
I posted this chapter in the wrong order the new chapter is before this one (plans)

P.O.V. Unknown Padawans Learners

Deep in the depths of Nar Shaddaa three Padawan's were tapped in cages cut off. There lightsabers removed from them they could only sit and watch. Each of these Padawan's were roughly 14-18 years old. First, was a human male with short black hair weight roughly 180 lbs he had a fairly toned body but obviously lacked nutrients. He was 14 years old and was named Leys Pavond. The second Padawan was La'sara was a average looking average size female Twi'lek she was 15 years old. The last however, was someone of a rarer species she was 18 years old with the skills of a Jedi Knight. She was a Miraluka a species of force sensitives with a extremely rough history. She was standing about 6 feet tall with curves in all the right places.

(A Miraluka tended to have tanned brown skin, gray or white hair but did not possess eyes. Example would be the 10th brother.)

"Hey, Rayath I'm sorry it was because of us you were captured. If we didn't get tricked you wouldn't have been caught." Little La'sara face began to contort and tears began to swell into her eyes.

"It's okay little La'sara. Sit and meditate. I feel the force is calling and we will be freed from our bindings." Crossing her legs and placing her wrist onto your knees, She begins to mediate silently

Leys who had been captured for the longest time started fidgeting around. "Rayath, how come you're not a Knight yet? You seem wise and talented from what we see. Did you fail your trials?"

"Mmm I'm not exactly a Jedi you see. Or rather I used to be a Padawan when my Master died in his search for Sith Artifacts. My master was kicked from the Jedi order because his ideals didn't match theirs. As his Padawan I followed in his footsteps until his death five years ago. I'm now in search of the voids in the force that appeared a few years ago."

At this moment Rayath felt a jolt in her body like the force was crying. It began to tear into her soul slowly creeping deep into her mind. She began to sweat as it drew near. Her breathing became irregular as objects and cages began to float in the room.

"Rayath what is happening to you!" The two kids shouted worried at the sudden change in behavior. Everything came crashing to the ground as Rayath focus returned to her from being shouted at. She turned towards the Padawans staring intently.

"One of the voids has landed on Nar Shaddaa. We will be leaving shortly."

P.O.V. Dom and his Mandalorians Landing Pad on Nar Shaddaa

Landing in Nar Shaddaa Dom and his crew of Mandalorians exited the ship and for the first time got to experienced the crowded city of Nar Shaddaa walking off the platform Dom ordered two of his men to stay with the ship although they hesitated at first two of them stayed back. They finally escaped the training and felt they were ready to experience real combat. They soon came to realize they may not even have a chance but were promised they would be summoned if it happened.

Dom and the three others began walking down the street searching for the bounty hunter guild. When they were cut off by a group of twelve thugs of a variety of races. One of the Mandalorians noticed the tags on the shoulders and the colors and whispered to Dom that they were a part of the Black Suns. A criminal syndicate that was becoming prominent because of the Clones Wars.

"What's a couple of Mandalorians doing here? In order to enter this area you must pay a protection tax." A smaller member more hidden in the back, ran forward and began to whisper in the ear of the one of the thugs.

"It's them." The thug who was doing most of the talking turned towards the whisperer with a smirk on his face.

"Go ahead and let them know." Turning his attention back towards the Mandalorians. "I'm sorry I didn't know you were members of Clan Spartan. We've been expecting you. If you would be so kind and follow us."

Without speaking Dom grabbed the thug by the neck lifting him off the ground. "You were expecting us? How can one expect us when they shouldn't even have known we were coming."

The rest of the thugs drew their weapons and aimed them at the Spartan. However, they couldn't fire in fear of hitting their comrade. *Pew* A blaster bolt landed in the back of the now grabbed dead Black Sun member.

"I'm sorry for the actions of our fellow member as he is dead now please forgive us. He misspoke, we weren't expecting YOU exactly. But more like our leader wishes to meet Clan Spartan to set up possible trade routes."

Sensing there was a whole lot more to the story Dom agreed to meet the leader of the Black Sun's in order to find out exactly what they were planning.