Queen's Escape 1 (Rewritten)

Diesel slowly made his way towards the Communications Tower, wiping out small patrols of droids along the way. He positioned himself about one and a half blocks away from the tower. He noticed that around one hundred droids were standing nearby and a bunch of Royal guards were also being held hostage at the square. He could only assume they were the ones in charge of the tower.

"Queen Amidala I'm in position, I will start my assault on the tower, drawing as many as possible towards my location."

"Diesel please be safe and retreat if it becomes too much."

"Go, I'll be fine these droids are nothing compared to the Covenant trust me." Diesel turned off his communicator.

"Sir we have received orders to help you with the tower by the Queen." Diesel looked at his motion sensors and noticed two friendly dots incoming to his position. It was the two guards who helped save the Queen.

"You should be helping the Queen escape."

"Sorry Sir, Orders are Orders and honestly your fighting was inspiring and we both wish to follow you anyways."

"Very well, are you able to lure the droids and I'll take care of the tank."

"Yes Sir!" Both guards made their way across the street from the first checkpoint. That happened to be one block away from the tower itself. "Sir, Diesel they have around twenty droids at this checkpoint and the tank sir."

"Let's start." The two Royal palace guards opened fire on the unsuspecting droids taking out two of the twenty droids before being fired upon themselves and slowly retreated. The attention of the droids focused on the guards. Diesel immediately began sprinting towards the tank launching himself into the air and landing on the top of the tank. Diesel reached down on the latch tearing it open and dropping his last fragmentation grenade, taking out all the droids inside the tank.

With the tank out of the picture Diesel started firing his Modified Battle Rifle into the back of the droids while charging them. Reaching the inside of their formation he whipped out his Energy Sword that he took from an Elite, slicing the droid's heads and arms apart. Not even a couple of minutes into the battle the last droid was grabbed by its head being completely crushed. He turned his attention to the hundred droids guarding the tower and noticed them most marching towards him.

"You two wrap around and save the guards there are only five droids protecting them now. I leave it to you."

"You sure Sir? We can help!"

"Orders! Go!" Diesel fell back around the checkpoint forcing the droids to get as close as possible. Allowing the guards to get as much space from the droids responds to force. Giving them an easier time saving the hostages. As the droids got closer, Diesel looked around the checkpoint wall thinking to himself. This will have to be enough.