Chapter 12 – The Immortal Misses Her Little One (Training Camp Week)

I came over to his apartment bright and early as I had offered to drop him off at the university. From there, the University had arranged for two coaches to drive them to the neighbouring island. His mother was busy with work and had left a few hours earlier. Punching in the passcode, I took off my shoes and made my way inside – announcing my arrival and asking if he had packed everything for the trip.

"Alice!" I could hear him from his bedroom. "I can't find my shirt!"

I popped my head into his bedroom. Seeing his unkempt bed and the mess on the floor. It looked like a tornado had passed through his bedroom. I was surprised at the mess on the floor. "Which shirt are you talking about?" I asked as I stepped inside, looking around. "You should clean up your room, little one."

"My favourite shirt!" he exclaimed, half of his body was inside his closet.

"If it's not here in your bedroom, would it be drying at the back?" I asked as I sat on the bed, watching him heave clothes around and making a huge mess in the closet. "You know, it's going to be a pain cleaning all that up when you get back from the camp."

"Let me check!"

My eyes followed as he ran out of his bedroom, towards the kitchen where the drying rack was. I leaned back – resting on my arms as I observed his bedroom. It was the second time I was here, and it was so like him. The bookshelf was filled with his university books, comics and his PS4 games. There were photo frames scattered around the room. I went to pick up the nearest one.

It was a photo of me and him just goofing around. I remembered it was a summer afternoon four years ago, and we were strolling in the park. We stopped for ice-cream and Jiminie was showing off a move that he had learnt. We were laughing at him, just enjoying the moment when Taeyeon took out the camera from her bag to take a photo.

She told us to pose – just me and him. He was almost the same height as me then, and I wrapped my arms around him – keeping him in front of me as she snapped a photo. Then, he grabbed my legs and piggybacked me. That photo he framed was of him piggybacking me and my face was the epitome of surprise as I didn't expect him to be able to carry me.

"We should take a new photo," his voice interrupted my inner thoughts. I turned to see him clutching onto his favourite shirt and he was grinning at me. "I don't have a recent one with you yet."

"Yeah," I replied.

He laughed suddenly. "Come over here," he said, waving me over to him as he pulled out his mobile from his pocket. "Let's take one before I leave for camp."


After taking a few photos, we left the apartment with time to spare and after checking multiple times that he had packed the clothes that he needed, we got into the car and drove towards his University. Dropping him off at the nearest carpark, he unclipped the seatbelt and got out, opening the back passenger door to get his bag out.

Then, he made his way to my side. Lowering the window, wondering if he wanted to say goodbye, instead he leaned in to peck me on the cheek and he ran away before I could say a word. Smiling at his gesture, I rolled up the window and checked my mirrors, signalled before leaving the car park. I left the University compound and headed back to my loft.


Two days later, I left the loft for a welcome back party the clan had meticulously planned for. It was held at a club that wasn't owned by the clan, and everyone in the clan was invited including the newbie. It took them a while to plan, as they needed a large space to accommodate everyone, and they needed to find a night where everyone was free.

I was excited to see everyone again.

The club that they had rented for the night was a high class one, and I was eager to see how it looked on the inside. I drove down the long driveway, passing by the beautiful garden and I could see the mansion turned club in the distance. There was a queue at the front as guests were exiting out of their cars and valets were taking over to get them parked.

Ten minutes later, I got out of the car and heard welcoming cheers from around me. A smile lifted on my lips as I looked at my clan; each of them wearing smiles on their faces and I bowed in greeting. Immediately, they stopped clapping and bowed in return - announcing their excitement to see me there with them.


Sebastian appeared alongside me, looking sharp and handsome in his black suit. He gave me a grin as he offered an arm, and he led me into the monstrous building - up the second floor where the life of the party was. There was soft music playing in the background, a crowd of immortals mingling about and there were drinks set up at the corner.

This was lavish. They went all out.

"Boss is here!"


