
27 BBY (Five years before the Clone Wars)

Currently Sophia and Dominick were still in Cryostasis located on the planet of Kamino. The last few years they have done nothing but sleep. The data that they brought with them has been mostly taken from the ship, but the Kaminoans haven't had any success. At most they've found that the data contained a way to strengthen the body. But they weren't able to uncover any of the finer details. Most of the chemicals, metals, equipment were all terms they were completely unfamiliar with. Not to mention the enhancements they attempted with the accelerated growth rate would immediately kill the clones.

Eventually, the Kaminoans after a few years of trying to decipher the work of the human gave up on the project. They decided that they should talk to Jango and see if he would allow the two who came with the data to be woken up. They wanted to see if by the off chance they could get any of that information. After hearing what the data contained, Jango didn't want to walk after without getting a hold of some of these enhancements but the death rates concerned him.

As Jango was a Mandalorian he's heard some of the stories of Diesel.Some of those stories were Diesel history that was spread around. A Mandalorian of a clan who people were kidnapped and eventually trained as soldiers for war. Most of his brothers and sisters would die during their training or would be killed in battle. After thinking of these stories and the test results from the Kaminoans.He starts thinking about his past. Of when his sister was taken and killed by the Death Watch. The man responsible for the destruction of them was none other than Diesel.

"Okay Lama Su, I'll release them from Cryo."

"Very well I look forward to possibly working with them."

"Oh, and just to be on the safe side have the clone's on standby."

Jango brought the Cryo containers into an open room. The clones surrounded the containers aiming their guns toward them. Jango moves forward and presses the button on both before quickly moving back a safe distance away.

"Do not fire unless told"

The containers dispersed allowing for them to open up releasing them from the inside. Two large Spartans leaned up absorbing in their surroundings. They noticed they were no longer on their ship, meaning a couple things. They were captured by ONI since they were all human. That was when they discovered a large Alien like creature. Both immediately got out of their containers and reached for weapons that they did not have.

"Covenant?? and Humans? Insurgents then?"

"Sophia I'll take the ones in front you get the ones in the back."

Jango noticing the quick turn in atmosphere launched into action. " Woah woah woah settle down we mean no harm! We are just taking precaution for our safety!" Right after those words were said the two Spartans sprinted those the crowds of enemies and was within second of engaging both groups. "DIESEL! I KNOW DIESEL STOP!" both Spartans came to a halt stopping dead in their tracks.

"Diesel would never work were traitors who sell themselves to the Covenant! They attacked Reach. Our Home and killed many of our fellow Spartans!"

"Slow down! I don't know what the Covenant is. But Diesel is a huge looking guy in black armor and red stripes running down both arms and the top of his helm! He became Mandalor the leader our people."

Stopping for a second both of them listened to the description of what Jango was saying. The description matched but what does he mean by Mandalor and the leader of our people. Both Spartans stood there trying to understand what was happening.

Again Jango noticed something odd. Both of them didn't react toward the name Mandalor. It was like the title didn't exist to them. Jango decided to apply more information to them and attempted to get as much as he can from them.

"Aren't you two Mandalorians? Shouldn't you know what Mandalor means to the Mandalorians?"

"We are not Mandalorians, we are Spartan's. What is Mandalor?" That was then Sophia realized they may have made a mistake. Was Diesel posing as being a Mandalorian? If that is so then then we may blow his cover or worse. She reached over to Dom and nudged him.

"Dom, Classified." Then it hit him, if it wasn't for Sophia he could have totally ruined the things Diesel has built or done. Dom was totally disappointed in himself, he realizes he wasn't supposed to give information out. But he did so without hesitating cause he heard the name Diesel.

"I can't give you anymore information, anything else is classified."

Jango didn't attempt to pry anymore. He knew now that they noticed. Any attempt to get information from them would be pointless. That they would completely shut down anything useful..

"Sophia! The Kraken!"