Obi-Wan (End of Kamino Arc)

Two more years went by in a flash. Padme was on Coruscant handling her affairs in the Senate. She was currently with her Mandalorian bodyguards and Anakin. They were doing their whole lovely dovely scene. When Obi-Wan Kenobi ended up showing up things were quickly turned serious.

"Anakin, you should remember such attachments lead to the dark side."

"Attachments? We were meeting up to discuss the things Diesel has been up to. It seems they are expanding the military again."

"Again? Padme, is he preparing for a war?"

"I'm not exactly sure, but he received a call from an old friend, and ever since then he's been rapidly expanding his military."

The three of them began discussing the details of the actions of Diesel. That was when one of the Mandalorian noticed outside that the lights that were normally on the surrounding buildings were all shut off. The whole area was pitched black except for their building. That was when he saw a glow in the distance, he immediately leaped towards Padme covering her from any incoming attack.

"We're under attack!"

Thankfully, he noticed in the nic of time. A bolt broke through the glass landing onto the back of the Mandalorian guard. He lived but was extremely injured. The rest of the guard surrounded Padme not allowing another shot to get pass. While the two Jedi drew their blades and took a defensive stance.

"You two should go after the assassin. We will protect Padme and take care of the wounded."

Both Jedi ran onto the balcony leaping onto the roofs chasing after the assassin. With both Jedi leaving. A few minutes later more assassins appeared. Padme's apartment turned into a battleground. Luckily for her the Mandalorian guards assigned to protect her were from Diths squad. Each one of them has received the basic enhancements.

They engaged the group of assassins immediately not allowing them to get the upper hand. The Mandalorian were able to make quick work of the assassin as they didn't stand a chance against the superior abilities of the guards. The Jedi would end up returning long after the battle has ended. The assassin that he chased was killed to cover whoever planned this trail.

--P.o.V. Obi-Wan--

Obi-Wan was assigned to discover the whereabouts of the origin of a dart that was used to kill the assassin. He visited a local canteen of an old friend.

"This is the work of the Kaminoans, it's been ages since I've seen their work."


"Yea, they are cloners and damn good ones two."

--Obi-Wan's Arrival on Kamino--

"Hello, I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi a Jedi Knight."

"We've been expecting you."

"Expecting me."

"Yes, would you like to see your army?"

"Yes please."

Lama Su brought Obi-Wan across the facility, showing him how the entire process of the clones were made. The conversation ends with Lama Su introducing Obi-Wan to Jango. After a short conversation a battle would ensue. Causing Jango to leave the planet. Lama Su and Obi-Wan would eventually meet up again and discuss some of the other advantages of using the clones and learning the origin. That was when two extremely large people began strolling up.

"Su the 300th needs another round of paint pellets for the training course."

Obi-Wan was thrown for an extreme loop now. What was Diesel doing here and who is this other one in the same armor.

"Of course Dom."

"I'm sorry did you say your name was Dom?"

"That is correct, and you are?"

"Obi-Wan Kenobi."

"A Jedi then? What business are you here on Kamino for?"

"Lama Su may I talk privately with these two?"

Lama Su ends up walking away leaving Obi-wan with the two Spartans. "I was here tracking an assassin who was looking to take Padme's life."

"That must be why Jango suddenly left again so soon."

"You know anything?"

"Not exactly, other then I believe he's apart of CIS who leader is Tyranus."

"Are you two related to Diesel in some manner?"

"Of course. But thats all you get to know on that now follow me." Dom leads Obi-Wan to the training grounds of the 300th Battalion.

"This is the most elite unit that exists in the clone army. We've been training them harshly for three years. They have the knowledge and the skills turn a planet upside down. Of course they still can't beat us."

"Elite? They can't beat you?"

"Obi-Wan let me explain something to you. A Spartan life is worth thousands if not hundreds of thousands of lives. Our existence is the peak of humanity. AH that was a little cocky of me. Sorry being stuck here has opened my mind a little too much at times."

"I must talk to the Jedi Council it seems. Thank you for your time."