On A Board!

Author Note: I really wasn't sure what to expect when I started this story. Now that I've arrived at a space battle I'm fairly concerned about the quality of the whole scene. So I'm gonna write it as is and if people have suggestions and fixes on this I would love to hear them. Please let me know if you like it!

The battle overhead was going by extremely smooth, the first couple phases went by with zero problem ship. Diesel and the Mandalorian boarding parties landed without a single problem. The Queen space fighters destroyed the Trade Federation Capital ship.

"Suit up we are on the inside, stay behind me and never look back." When the hatch opened Diesel immediately jumped out and began opening a path for the twelve others to leave the ship. Thanks to Diesel being able to handle most of the direct fire the other twelve were able to set up their force fields and take defense positions. Allowing them to clear the room of all droids presence.

Having these portable shields, made the lives of the normal soldiers much easier and they all knew this. The only reason they even have these shields were because of the Mandalorians.It was their idea to reverse engineer the droideka's shields. How many deaths have been prevented from these alone. The Royals (I'm gonna just refer to the Royal Guards as Royals) followed closely behind Diesel and anytime that they would come across droids they conditioned themselves to throw the shield down on both sides of the hallway.

Thankfully, because of the droids being droids they just lined up in the hallway allowing for the Royals to fire randomly into the pack of them. Diesel knew it was only a matter of time before they would arrive at the Command Center. Deciding it was time to end this battle Diesel looked back..

" Do your best to keep up."

Ruray was assigned with Diesel's boarding party. She didn't really understand why, but they all agreed they would follow his orders after the duel. In the end she wanted to see how Diesel would lead a small strike team and from what she saw completely surprised her. His awareness, speed, tactics were perfect. Then she heard do your best to keep up. The words kinda confused her, she thought they were already moving at a fast speed they had no losses, things were going smooth. Why speed up?

"WHAT?!!?!" Diesel took off crashing into the droids pulling out his energy sword, slicing droids in half. What surprised her even more was how quickly the Royal responded. As soon as Diesel said those words they ready themselves. One Royal lifted each shield and chased after Diesel, the other Royals followed right behind the shields. She had no clue what to think, they were punching and kicking. It was like watching a father teach a bunch of kids how to fight, except they were working as a team while Diesel single-handedly was destroying them.

One Royal would sweep the feet when a droid got to close while another would shoot the Droid in the face. The scene was burning into her eyes, it just didn't seem real. These people knew nothing of fighting but were fighting better than most groups out there. Her eyes wandered to Diesels back. Who can instill such drive into such peaceful people. Realizing she was falling behind she then rushes forward joining the rest in the brawl.

Dith was leading the resistance fighter on the other ship, as they had much larger numbers they were able to clean the ship faster, however they were still incurring losses. Weinz was leading a group of fighters in a less inhuman way then Dith, Weinz would force situations where they were surrounded causing casualties. Dith on the other hand was similar to Diesel, leading in the front drawing most of the fire. Dith still had casualties but not nearly as many as Weinz. Essentially, both boarding crews cleared both ships.

Meanwhile, the remaining two Trade Federation ships, got word that the ground battle was over. They already lost one ship and the Viceroy, two of their ships were boarded and slowly falling to the enemy. The ship's leaders have already ejected from the ships and joined them on their ships. Before they incurred any more losses they retreated into hyperspace, ending the space battle. All that was left was finishing capturing the two boarded ships.

"Message to all Resistance Fighters the Trade Federation is engaging the hyperdrive and leaving!"