Chapter 23

I put my phone back in my jeans pocket after I told gramps where I was. At first he was furious at me for going to the hospital. But then I tried to explain that I was with friends and we were just going to visit Alex and Genevie. No involvement in the case. He gave me a deadline and told me to be careful.

We headed inside and went to the reception. "We should see Genevie first," Noah suggested and asked the receptionist where she was.

"Do you have an appointment?" she asked definitely not satisfied seeing a bunch of teenagers.

"Yes and No. Mrs. Stone is here right? We are here to meet her." Noah gave his best smile though the receptionist still seemed grumpy. Her oval glasses fell loose on the tip of her nose and she raised her head each time she had to look at us through the glasses.

She sighed and pointed to the hallway behind us and went back to being engrossed in her phone.

Genevie was in her cabin. We saw Mrs. Stone sitting next to her through the tiny slab of glass on the door. Noah knocked on the door and pried it open.

"Mrs. Stone? We came to visit Genevie," his voice was calm and smoothing.

When we entered the room a blast of citrus hit my nose. Most probably the sanitizers or whatever they used were citrus smelling. Mrs. Stone looked at us with a blank expression at first. When her brain processed who we were, she forced a smile and stood up to hug us.

"I'm so glad you guys came," this time her smile came automatically.

"How's she holding up?" I ask her with a hint of hope.

"The doctors said she might live for a while in coma. But there are chances that she might response. We can just sit and hope."

I went near Genevie and and looked at her almost lifeless body. She was pale. Her radiant charm was all gone. She was most probably the most beautiful girl in our school. her one look could send the boys heads over heels. I ran my fingers upon her cheeks. We weren't that close. But used to be friends once. We were like frenemies.

"Genevie, can you hear me?" No response. "You know, they caught the culprit. How could Luke do this to you? He is going to get punished for all the sufferings he made you go through. I promise. Luke will see the end to this."

Maybe it was my oblivious wishing, but I felt her hand move a little in my hand. I stared for a long time at her hand, waiting for it to move again. But it never did.

"Come on Jenny, we don't have much time," Skyler put her hand on my shoulder. I could see the tears glistening in her eyes. I can never imagine what she and Skyler were going through. They were so close to her. I gave a silent nod and placed Genevie's hand softly beside her.

"We will make sure Luke gets punishment. We won't let this pass by. We promise," I gave Mrs. Stone a confident nod. As soon as they found the brand, the trial would begin. Though my grandparents were against it, but I will be a vital witness in the trial. I will see the end to this.

"If you ask me, I cannot believe that boy did this to my baby. He was a nice kid," she wiped away a drop of tear off her cheeks.

We exited Genevie's cabin and went for the one after 3 cabins to our right. Skyler opened the door silently, she was in no mood to delay knowing the truth. But what was waiting for us inside, was astonishing.


"Didn't expect you guys at this moment," agent Savvaro said without even taking her eyes off Alex.


He was looking better now. His hand was bound by a sling hanging from his shoulder. He looked rested and almost recovered. If I hadn't seen him in the bathtub that day, I would've thought he broke his hand or something, nothing serious.

When he looked at me, my heart skipped a beat. Those intense green eyes piercing through my brain. I felt like I was washed away by the strongest current. This was the boy I ran away from. If things were different I might not have. I cannot risk him in this. No matter what agent Savvaro or Noah says, I know it's my fault. I know it's because I didn't listen to the warning. But after this there was no way I was letting Luke go unpunished.

"Hey Jenny," he smiled his beautiful smile and held my gaze for a long time.

"Okay, I think the invisible serum, we drank before, is working successfully. Congratulation us, we are invisible," Noah was grinning a wicked grin and Alex shifted in his position.

"Sorry, I didn't-- you guys are not-- umm, hi." It was so good to see Alex in his usual form, graceful yet normal.

"So how are you doing?" Skyler asked as though she was not here with an intention of grilling him about what happened that night. She gave him a smile that told me she held nothing against Alex. She just wanted to know the truth. For some reason, I like her even more.

"Fine. My shoulder aches if I move my hand, so they settle it on this sling. The burns healed up nicely. Thanks to the gorgeous nurse attending me." He increased his voice a little like a shout. I realized the nurse was waiting outside on agent Savvaro's command. He had such an inventive method of charming people.

Ivy just stood in the back of the room with a poker face. I could clearly guess that she had no intention of coming here. She knew and believed that Luke did it. But she came here for Skyler's sake.

Agent Savvaro cleared her throat. I almost forgot she was in here. I felt so relieved to see Alex alright. "What are you doing here?" I asked her with no politeness. "Alex's just woke up from an accident. Can't you just let him rest?"

"It's my duty," she used her ice cold tone. "Anyways I just arrived a few moments before you guys. I'll have to take his statement. This is very important for the case. Ms. Stone has no chance of waking and the man from the mall also hasn't woken up yet. He is the first one awake. So I need his statement."

"How come he woke up so fast? The others didn't even show any response," Noah folded his arms over his chest.

"The Man from the mall did show responses. He just didn't gain consciousness. As for Ms. Stone, the doctors have no say." She gave a pause and started again, "The dose of the drugs might've been less in case of Mr. Cove. That's why he didn't get into a coma. Once he is fully stable. The doctors will be able to take his blood samples and test the drug properties."

"Why can't they take from Genevie or the guy? Taking a syringe of blood won't cause any harm," Noah pointed out.

"Probably not. But as they don't know what kind of drugs maybe in their blood, or if there is any internal damage, they are not ready to insert a syringe on their skin. But Mr. Cove here can give us all our answers." Alex gave her a thin smile.

"Wait, if they wait for long won't the traces of the drugs be gone?" I'm pretty much sure that's what happens. Anything you intake loses its traces as time passes.

"Not really, the properties of the drug suggested by the doctors have traces for a long time. On the other hand, it's not been very long since the attack on Mr. Cove. So we are hoping to find results." Noah opened his mouth to say something but she cut him off. "I'm not in the liberty to discuss any further."

"Can't we just get over with it?" It was Ivy who had finally opened her mouth.

"Under different circumstances, I would not have allowed you guys in here during his statement. But since you two had been in it from the beginning," she pointed at me and Noah, "you can confirm his statement." Skyler and Ivy were nervously glancing at each other. Probably worrying if she would send them outside. "You two can catch if these two are lying." She gave a sneaky smile.

"So Mr. Cove, I would like you to start from the very beginning of that party at the Cove mansion."