Childhood Part 9: Neville's Predicament

The following months Onyx spent quite a few afternoons in that dark basement. After getting the amount of light under a certain control, Jimmy had him start directing the light. By march he was standing in the middle of the room with lines drawn in a circle around him looking like a clock.

He was supposed to only illuminate one of the lines and not the surrounding circle or other lines. It was an incredibly tedious endeavour but being able to clearly see how improved his control got made him happy.

He had started his control of his mind earlier but with Jimmy's help he got that more under control as well. Onyx didn't want to control his emotions though, as he felt like that was like restricting himself or manipulating his own personality. He used it to improve his memory and to create certain protections. Occlumency was what the magic was called and although he certainly was no prodigy, he was now good enough to be able to at the very least sense when someone tried to enter his mind.

Aside from his training with Master Jimmy, he had been spending quite a bit of time trying to train their new fox cubs. Each generation looked less like the original foxes and soon they'd have to come up with a name for the new magical race. By now the foxes were wine red with dark, almost black lines on their tails and faces. Their tails had grown longer, much longer and their bodies overall as well.

The foxes appeared to have certain magical properties also. They could hide their presence perfectly making hunting very easy, but the thing that spoke most to wizards and witches is that they were very smart creatures with a tendency to form real bonds with humans.

To think his Rufus was the start of this. His mother had gone to some pet stores to sell a couple of them during the last year and they had been a hit with some of the older magical folks. For some reason the interest was a lot more prominent in France and Spain than in England.

Perhaps in a few years he'd see some more in Hogwarts, if they start accepting them that is. Currently only Cats, Frogs and Owls are accepted but that feels so dated and boring, one day he'd try to change that.

Speaking of change, after speaking more and more to his father and Jasper about the plans laid out for him and the other house heirs, he had started seeing more and more things in society he wanted to change. He wanted to change the order of things and although he perhaps didn't see himself becoming a full-time politician, he had to find ways of getting some influence.

Speaking of influence, the family had made quite a bit of money in the last decade. After they had sold their first few logs to Jimmy, they had been contacted by wand makers around the world. The reputation had apparently been spread by Jimmy. Their walnut trees especially were spreading and the cherry seemed incredibly interesting to people back in Asia where it originated.

Not only the forestry had gone well. Almost all of the family's funds gathered for the last three generations was being used by Jasper to buy parts of businesses around the wizarding world. They had made a hefty profit back and by now there was a large vault awaiting Onyx and his sister when they came of age.

Speaking of his sister. Little Emma had now grown fairly close to Georgia, her first real friend. They were more similar than she had realized. Onyx of course was glad, but also had a bit of 'I told you so' about him.

In a year it'd be her time to get a wand and she simply couldn't wait after hearing that Onyx had begun his training ahead of time. She kept dreaming about her life at Hogwarts. Perhaps making new friends now that she had learnt to open up a bit more, but it wouldn't be easy.

Speaking of friends. Onyx had met up with Neville quite a few times after that day. The boy had a sixth sense for plants and they could easily bond over the forestry and their garden. The two boys tended to spend most of their days outside chatting about everything and nothing.

They had talked about what it was like being in their position with all of the pressure they weren't so sure they could handle. Neville was the heir of a really old house and being the son of a great person, he felt a pressure to become like his father. This pressure really culminated when he one day showed up to Onyx's with a wand.

Of course Onyx felt that something was off with the bond instantly but as his father told him to start keeping his secrets closer to his heart he initially didn't tell Neville. After a few weeks though, he came to the conclusion that it was time.

"Neville.." The now slightly less tubby boy stood up from watering some plants and looked over at his friend "Yeah? What is it?" Onyx hesitated. What would his father think about this? Sure he liked Neville as well but would he trust him like Onyx did?

A few seconds later Neville put the watering can down and walked up to Onyx "Is there something on your mind?" Onyx looked down and pointed at Neville's wand. "That. It isn't yours, is it?" That question was not something Neville had expected. He had never told Onyx about the fact that it was his father's wand. How did he figure it out? Did it look worn? But he had taken care of it so well, polishing it each day.

Eventually Neville responded "It was my father's, but my grandma told me it might help me with becoming more like him so she gave it to me. Why?" Onyx straightened his back and looked into the eyes of his friend. "That wand, it doesn't belong with you. You're not your father Neville.." This made Neville angry.

His own friend didn't believe he could become great like his father "Really? Even you Onyx?" He spat out "Even you doubt me, don't believe in me. I thought we were friends. But perhaps I was mistaken, in a few months you'll be calling me squib like the other pure-bloods."

Neville had started crying in his anger. He felt betrayed and looked down at the ground. That was until he felt one hand placed on each shoulder and then he was shaken back to reality "No you stupid idiot!" it was Onyx.

Onyx was talking to him in a way he hadn't ever heard from the usually calm and gentle boy "That wand is bonded with your father and from what I know he's still alive isn't he? It doesn't happen to be Unicorn hair does it?" Neville blinked several times and then he stuttered out "Y-yes. Why?"

Onyx managed to meet his eyes and tried giving him a calm smile. "Because Unicorn hair bonds for life. That wand won't bond with anyone else as long as your father is alive. Probably not even after that. I very much believe you can become great Neville, but that wand won't help you. Please let me take you to Master Jimmy and have him sort you out!"

This was an offer Neville had not expected. Although he was part of the elite he hadn't ever been in consideration for a wand from Jimmy Kiddell. Only certain special people went there to have their specific needs met.

He of course knew that Onyx had become Jimmy's apprentice and that his family had sold wand wood to the shop, but did that mean that it was acceptable for him to just go there?

"Are you sure? I mean I know you have a certain connection there now but should you really be using it for me?" Onyx gave him a beaming smile "Of course, let's go there right away! When your grandmother sees the spectacular wand, she can't be mad at you for not using your father's!"

This got Neville back into his cheerful mood. He was now regretting that he doubted Onyx's intention but then it struck him. How DID Onyx know about the bond thing? "One thing first Onyx. How did you know about the bond to my father?"

This had Onyx smile drop a little. "I really hope I can trust you with a secret .." Neville nodded. "I can feel them. I can feel the possible bonds of wands and their material. I could even tell you that there is a specific wand core at the shop just waiting for someone and perhaps that someone is you Neville"

Neville blinked. He hadn't expected his friend to have a rare magical gift but knew that most of those were family secrets so he didn't pry and instead the two hurried over to Jimmy Kiddell's.