets my eyes, nodding slightly to see if I'm okay.

I let out a small snort, "Romondo?!"

"Shut it princess" Wilson warns as he presses the gun more against my head, adding extra pressure.

"Okay, okay." Ethan begins to reason, "let her go and take this up with me instead"

"Why? Your little princess and you have ruined my life! And this little bundle inside her is going to die alongside its mother" he threatens and Ethan try's not to be bothered about the fact he just found out that I'm supposedly pregnant again.

"Please" Ethan half-begs, knowing consequences.

"Sorry princess, I guess he isn't your knight after all" romondo whispers before shooting aiming his gun at Ethan and shooting.

Ethan guys the ground as I let out an ear curling scream.

"Any words? Before you join him and leave little Lizzie with me" he asks me, before turning me around to face him.

"Yes" I breathe out, "no soy tu jodida princesa"

(I'm not your fucking princess)

I knee him in the crotch and he groans slightly before I grab his shoulders and head butt him, causing me a headache but causing him to hold his head in pain.

I step back and kick his gun out of his hand before grabbing it.

I shoot his leg so he can't move and run over to Ethan, grabbing his ear piece.

"BENJY!" I shout down it, "we're near the ball room, Ethan's been shot... please hurry, I've got Romondo"

Romondo grunts and I see him holding his leg while trying to crawl backwards.

I kick his arm, causing him to stumble back onto the floor.

"Ethan unconscious and you shot him, I only think it's fair" I state before aiming the gun at him, "Don't worry, your family will be better without you. Considering what you did to that child's parents"

I shoot him in the arm and then his other leg, "that's for Elizabeth and Marie"

I shoot him again in the gut, "that's for Benjamin and Ethan"

Next, I aim the gun at his head, "and this is for me"

Two shots and the worlds second best mafia boss is dead on the ground.

I stumble over to Ethan before falling down and holding my hand over his wound, trying to help the best I can.

My mouth opens on its own accord and I let out a painful scream.