Soon, I was surrounded by my clan members who were eager and excited to see me again. Sebastian handed a glass of blood to me as we toasted. I was gone for twenty years, though it was short for immortals like us; it wasn't easy for the clan leaders to function without me as their head. I see them by the side of the crowd, waiting to get near so they could talk.

After the members had retreated to their own smaller groups, I found myself surrounded by my clan leaders. There were four of them; Adam, Cain, Steph and Michael. They were in-charge of maintaining and controlling the clan; which includes the companies that I owned.

The four of them were with me the longest, and they were the most loyal members a leader could dream to have. I knew that they would drop everything for me, and they will support me with my whims. I knew of their capabilities, their skills, experience and their wit.

"Thank you for being patient with me," I said.

"No, thank you for returning to us, Boss," Cain replied with a small smile.

"You are okay, right Boss?" Steph asked hesitatingly.

I smiled softly at her. I understood her hesitation. She might not want history to repeat itself. My disappearance has caused them a lot of trouble.

"I am okay, Steph," I answered softly. "I will be."

"That's good news to hear, boss," Adam replied in relief.

I laughed as the four leaders relaxed upon hearing my reassurance. However, they caught on really quickly. Steph was always the first one to notice these things and I wonder how she was able to sense it out even though I had my mind blockers up, and I had hidden his scent.

"You … you have a new favourite," Steph said with narrowed eyes and she grew excited suddenly. "Who is it?"

"Is that why you disappeared for twenty years?" Michael questioned with a laugh.

"Who is he?" Cain added curiously.

"I don't think he's one of us, or she would've arrived with him," Adam added rationally.

Steph let out a gasp. "Do you have a photo of him?" she demands. "I want to see!"

I took out my mobile phone begrudgingly, and unlocked it - swiping to my gallery to open the latest photo I had of my little one. I handed the phone over to Steph, and the four of them crowded over my phone to take a look. Steph made a cooing sound while the boys were frowning over the photo.

"He's so adorable, I know why you disappeared, Boss," Steph said with a wink after she handed my phone back to me.

"He's not one of us," Michael stated.

The three of them stiffened as I stared at them hard. Steph returned my phone to me and I kept my phone in my handbag, letting out a sigh. Michael was always a bit different in accepting mortal beings into our midst, but I wanted him to know that not all humans are bad and not all want to kill us.

"He is the sole reason why your leader is standing before you, Michael," I said softly.

The other three elbowed Michael hard, muttering at him to stand down immediately. Michael gritted his teeth hard, understood what I had said and what was not said, and nodded firmly. I was relieved that he was willing to accept so quickly, knowing how stubborn he could be.

"Then I will give him the same due respect as needed, Boss," he replied.

"Thank you, Michael."

"Now, this is a party," Cain added. "Let's enjoy the night."



Later in the evening, Sebastian brought the newbie over. The one whom I saw in Jiminie's friend group. He looked terrified, dressed in a suit and he stood there awkwardly. Afterall, he was in the midst of the head of the clan, as well as the leaders.

"Hello," Adam greeted. "Take a seat, kiddo."

He sat in-between Cain and Michael. The boy looked like any normal college student; young, boyish and a hint of innocence still apparent in his round eyes. He was a head taller than everyone; a lean, lithe body with pale skin and a head full of black, fluffy hair.

"Introduce yourself, child," added Steph.

"My name is Nathaniel Wilcher," he introduced. "I am twenty-one years old. I … I was turned five years ago. It's nice to meet you."

"Where were you living before you came here?"


I narrowed my eyes. "Do you belong in a clan?" I asked. "Were you under Tae's clan?"

"Yes," he answered timidly. "He was the one who turned me."

I shut my eyes and kneaded my temple. This was not good. This was bad news. I do not like hearing this news at all. Chang Taehyung, the Head of the London's Clan dislikes his clan members to break away from his clan, and we have rules when it comes to entering other clan's territories.

For him to enter without my border people knowing, was not good at all.

"I … just wanted to live in a safer place," he explained quickly. "I heard from the others that here's a good place to live."

Ah, I miss Jiminie.

"Child, you should not have done that," Michael added flatly.

