Mud Jumpers

For the rest of the Battle of Arantara Captain Rex had to recover from injuries. He would later recover and join the 501st and the 224th Mud Jumpers in the Battle of Mimban. This is where he meets up with Captain Titan, one of his fellow Captains from the 300th.

Captain Rex was stuck training the Mimbanese Liberation Army when they had down time. In addition to the clone being there Representative Jar Jar Binks was there to act as a liaison for their people promising them freedom when the war ended.

--Battle of Mimban--

Captain Titan was serving General Laan Tik and the Mud Jumpers being assigned as the Captain of the unit temporarily. Right now it was stuck in a battle deep within the jungle of Mimban. They were being overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of the droids. Constantly being pushed back further into the jungle. Captain Titan against protocol sent a distress signal to Captain Rex because the General refused to call for reinforcements stating they could handle it.

Thankfully, having the chips removed from them Titan decided it would be best to call for his own reinforcements. This would only prove that the Jedi lacked insight of actual battle and displeased the Captain even more of the Jedi. Rex would send a message out that he would be coming to reinforce the position of the General with the 501st. Only to be denied. Thankfully, Captain Rex used the influence that Jar Jar had to get permission for the mission.

Before arriving on Mimban, Rex requested from Diesel that the scouts Jack and Lantern be assigned to him. Recalling the events from Arantara Rex requested that each Captain be given five men to support them. Each of these men obviously had the chips removed to better support the Captains and agreed with the goals of them.

The 224th numbers were being depleted forcing General Lan Tik to be a lot more aggressive deflecting blaster bolts. With the numbers of the 212th falling in battle. More pressure would be applied to the Jedi. He was slowly becoming overwhelmed, finally receiving a blaster bolt to the chest killing the General instantly.

For Titan this was honestly the best possible outcome. When he learned what happened to him and his brothers he grew to dislike the Jedi. Now being forced to serve under an incompetent one. His dislike turned into hate, General Lan Tik constantly forced his men to fight impossible battles with little to no actual strategy and anytime he offered to help. He was basically turned down. for whatever reason the Jedi preferred fighting head on causing thousands of pointless deaths of his brothers. Titan would call Rex telling him of the events, Rex would tell him to fall back and get picked up.

"General Laan Tik is dead. Grab his body and fall back!" His face turned ugly having to force his men to grab the one who ordered the death of many men. But Titan had to play his part as a soldier for now.

Captain Rex and Hardcase of the 501st were discussing their option as they approached the LZ. With Jar Jar in tow they needed to evacuate him from the battle. Rex convinced himself to save his brothers first from the battle landing at the marked LZ and getting his brothers onboard. Before leaving Jar Jar would exit the craft and pay respects to the General body. Rex and Hardcase would yank Jar Jar back on board loading the body. They escaped back to the next defensive line leaving returning to safety.

A few days would pass and the Battle would only keep getting worse for the Republic and its allies. The General decisions left the clones in a rough spot. The moral was low. Hardcase, Captain Rex and Captain Titan were all in the room with their current "General" Jar Jar, none of them had faith in their current General. But at least he was one that would listen to the clones opinions. Shortly into the meeting Jack and Lantern returned from their deep jungle scouting with new information on the enemy. Roughly, three clicks out was a shield generator that the Seppies were using as a base of operation if they could somehow take out that shield generator they could Orbital Strikes their location bring an closer end to the battle on Mimban.

Rex really hoped that he had the 300th with him during this battle, however he did not. With Captains Titans men they would have a total of twelve units. The 300th unlike other units weren't able to just replace men. Every loss would matter. However, Rex didn't have a choice: the lives of a few or the lives of many and a planet. He made Hardcase stay back and ordered him if they failed, to retreat from the planet as it would be lost. After turning towards the door with Captain Titan. "It's time to assault a Seppies shield generator."