Chapter 24

"We threw the party as our team won a hockey match. Since my dad was out of town, it was settled that it would be in my place."

"By we you mean-" agent Savvaro asked Alex.

"Our team, hockey team. It's not like they did any arrangements or anything. It was just from our side. We shared the expense."

"You did all those by yourself? Or did you hire any planner?"

"No planners. Luke and Leo helped me. There was nothing decorating of sorts. Just making the punch, arranging the tables and food, that's all."

"I know I asked you to give me details of the party. But since our criminal was with you before, I need you to start from there."

"Okay," He paused like he was arranging all of his thoughts in his head. "So, it was weekend. We ordered the food before. But tried to make the punch since Leo said that he was an expert. They stopped by at around noon. Leo made a mess while making the punch." He chuckled to himself as though he recalled a funny memory. "Luke and I helped as much as we could but basically we sat on the couch and drank. We were all good. There was no ill tension or any sort of argument between us. Leo left about and hour before the party as he had to pick up his girlfriend. But Luke stayed back. He said, 'There's no point in going home and coming back.' He did bring his clothes in his electric blue duffel bag."

I squinted my eyes at the fact that Alex was even mentioning the duffel bag's color. That was such an irrelevant topic. But agent Savvaro seemed very eager to every details. Every once in a while she scribbled on the notebook on her hand with a shiny silver pen. I wondered if that can work as a taser. My eyes went to the recorder agent Savvaro put on the small table beside her. Just before she started the recorder, she told us all not to make a single squeak. If there was a flaw in his statement, we were to only raise hands.

"We sat on the couch for sometimes watching game. When out of nowhere he started asking me weird questions." He glanced at me for a second. I might be wrong but I had a feeling he didn't want to say those stuffs in front of me. Agent Savvaro raised her hand telling him to go on.

"He asked me why I was after Jenny." My cheeks felt hot as the brand might have been while branding. I looked everywhere except in his direction. I wondered what agent Savvaro was thinking. "I told him that I liked her. She really gets me. He turned to face me and asked, 'No. Why really?' His face was stern. I said, 'OMG dude, the stuff about you crushing on her is true?' His face became hard and his veins started popping out. Then he just stood up and walked to the guest room. He said he was going to change. That was pretty much all that happened before the party."

My mind kept circling about what Alex just said. There was something really off about his story. Luke would have never asked about me in a way which would give away his crush on me in middle school. There was some detail I was missing or Alex forgot to mention. There was something else which pissed off Luke. Something intense.

"During the party, we avoided each other as much as we could. We were in 3 feet range of each other only when the team gathered beside the pool for our private toast to victory. Noah was there." Agent Savvaro looked at Noah and he nodded in agreement.

"How did he seem then?" She said while scribbling something.

"He seemed like there was nothing between us. Like we never had that conversation on the couch. We toasted to victory and went back to the party." He sighed preparing himself for the rest. I wondered if this was the part where they had a fight.

"I went upstairs for a moment to bring something."

"What was it?"

Alex blushed a little which made me blush too. "A pink cupcake." Agent Savvaro eyed him to continue. She probably knew all about the cupcakes from different source.

"I came back with the cupcake with a view to giving in to someone." Noah started coughing. Alex just rubbed his neck and he received a glare from me. "So I was walking by the poolside of the house and I was faced by Luke. There was this grave tension between us. He kept moving his eyes from my hand then to my face repeatedly. The sudden twist in his face told me that he understood exactly to whom I was going to give it to."

"It was Ms. Ryan, wasn't it?" She didn't raise her head from her notebook.

"Yes." He looked me directly in the eye and there was something I saw. Pain. "Luke just stood there blocking my path. I tried to get past him but he kept blocking me. He asked me who I was going to give it to. I said, 'Don't act like you don't already know.' At this he got mad and started saying shit to my face. He just kept saying stuffs like, 'You are a lying piece of shit. You don't deserve her.' Basically he started throwing dirt on my name. I just shrugged off every bit. But at one point he started insulting my family and I lost my temper. I yelled at him too." He let out a deep sigh. "I turned away from him trying to make my way to Jenny. He called over my back, 'She'll never take that cupcake.' I got pissed. So I decided to make a big deal out of it. Then the announcement and The audience. But I guess he was right after all." My cheeks were hot like coal. I was going to say I was sorry but agent Savvaro got a hint of my thought and glared at me in advance.

"I would like you to describe what happened after Ms. Ryan ran outside."

"I stood there for a moment in the crowd. Like, I found her pretty interested in me earlier. So her running away was a bit of weird. Then I went upstairs to get a little space. I went to the bathroom and as I turned on the lights, there was someone standing there in front of me. I shouted, 'Who the hell are you?' and he tried to tackle me. With some luck I placed a punch on his face that took out his sunglasses. I was horrified to see those blue eyes. He smirked and took off his mask too. 'There's no point in hiding now is it? I told you to stay away from her.' he said and there was this sick expression on his face. I tried to turn around and call for help. But he took the glass hand wash dispenser and hit me hard on the shoulder. I was flat on the ground. I felt a prick on my arm, probably a syringe. I looked at his smirking face for a few moment and then it was all black."

His statement sent hills down my spine. No matter how absurd it sounded to us, it was also very clear about what happened that night. There was denying it. I saw Skyler clasping her hand in her mouth. Tears rolling down her cheeks. I know it's hard for her, but she too knew there was no escaping the truth.

"How could he?" That was all she could say before she started sobbing in Ivy's arms.

"My work here is done," agent Savvaro said as she put the recorder in her bag. "If you guys wanna exchange greetings, do it fast. No visitors are allowed until Mr. McFrey's trial."

I went to Alex's side and sat on the chair agent Savvaro was sitting. I took his bandaged hand on mine and said, 'I'm so sorry. I had to go. If things were different, the cupcake would have been on my dresser on it's way to rotting just because I didn't want to eat the cupcake you gave to me. I'm so sorry." This put a big smile on his face. He placed his other hand on mine. We held hands for a moment when Noah started coughing hysterically. Alex jerked away his hands but something caught my eyes. The other hand, the one which was not branded. His thumb had blisters. My stomach churned at the thought that he might've still been a little conscious while branded and tried to make it stop.

"We'll visit soon," Noah said and headed to the door. Skyler and Ivy was already out. I reluctantly stood up and headed to the doors. I glanced back one more time and he winked. I was smiling to myself when agent Savvaro said, "Come down to earth princess," and closed the door behind her.

We followed agent Savvaro down the hallway. We saw some nurses moving frantically in and out of Genevie's cabin. There were lots of noises. Some complaining, some calling for doctors. I caught a glimpse of Mrs. Stone through the slab of glass just before a nurse went in. She was holding Genevie's hand and crying. Does that mean---

"What is going on in here?" Agent Savvaro asked blocking the path of a nurse who looked drenched in sweat.

"The patient of this cabin has just woken up."