Childhood part 8: Onyx's Training

Kiddell barely even greeted the boy before asking him to show him the trees. He seemed very interested to see specific ones "So, Mr. Grey, do you have any you think I should be interested in?" Onyx was clearly being tested but he just couldn't figure out why, so he went to show him some of the better trees.

There were a couple of oak trees, a few willows and then finally he lead the wand maker to the best trees around. The walnuts and the cherries were by far the most powerful and out of all those trees one of each stuck out even more.

Kiddell seemed to smile all throughout. Not just at the prospect of the wand wood but he smiled at Onyx several times when he explained the feeling he got from the trees. But when he was finally showed the cherry tree he stood still and started feeling the wood.

"This one.." Onyx looked at Kiddell and wondered if he would buy it. Onyx was a bit sad his favourite tree would get cut down but perhaps it could serve a great purpose in the future.

Kiddell looked right into the boy's eyes "I know how to make your wand now. Lead me back to your father to discuss business." Onyx nodded and started to walk back to the house before he was stopped once more "But I do have one question for you. How would you like to see your wand being formed?"

This got Onyx excited. Wand making was always done behind closed doors. It was always a quiet business and to be able to watch a master at hand was a possibility he simply couldn't say no to. He nodded with a wide smile "I'd love to, Mr. Kiddell". Jimmy nodded "Jimmy'll do for you. Now lets hurry back before it gets dark." And so Onyx started increasing the pace.

When Darren heard that Onyx was invited to watch the wand maker the following day, he was thrilled for the boy. This could open up possibilities for him. Maybe he could use his gifts for something special in the future instead of just helping him grow some trees.

That night, Onyx didn't get very much sleep but as Rufus felt this, he acted like he always did when needed. He cuddled up closely and tried to calm Onyx down.

The following morning Onyx was sent to Diagon alley alone, except for Rufus. He entered the wand store thrilled of the prospect ahead of him. "Come back here Grey!" And when he got behind the curtains, he saw a large piece of both the cherry tree and the walnut tree with the jar of Rufus's tail piece all on the main worktable. Kiddell waved him over to stand beside him as he started shaping the blocks of wood.

Onyx watched as he carved and somehow melded the wood as if it were plastic or warm glass. Eventually two very soft pieces remained and Kiddell placed the piece of tail in between them before he started twirling the two wood pieces around it.

While in his hands he looked intensely at the pieces and mumbled some words Onyx was completely unable to pick up. Soon you couldn't see any part of the tail and only a swirly piece of wood remained. Kiddell etched a few runes into the handle before making the finishing touches and then there it was.

Onyx stared at the wand. It was beautiful. He had never seen or felt a better wand. The walnut and cherry woods had half blended, but you could see them swirl up the shaft. The handle itself was quite exquisite with a pattern he recognized from what used to be the tip of Rufus's tail.

He reached out for it and Kiddell looked at him with anticipation. The wand called out for him. Not out of desperation but more like an old friend or family member would call out someone they had missed for a long time. It felt so comfortable and utterly perfect. When it was in his hand, the wand shone a beautiful crimson from the tip and the room was filled with a sense of warm gentle magic.

Kiddell started laughing "Excellent. That one will do you well in the future." Onyx barely heard him. He was busy with his wand. It truly felt like something he always had with him.

After a few moments he started thinking about where he was, and why he was there. He looked towards the man who created this masterpiece. "Why? Why did you show me this?" As Kiddell squinted his eyes Onyx felt like he had to explain "I will always he grateful you did, I just want to know why."

Kiddell took a few seconds to figure out how to explain himself. "You're a very special boy Onyx. Not only are you the first of your name, but you possess certain..qualities that made me want to take a look at you."

This confused Onyx and it was clear for Kiddell to see and so he started explaining. "How many people do you think can just 'sense' which trees are magical?" Onyx's eyes widened and he held his breath "How many people do you think can just 'sense' the possible bonds even before they're created?" Onyx stayed silent.

"I can tell you. Very, Very few people. I can't even just do that and I do it for a living. Usually I have to perform rituals to see it or use incantation for them to become clear to me. When I create wands, the runes on my table guides me." Onyx really wondered where he was going with this argument and as he remained silent Kiddell sighed.

"What I'm getting to is that I want to ask you if you'd be willing to learn under me. If you'd like to see me as your master of the trade." Onyx teared up, to think someone would be willing to share family and trade secrets with him, a young boy. He couldn't understand why Jimmy'd just give his secrets up. He had been taught how people held their family secrets incredibly close to heart.

"Why Mr. Kiddell? Why would you just give up your secrets?" He barely managed to get the words out sounding proper like they should. He didn't want to sound like an emotional child. Kiddell looked into the brilliant blue eyes in front of him

"Because I have no one to give the secrets to. I'm the last of my family and I'd like my trade to continue. The wand making will only deteriorate if 'Ollivander'" he said the name with clear disdain "can continue without any competitor and when I see what you can do. I get excited for the future of wands. I'm excited to see what you could create one day." Kiddell smiled widely at the boy and his words seemed to have the desired effect.

Onyx gave him a deep bow "I'd be Honoured, Master Kiddell." Jimmy gave a hearty laugh "Stand up straight boy. And don't you remember? Just Jimmy will be fine for you, at least when we're alone." Onyx stood up with glistering eyes and a toothy grin "Of course Master Jimmy. When do we begin?"

Jimmy sighed. "Right away. I've already told your father. I'd like you to start getting some control. You might not be able to use magic at home, but in a magical village you're allowed to, if you're under supervision of a master and" He pointed at himself "as your master I'd be willing to watch over your training." Jimmy had to lead an overly excited young boy down to his basement.

"I will focus on control until you start school. I won't teach you many spells, perhaps I'll let you practise some your parents give you, but I'll only guide you through control this year." Onyx gave him a bow "I'd be honoured for any help at all. All I know is the theory."

Jimmy smiled "Excellent. We'll start with lumos." Flicked his wand and spoke 'Lumos!' and the wand lit up the entire room. The room was very long and thin. Onyx could see lines on the ground measuring out every half meter, they were shining with clear magical properties.

"In here you'll learn the basic two spells Lumos and Nox. And then you'll learn to be able to perfectly control your output. I'll say four meters and then I want that line to be the last visible. Eventually we'll increase the difficulty but for now this will work out well."

As he said this he decreased the light until only the lines until the four meter one could be seen and then he looked at the boy "Do you understand?" He responded instantly "Yes, master Jimmy." And so they got started.