Another Day For A Spartan

After another few days after leaving Coruscant the Queen and her crew finally arrived in the Naboo System. Much to their surprise the amount of Trade Federation ships increased. Lucky because the Federation ships were much more focused on the planet below them they did not notice the ship entering the system and landed on the planet. Here the party decided to make a plan, the Queen and the Jedi would head to speak with the Gungans in hope to form a coalition. While Captain Panaka and the three Mandalorians would head towards the resistance camps gathering as much support as possible.

Captain Panaka and the Mandalorian weren't exactly sure where to start so they took the ship and landed near a city south of where the main droid occupation would be. Figuring they would be run into droids along the way. However, the occupation was extremely light in comparison to what they would originally think. They moved around silently checking on patrols looking to gain any information that they could. But other than the droids the city was pretty barren. The amount of people was extremely below their expectation. The Mandalorian kept their guard up the entire time feeling that the entire situation seemed suspicious. That was when they began hearing noising surrounding the area they were in, all four of them immediately got into position.

"Are you Mandalorians?" A voice from inside a building yelled out. The group of four felt relaxed and figured they met with some members of one of the resistance groups. Captain Panaka stepped forward and was about to talk when one of the Mandalorians spoke.

"Yes, we are Mandalorians other than this one here. We are here to see Diesel, we've seen the video of him saving the Queen and she's brought us here to support him. The eyes of all the resistance fighters brightened up.

"The Queen has returned? With Reinforcements? This is extremely good news! However, bad news for you Mandalorians, Diesel is surrounded right now the Federation Army has him and his group trapped at the underground bunker, around 100 miles north of Theed deep within the forest. We've been tasked with gathering and saving as many people as we can as they attack in the north."

"Tasked? Who is leading the resistance right now?" This made Captain Panaka and the Mandalorians curious; these fighters clearly understood the things Diesel accomplished.

"Well the leader in name is Ril'ah. He is a member of the Royal Guard, however he reports to Diesel because he does the majority of the fighting and basically anything he says goes. Diesel refused the leadership role because he wasn't from Naboo. Everyone though knows behind the scenes he is the de facto leader."

P.o.V. Diesel Outside of the Resistance Underground Bunker Two Hours Later

"Diesel the Outer Perimeter has fallen, we are retreating back to the inner defense line."

"Good bait them to Area Delta 4, and wait for them to get into the center. Then set off the explosives."

"Sir! We have tanks entering the Center and pushing towards the entrance if they break through our defense will fall."

"That's why I'm here, Ril'ah let's go we will hold the center. Inform me if there are any changes we will not let them get to the civilians."

Diesel and his small troops composed mainly of Royal Guards, after constant shows of Diesel strength. The guards' loyalty started to sway and many of the guards have already announced after the war they were gonna leave the Royal Guard. Diesel presence was slowly spreading among them and the populace.

"Diesel we are heavily outnumbered, I don't believe we can hold out too much longer." Diesel looks around, noticing the close to hopeless situation. Turning towards his allies.

"This is just another day for a Spartan."