October 8th 1979
It was three in the morning when it was finally time. A young little boy was born in St Mungo's, London. He had clear blue eyes and a few strands of dark brown or black hair. It was hard to tell when there was so little hair to look at after all. He was held by a young woman in her twenties. Considering this was the boy's mother, he'd most likely grow up to have some attractive traits at the least.
She had a heart shaped face with well-defined cheekbones. Even though this probably wasn't the best moment to judge her looks considering she just birthed a child, one could clearly see her beauty through the sweat and tears. Her long brown hair hung over her shoulders. Her blue eyes were filled with tears of joy as she handed the boy over to his father.
The man entered with a stoic appearance but as soon as the door was closed and the couple were alone with their baby, he dropped the stoic face and fell to his knees next to the hospital bed.
The man showed a wide smile as he kissed his wife several times before picking up his son to take a look at him. Struggles for generations brought them to this. This boy was the start of change he thought.
The man hoped his son would look more like his mother than himself. The father was a slender man in his late twenties. He had short jet-black curly hair in a kind of bowl cut. His face was almost completely rectangular, and his eyes looked gaunt almost as if he had starved for long.
The man never understood how he managed to convince the beautiful woman lying in front of him to marry him.
For a few years he was afraid she only "liked" him because of the plan their grandparents had for them but nowadays he knew that wasn't true. They were truly and hopelessly in love, and now that a bundle of joy had been brought to them they'd shower it with that love and hope it would be able to live without any of the disadvantages they'd encountered in their life.
Onyx Grey, first of his name and family, was the culmination of a plan set about 50 years earlier in the Gryffindor common room.
~~~50,5 YEARS EARLIER~~~
April 8th 1929
A meeting had been called by one of the prefects. Invitations, however, were only handed to muggleborns and the head girl. As Gryffindor was the house, tied with Hufflepuff, with most muggleborns, quite a crowd was assembled in the common room when the clock struck seven times.
At that time the head girl stood up and asked the prefect "What is the meaning of this? Why have you gathered all of the muggleborns in our house and no one else? Is this about Mr. Pollux Black again? Because I swear, I'm doing all I can to keep him off."
The prefect put her hand up to keep the head girl quiet. "Not this time Minerva. I have gathered you all here because I'm tired of seeing muggleborn treated like they're worth less than the filth under people's shoes! Because of that I've used my own contacts to assist you."
She shoved a tall, seemingly rather shy boy, to the middle of the group and waited for him to speak.
He cleared his throat. "A-As Ms. Prewett here said, she has given us a chance here. With her help, and a couple of others.." He gestured to a couple of other seventh years behind him. "I, Jasper Smith, have started an organization with a very specific goal."
He now stood up straighter and puffed his chest out to show he meant business. That this was truly something he believed in. "As you all can tell, the power is all in the hand of the "pure-blooded" or the insanely rich half-bloods with pure-blood connections.
To make any kind of change to this we need people on the inside, and not just kind hearted people like Ms. Prewett here" He gave the prefect a gentle smile and she nodded back at him to continue while he had everyone's attention.
"We need someone without any kind of history to make a path for us. We need a true representative of our people."
He took another step forward. Now his voice was filled with passion. The people who heard him felt like every word spoken, spoke right to their souls. It was as if his voice was magical, which it very much might have been.
"I have started an organization to gather up all talented, hard working muggleborns and make sure they meet each other. I'll even gather people from all around the world for this project! I intend for us to create new pure-bloods, or simply new-bloods." These words made a few people uneasy in the room, and so he clarified.
"I don't intend to force anyone's choice and everyone's free to just join the celebrations we will have or go to meetings. I'll never force anyone to marry someone else, let the pure-bloods have that to themselves.."
Jasper paused for a short while to let that remain clear in their heads. "I will, however, make sure you meet people in the same situation as you. If you happen to fall for someone there, I'll place your children in the next generation of the project. Still not forcing anyone.
The first gathering will be this summer and I hope you'll all make it. Just to try it out." Having said his piece he bowed to the crowd.
"We're called the NBP. The New Blood Project. We'll gather in a location to be announced in your invitation in a few weeks." With that said he left the room with his gang. Leaving a group of very intrigued crowd of young people.
Most of them knew the struggles he spoke of. Muggleborns rarely got any of the better jobs. The ministry barely even hired half bloods!
You can't start a new shop or business without a permit and getting that without pure blood connections is incredibly hard. Even Hogwarts was biased, not even the Muggle Studies professor had ever been a muggleborn.
You'll have trouble finding work at all in the wizarding world which is why many return to the muggle world after Hogwarts, get a little muggle education and then go from there. Some stay in contact with the magical world but many lose it altogether.
Only Gringotts have no disregard towards muggleborn however that probably has to do with the fact that they generally don't like any wizard no matter the blood.
There was also the case of security. You're not allowed to have a heavily warded house unless you get a permit for it. With talk of another uprising, protection would be great for those with all muggle families.
All this added with the fact that if a muggleborn gets together with a muggle the risk of squibs is incredibly high, made several around the room seriously consider this plan. Most of them had already heard of Grindelwald's plans but maybe slow and steady was the way to go.