That summer, Jasper Smith had managed to invite hundreds from all around the world in the ages of 15 to 32 in the same position. Most other countries worked the same way with the same kind of discrimination.
There were groups from India, Egypt, Ghana, Turkey, France, Sweden, England, Brazil, Cuba, the US etc. As this was the first time, his standard wasn't all that high. When the group had established he would start to only call in the most brilliant minds to make sure they know each other.
Maybe he'd even find someone himself after a while, he did after all fit into that bill. Jasper was one of the best students of his year, especially in some regards.
There was a reason for only picking the best ones. There was one argument the pure-bloods were correct in. Magic was in the blood. Powerful magics especially, was often handed down through generations.
Old established families even had specializations in their magics which is why they have an easy time getting a job in that area, added to the fact that they have connections.
If Jasper could gather the best muggleborn witches and wizards and have them fall in love then maybe the eventual new blooded offspring could be incredibly gifted.
After the first year he had drawn the attention of a certain Grindelwald. Jasper met with the guy and clearly understood why people followed him.
He exuded magic, and it wasn't an oppressive one. It felt so refreshing and yet so powerful. Gellert Grindelwald had taken an interest in Jasper's plans and although he didn't agree with his slow planning he figured he'd help the young boy.
He knew Jasper needed some help and decided to guide him through some spells to keep him, his family and his organization safe. Since Jasper was just out of school and no family to give him guidance, he didn't know many powerful spells.
For the next few months no one in England heard from Jasper until one day there was a new invite, but this time it was to a lecture. A lecture on the culture of the wizarding world, specifically the one in England.
The invites were spelled to act as a portkey as soon as you accepted and so, one by one people arrived at their seats in an enormous lecture hall.
The walls of the hall were filled with what looked like religious depictions but to most of their surprises it wasn't of any Christian god or tales. It was feats of great magics accompanied by several spirit looking people.
At the center of the stage stood Jasper, next to a middle-aged man with Black uncontrollable hair. Many recognized him for he was the front figure of the newer administration in the Wizengamot, the governing body of the wizarding state in Britain.
Henry Potter stood on that stage, speaking amicably to Jasper. The ones in the crowd from Jasper's class wondered how they knew each other but before they had time to think for long, Jasper left the stage for Henry.
Henry put a hand through his hair as he was known to always do, not that it in any way made his hair form the way he wanted.
"Hello, you wonderful people, I'm Henry Potter. My new friend Jasper over there," He gentured towards Jasper. "has asked me to guide you all through the traditions of the wizarding world and also our faith." This had peaked their interest. The magical world had its own culture but seemed unwilling to teach it to outsiders which made sure they remained as such.
Henry went on to explain that the wizarding faith more seemed pagan to a muggle. The main faiths all circled around the origins of magic and if the magic of people is specifically different than the magic in a plant.
He explained that they usually don't celebrate Christmas, Halloween or easter etc. But more the summer and winter solstice. Yule, Samhain, Ostara took their place and that they can often be celebrated accompanied with a small ritual as many rituals are more powerful on those occasions.
He didn't go on to explain proper etiquette because that can be taught from any old book, but he did explain the difference in peerage between families and how some were inherently better at some magics than others.
The lecture lasted for hours and many engaged and asked Henry plenty of questions to specify what he meant at different points. It wasn't all that easy for him to explain everything as he had never explained it to someone outside of those circles where it was normal before.
In the end it all went well and Jasper intended to start hosting celebrations at the major holidays. Now that he had landed a job as a curse breaker at Gringotts he had an easier time renting large locales from them for those celebrations.
Two years went by and Jasper, with the help of three friends, always kept up with the grades of all muggleborns across the world. It wasn't that hard since grades were public record and the muggleborns were specifically noted down in those records. Normally that would make him mad for the separation but it helped his cause.
Each holiday they held massive celebrations and would soon hold a Yule ball. Jasper had noticed that many of the regulars had actually taken a fancy to each other and soon the first child of the project would be born in Sweden. He himself hadn't found anyone and he didn't expect to find anyone any time soon considering how busy he is.
That thought, however, came too soon. That specific Yule ball, a certain American girl came who hadn't accepted any invites the last few years and he instantly took note of her.
She had been a very interesting case. Incredibly gifted and stubborn. She kept on trying and trying to get her point across on the other side of the ocean but eventually, apparently, decided to give this a chance.
Jasper walked up to greet her and the rest is history. The two were both incredibly passionate and as soon as she found out he was the one behind it all, she wanted in.
Two months later she had moved to England, into the same apartment as Jasper. One month later they started living in the same room as they finally admitted they wanted something more. Three years later, they were in St. Mungo's and the next chapter had begun. Opal Smith was born.
The New Blood Project was now running smoothly. The meetings never stopped and now Jasper had even started new meeting specifically for the children of the project.
The first generation born into the project had to know eachother, Jasper thought, and so they did. They grew up together. Many forming deep bonds of friendship and more.
Through the years many were lost from the project. Either due to the wars across the globe or due to lack of interest. Eventually though, the first children in the second generation of the project were born. They were few, very few, as many of the first generation didn't want to be a part of the project. It was after all their choice.
Soon we arrive at the current point in time. Agate Smith and Darren Boyle had just birthed one of the three new-blood families of their world.
It was to be named Grey, mainly to spite the house of Black, in the UK. Gray, in the US, and finally Anguillin for the Swedish family. These three were the only three couples who've currently lasted to make a child of the third generation.
The reason they were allowed to choose the names themselves was due to them not having any relations at all to other known families so there was no name for the pure-blooded child to take. Usually a pure-blooded offspring of half-bloods would take one of the names from its ancestry but since it's impossible they all were allowed to create now houses and this made the news all across the world.
The world was "aware" of the project in the sense that they knew it existed but didn't think it had actually succeeded in its TRUE goal. Many only assumed it existed to help muggleborns, which was in actuality just a great bonus.
Instantly the goblins received notice of a need to create new heir and lord rings and so sent out notices to the new families where they requested a design for their house emblem.
The three families had already agreed that they would all have the rune Othalan representing heritage and tradition on their emblem as well as an animal of their choosing.
Agate and Darren had chosen to represent their family with a great white Owl as a symbol of vigilance and patience. It also served to make comparisons to the Raven the house of Black uses. The design would be a shimmering white owl with a dark background with three runes. Othalan, for heritage, Tiwaz, for honor, and Raidho, for movement.
Onyx Grey was born as the first of his house. With high expectations, an expansive organization looking to him for hope.