Fall of Ryloth

P.O.V. Mace

After losing some men on his march towards Lessu Mace Windu got in a conference call with the Chancellor, Senator Orn Free Taa of Ryloth, Grand Master Yoda, Adrimal Yularin, and briefly being joined by Anakin Skywalker. Mace insisted that he wouldn't be able to Lessu without the help of the Resistance even being told that they could be untrusted by the Senator. Admiral Yularin confirmed that there were no possible Republic forces in the area to offer support.

Leaving the transmission Windu went to visit the resistance camp in order to convince them to join against the separatist. However, arriving at the supposed location of the camp it was voided of any resistance fighters. It was mostly older folks and kids. Just before he was about to ask the whereabouts of the fighters. A group of five Mandalorians appeared from inside a tent.

"You must be Mace Windu? I'm Khae Skinch of the Death Watch in charged with of protecting this camp." The five Mandalorians, unlike their counterparts in the Ghost, were much more cold when speaking to Windu then the others were to Obi-wan. Like they were prepared to fight the Republic Army in a moment's notice.

"Where are the Resistance Fighters that are reported to be camped here?" Trying to not push Mandalorians. He's heard the rumors surrounding the Death Watch Pre-Diesel era.

"They've joined our forces in the assault on Lessu. You're welcome to relax outside of the settlement however, you may not enter further in." Walking away from Mace, Khae threw a small item towards him. "Take a moment and watch this." Pulling up the device Mace Windu opens the holoimage.

The image showed Tambor tied up and completely captured before turning towards the outside battle watching the Mandalorians completely overwhelming the droids outside. It didn't matter what was happening. In every direction the droids were being destroyed and right in the middle of the army where the Tanks were at Diesel sat on top of a destroyed tank. Blaster fire and explosives happening all around him he sat completely calm. Turning his attention up towards the captured Tambor.

Mace was now completely stunned the Republic had been planning this invasion for months now. Yet they had nothing to do with the ground battle other than the 100 clones he lost in the ambush literally everything that happened was controlled by the Mandalorians. Literally ending the battle in a few hours after appearing on the planet.

P.O.V. Swap Diesel

"Upon leaving hyperspace we will begin Operation Show Strength, every squad has their objective and you are to complete it without fail. I expect a flawless victory against droids."

"Ooh Rah!" Thousands of Mandalorians and Nabooians yelled through the comm's. Before being launched from their respective drop pods straight down to the planet. From the planet side the Twi'leks resistance fighters awaited their reinforcements from space with the few Mandalorians who were already on the planet. At first most of the Fighters were extremely frightened by the sheer size of the Droid army sent out to defeat them. That was until they noticed how their reinforcements were coming in. They were dropping right into the middle of the Droids formations destroying tanks or walkers instantly. The fight started without them even having a chance to understand what happened. Like the others before them they were baffled by their entrance to the battlefield.

(Random Mandalorian) "If you plan on just standing here they will have the enemies defeated before you all enter the battlefield. I mean look how chaotic it already is." Pointing right toward the middle of the droid army. Diesel stood crushing any droid or tank in his way.