Childhood Part 1: Execute The Plans

Soon little Onyx was brought home and it took no longer than half an hour before Jasper appeared to greet his great grandson. He entered through the fireplace and as his eyes reached the boy, Jasper's eyes were filled with tears.

To imagine that his own blood would be in one of the first three children. The three were all born within a week and Jasper hadn't even had the time to start planning for meet ups.

Seeing the young Onyx brought those thoughts out of his head though. Even though the project was important and he had spent all of his time and resources to make it happen, this boy was his own blood. He couldn't think of him simply as a success.

One part of Jasper instantly wanted to test the boy's magic for any kind of specialization or affinity but he quickly pushed those thoughts aside as he picked him up.

"Oh beloved Onyx. Many have struggled to reach this point. But no matter the outcome I'm just glad you're here my little boy" Jasper smiled at Onyx and looked into his eyes. They were so clear. Almost too blue to be true. He kissed the boy on his forehead and Onyx responded with a cheerful sound. Jasper gave the boy back to his mother, Jasper's granddaughter, and quickly left to start making plans.

After all, these were troublesome times for anyone connected to a muggleborn movement. He had to make sure they'd be safe and now the boy would not only be getting himself an Heir ring, but also a warded house. A house with the only heir to a pure-blood family could not be without protection after all.

Jasper grinned as he entered Gringotts for the first time in a while. Having retired a couple of years ago, he rarely had business to do there personally anymore.

Jasper walked up to an old Goblin he knew since many years ago. The goblin was shorter than even most of his own kind and had a sunken face, almost stuck in constant gloom but Jasper approached him with the widest of smiles.

"Ahh, good old Bruug. I have come here today with excellent news!" The goblin simply sneered at him, not in a contemptuous way, but just as a strange greeting. Without looking up from his papers he answered. "And what might that be? Has your wife figured out she deserves better?"

Jasper laughed loudly, a thing one usually wouldn't do in the main hall. "No, not yet anyway. Any day now. But today I had the privilege to meet my great grandson. He is the owner of the ring you will probably have heard of."

The goblin looked up at him slightly shocked and almost gave Jasper a smile. He knew of Jasper's project; he had been told about it over forty years ago by Jasper himself. To know that he finally succeeded made him feel a bit of joy for his old fellow curse-breaker and warder.

"Congratulations then. I take it you wish to start the next step of your plan instantly. What address shall I send the team to? Shall we get started on a family tome? Do you wish to test the boy, or shall we wait for later?"

Jasper was taken aback with how much Bruug had remembered. He had remembered the goblin with fond memories but was always uncertain if it was the same for him. Despite there not being even a small smile on Bruug's lips or even a cheerful tone of his voice, Jasper knew that his old friend truly meant his first response.

Gathering himself for a second before he spoke, Jasper looked at the goblin and smiled.

"Thank you, old friend. It means a lot. I won't have him tested until he experiences his first accidental magic, but the rest will get started instantly." He handed over a note with the address. "Don't be afraid of the costs. I may not have much money, but I have many investors willing to part with a few galleons for the culmination of our struggles. Say your price after the work is done."

Jasper then put his hand in his pocket and brought out a small notebook. "While the lads sort that out, why don't we get started on this tome of ours? Some family magic will do the boy some good in the future!"

A few hours later, goblins and a few witches turned up at the house. It was located in Old Alresford. It was an old farmhouse and when they finally got it warded it'll probably turn into that again but with different animals and plants than before.

The place was a large brick house with far too many rooms to keep track of. It hadn't even been magically made larger yet. They had intended for this to be a gathering place for the future. A kind of legacy in the house of Grey.

The family only moved in a couple of months ago when they realized that Agate was pregnant, and the plans were rushed a bit.

With the place warded, the family relaxed. Once they had calmed down and stabilized their world once more, they'd start working on what they'd fill the farm with but those thoughts were for another day.

Currently they were too busy just looking at their baby boy, he had finally fallen asleep. He wasn't particularly loud but his eyes were always filled with energy and it was difficult for the parents to take their eyes or even minds off him for even a second. They almost forgot to eat after all.

During the following months they got used to their situation. Agate quickly started recovering from childbirth and Darren had started filling the farm and surrounding forests. He had chosen to be a supplier of wand woods.

Considering the house signet he considered being an owl breeder and trainer as well but hadn't gotten around to it. Care of magical creatures was more his wife's thing than his. Darren also chose to have a portion of the farm dedicated to muggle fruits, curious what affect a constant barrage of magic had upon the fruits.

He imported several types of trees for his forestry area. All from Alder and Ash to Walnut and Cherry trees. He was particularly happy to have gotten his hands on a Japanese cherry tree said to grow to be incredibly beautiful.

Darren also got some bowtuckles from a connection through his father to protect the particularly powerful trees. Now all they needed was some love. And by that he means personal care and magic, and lots of it. He had high hopes that at least some of his new trees would be able to make good wand wood.

Only a year later, Darren saw some bowtruckles making a nest by a couple of the trees. To his surprise and amusement, the ones with the most attention from the small creatures were the Japanese cherry tree and a walnut tree he had been gifted by a muggle once when he told them about a fascination with mighty trees.

The trees were however not the biggest event to occur that year either, little Onyx had started to not only walk but also talk. Well, not actually talk, but at the very least make himself understood. Mainly he just asked for his mother to come to his side and show him some pretty magic.

The largest event of the family however was that Agate had gotten pregnant once more and a few months later, April 30th 1981, a baby girl was born with glowing green eyes, a bit like her father but much more lively. She was named Emerald, nicknamed Em or Emma.

Half a year later they heard some magnificent news, although unbelievable. "The boy who lived" was on everyone's lips. The time to stop hiding had arrived.