Childhood Part 7: Jimmy Kiddell's Wonderful Wands

The man sure fit the description of little, but not in the way Onyx had imagined. He imagined a young man but instead he saw a person he could almost guess was part goblin because of his height but he had no other features.

The man walked up a couple of steps to get to eye level with the family. With a raspy dry voice he spoke "And who might this one be? I did hear about a new family but hardly did I think my services were necessary for such a new house."

Onyx was surprised. It almost seemed like he didn't want any work from them. Onyx handed over the piece of paper from Ollivander and the man he could only assume was Jimmy started wheezing in his laugh. Onyx didn't understand but was soon showed to the back of the room. He couldn't believe what he saw.

It was an incredible workshop and Onyx felt the powerful bonds in the making in that room. On one side of the room were the cores lined up in shelves and on the other side sat large wood stumps of all sizes and colours. He had no idea there were so many kinds. Now he felt it. He knew what it was from before. It was the wood he was feeling. He walked up to the piece of walnut and recognized the feeling.

Jimmy scrutinized the boy as he walked up and felt two pieces of wood. "What are you doing boy?" He almost yelled out and Onyx jumped a feet up in the air "Just feeling the magic Sir Kiddell!" This had Jimmy's eyes widening and that's when he noticed Jasper. He recognized the old man and looked at him questioningly receiving only a nod as response. "Well which ones do you like then?"

Onyx didn't hesitate and point at the Walnut and one of the cherry woods "Those two, though I prefer the ones at home." To this Jimmy looked at the father, Darren, and he answered

"We have some forestry with wand wood at home, we haven't found a buyer in England yet though. Two of our most spectacular ones are our walnut and a specific type of cherry" This had the man very excited. "Excellent. Let's get through the core as well before we discuss my visit to your forestry

What just happened? Jimmy had just invited himself over to their house as if it was nothing, but Jasper stopped Darren from saying anything about it. Because his father remained quiet, Onyx didn't respond and just walked over to the wand cores.

He felt them call out to him, as if seeking company. The magic of a heart is still strong for a while after the death of its owner. After spending a bit of time among the cores, Onyx finally turned towards the wand maker.

"I can't feel a connection to a single one of them. Its at if they want to connect but can't, especially that one right there" He said and pointed to the tail hair of a unicorn. The wand maker sighed as he'd have to bring in the big artillery. It was at this moment Agate showed up "How's it going Onny? Found your match yet?"

Onyx looked gloomily and walked over to his mother. "No. Nothing seems to fit just right. If only it could just happen like it happened with Rufus here" He bent down and scratched his little fox behind its ears and then he turned back towards Kiddell only to see him staring down at Rufus. "That…That's no ordinary fox is it?"

Agate smiled at the man "No he certainly isn't. Highly magical and bound to my little Onny here. Why?" Jimmy responded with a little laugh. "I think you don't quite understand how special he is. I for one was unable to see him at all until you pointed him out. It seems he has powers you don't realize." And that's when the idea struck him. He thought through how to ask this.

While Jimmy was thinking, Onyx looked at Rufus with pure joy at how special his friend was. The fox had never hidden from the family but that ability does explain why no one in Diagon thought it odd that a Fox was following him around.

"I have an idea. I'm not certain you'll agree to it.." This had caught Jasper's interest and so he nodded for Kiddell to continue. "I might be able to…Make a core out of, Rufus was it?" Onyx nodded "His tail. Only a piece of it. I have a feeling it could make a proper core for your wand, if he's willing to part with the tip of it for you, that is."

Onyx looked angry at the thought of hurting Rufus for his own gain and walked up to Kiddell only for the fox to jump in between them. Onyx knew. He knew Rufus would do anything for him. He also knew there'd be no problem connecting to a piece of Rufus as he was already a perfect match with the rest of him.

Onyx jut didn't like the thought of Rufus sacrificing anything for him. He bent down at the knees and patted his fox. The anger slowly disappearing from Onyx's face. "Alright. He'll do it. But don't take any more than you need, I don't want him to lose half his tail."

Jimmy was excited. It had been long since he last tried making a core out of a new animal. The last few times he had failed but his instincts told him that this fox was special enough to get a fairly decent core out of. He wouldn't know the properties of it at all though.

These were the thoughts going through his mind as he put Rufus up on the table and cut off the tip of his tail. The fox remained quiet. Jimmy couldn't understand it. The only reaction from the fox was that his claws entered the table, other than that he simply held on until Jimmy sealed the wound.

After the wound was sealed, Jimmy placed his hand on Rufus's chest and with a small incantation bound the small piece of tail to the fox's magic and to Jimmy's fascination, there was no problem at all.

The entire progress worked out very nicely and the piece of fox tail was placed in a jar for storing until he began making the wand itself. As there was no more he could do at this time, it was time for the family to leave.

They decided that Kiddell would come to their property that same afternoon. He would not only inspect the trees but perhaps aid in cutting down a few trees if he was willing to pay for them. Especially if he thought some could be used for Rufus's wand.


When Onyx got home he felt a mixture of emotions. He was happy about all of the shopping before but the core bit left him uneasy. On one hand he loved Rufus for sacrificing a part of himself for him. On the other hand he was angry at himself because he pushed Rufus into that situation.

He spent the following hour with Rufus on his lap until Emma showed up and sat next to him. She looked at him expectantly for a while before saying "Well? Will you give me some tips then?"

Onyx had completely forgot about their deal after everything else that happened, but was of course going to follow through. He smiled at her. "To begin with, you have to start talking to people."

Emma looked down at the ground, she knew that bit. "I know you have a hard time with strangers but you can't expect people to just walk up to you at all times, sometimes you have to make an effort." She nodded gently and Onyx placed his arm around her shoulder.

"If you were to show your classmates anything near the girl I see you as, I just know they'd love to get to know you better." Emma blushed a little and answered "Thanks. But I hardly think I'm very special at all. I just wish I had your calming smile.." She took a look at him "See? Just taking a glance already calms me down. I wish you could be there to help me talk to them. You have it so much easier.."

Onyx sighed. "You know I can't do that. I can't always be at your side. But tell you what? Focus on one at first. Focus on Georgia. She's actually quite smart, she's just acting that way because she thinks it'll make life easier for her."

Emma looked surprised. "Georgia? But she's never even opened any books. She goes on and on about how she doesn't want to spend all days at school but wants to be outdoors doing stupid things.." Onyx placed his hand on her head and smiled at her.

"Just give it a shot. Tell me how it goes after a week of trying." Emma reluctantly agreed and it was at that moment their father came out and interrupted them. "Mr Kiddell has arrived and wants to see you Onyx. I don't think I'll have to tell you to bring Rufus."