Final History

Diesel's were making their way to Nobel Teams location. "Valkyrie to Nobel actual, we are five minutes out."

"Roger. We arrived on-site and moved to point A-2. Upon arriving we met some Civies saying they spotted monsters in the fields."

"Diesel what will they think when a team of Spartans show up that they know nothing about?"

"Dom you worry too much..."

"We are under attack! Banshee's!"

"Pilot focus on driving we will handle it! Dom opened the latch! Sophia grab the Laser."

Sophia quickly grabs the Spartan Laser and tosses it to Diesel. Catching the Laser he immediately turns already putting the trigger warming the Laser up a red powerful beam launches out of the gun hitting the closest Banshee. Without a moment of hesitation he pulls the trigger again lighting up another Banshee. Shortly after dispatching another two Banshees leaving one left.

"Sophia, Dom move to join Nobel Team." As Diesel speaks it glances towards the remaining Banshee and sprints out the back of the Pelican launching himself at it. Noticing the flying Spartan, the Elite flying the Banshee was shocked, stunning him for a second, before attempting to dodge. Making a barrel roll the Elite feels the weight of the Spartan grabbing onto the wings of the Banshee. In a quick judgement the Elite decides to shake his border but is surprised when he is grabbed foot.......

"Sir, you have a message from Nar Shaddaa."

P.O.V. Swap Rayath

Attacking another Black Suns base, Rayath counted roughly twenty Blacks Suns roaming the premise. Making a plan to finish off another location of Black Sun's Rayath she moved herself behind some explosive ship cells that they were beginning to load up. She waited for a group of Four to walk towards a nearby ship. She used her Force Push to send the barrels towards them. She takes a pistol she stole in one of her raids and fires a shot into the cells.

A large explosion occurs and engulfs the four immediately killing them. One of the barrels caused a chain reaction hitting the ship setting the entire platform ablaze. This allowed for Rayath to hide in the shadows again. She watched from a distance as Black Sun members showed up to the scene to put out the fires. She counted fifteen she took this time and made her way into the base. She searched for the communications room. As she ventured slightly farther into the base she came across another three. Taking out a Viroblade to keep things quiet as possible she instantly slices one of the Blacks Sun in the neck dragging him around the corner.

"Mhm?" He turns to the location of the place where Rayath killed.

"When did Aearath leave?"

"Maybe he went to the scene, you know how he is."

"I guess your right...hurry though before everyone returns we....."

"What the hell are you spiting on me for you idiot." Reaching up and wiping the spit off the back of his neck, he looks at it and shakes. "Blood..." As he speaks an immense amount of pain appears through his body. Steadily looking down he notices a viroblade piercing his stomach "Why..."


P.O.V. Swap Dom and the Mandalorians

"It seems the information about the attackers is wrong Dom. From what we can tell there is only one attacker. Outside, only four dead for now. What are your orders Sir."

"We were lied to, so we will wait until the Black Suns are wiped out and then move into the base. It looks like the goal of the attacker is to take out the com's. What else have we learned on this attacker?" As Dom spoke the Mandalorians heard the com's get cut off and stare at the base from a safe distance.

"Well considering the intelligence so far was false I doubt it's true but it's supposed to be a rival gang hitting them."

"I see. I suppose we will find out ourselves. When facing the attack set everything to stun and if by chance we cross any Black Suns leave no witnesses. We arrived to late am I clear." At this moment a lone individual exits the base and charges towards the Black Sun's and begins combat. Instead of using the Viroblade she drew her Lightsaber and began combat instantly taking out Four members of the Black Suns. Hearing combat the sentries left their post and rushed to the scene of combat. Not even thirty seconds later. Did another twenty Black Sun's show up putting their numbers to thirty-one.

Author's Note: Sorry about the long post.... Things happens and things change, So I've been focusing on other things lately. I don't want to sounds rude to any of you... Between work and family and my Guild Wars 2 friends writing right now is at a low. I will still keep writing for you all and get a chapter out when I'm able to. Just remember I'm doing this as a past time and not a "job" so don't bully me please! Although you won't! But Thank you all for being patient with me and staying strong.