"How did you enter my territory without my boys finding out about you?" I asked flatly, eyeing the young boy as I sipped my drink. My mood was turning sour. I was getting angry. The others could sense my temperament changing.

Nathaniel stiffened.

"Answer her quickly," Cain stated.

"I … I might've used a less-known route," he answered slowly. "By the pier."

Hearing that answer, my team went to work. Adam jumped up from his seat, excused himself as he pulled out his mobile phone. Michael and Steph questioned the young one further, while Cain excused himself as well. While they worked, I drummed my fingers on the sofa, the other hand holding onto the wine glass.

Bored, I took out my mobile phone and pouted when I didn't receive any messages from Jiminie, letting out a melancholic sigh before pocketing the phone back. It was only the third day, and I still have four more days to go. This was as bad as the three years I was separated from him.

I missed him more tonight.

I want to hear his voice.



"I will ensure that the border boys know how important their job is, and this mistake will never happen again," Adam stated and bowed in apology. "It is my fault, boss. I had not watched them closely enough."

I let out a sigh. "The matter now is whether Tae will find our fault in this," I said softly. I was resting my head against the back of the sofa, so I was looking up at the ceiling. "Tell your men to look out for newcomers. Any visitors are to report to me immediately."

"Yes boss."

"What are you going to do with the new kid, boss?"

"No please -"

"He's here because he wants to," I interrupted. "I am not cruel to make him return."

"T-thank you! You don't know how much this means to me!"

I sat up and stared at the young boy flatly. Cain was pulling the boy to his feet, scolding him under his breath; apparently he had been on his knees, he was in the midst of begging to be allowed to stay here. I detested these kinds of things. I do not run my clan like this.

I crossed my legs as I took the wine glass for a drink of martini. "Your Master may not be as merciful as I am, child," I said quietly. "Remember, you are not part of my clan. I cannot protect you from his wrath if he were to find out what you did. We work like the Mafia, we do not allow such things."

His euphoria disappeared almost immediately. "I … I understand," he replied softly. "I still want to thank you for allowing me to stay here, and I promise I won't cause trouble."

I stared down at the drink. "If you did cause any trouble, you wouldn't even have time to blink, child," I said softly.

"Yes, Ma'am."

Michael hit him upside the head. "Call her boss!" he growled.

"Yes, boss!" he said hurriedly.

I waved him away, increasingly annoyed at how things had turned out to be. This was supposed to be a good welcome party. Have I been gone for too long that my clan members have started to be complacent? I didn't want to be too controlling; I despised such methods but this was making me worry.

Taehyung was known for his extreme measures.

I have known him for too long to know that he will not take things lightly when he finds out about this. I let out another sigh, gulped down the rest of the martini and set the glass aside. I wanted to muss my face but I had make-up on, so I refrained myself from doing so.

"It'll be fine, boss."

I tried hard not to sigh.

Steph appeared by my side, offering a glass of alcohol to me quietly before she sat down next to me. I watched my four leaders; thinking about what I ought to tell them. I took a sip of the alcohol, swirling the drink in my tongue as I mulled over the taste and swallowed.

"We planned for this," added Adam. "We can trust the plan and we trust the Boss."

"Whatever that he pulls, we'll be ready," Steph said firmly.

"I only have one fear," I stated.

"What are you talking about, boss?" Michael asked in confusion. "You dealt with Tae many times already."

"Boss is talking about her human," Steph answered. "She's worried about him. Don't you remember the last time what he did -"

"We know," Cain interrupted quickly.

"I need more time," I murmured softly. I licked my dry lips. "It's too quick."

I could feel their eyes on me. I was sure they understood what I meant, and I was quiet for the rest of the party - nursing a gin or two as they talked amongst themselves. Some of my clan members went up to greet me and exchanged some pleasantries, smiling at them as they thanked me for returning, and me thanking them for trusting me.

Despite that, my mind was filled with worry.

I was worried for Jiminie.


As soon as Jiminie returned from his week-long camp, I received a message from the boy who asked if I was free to meet up with him for lunch. As an immortal who had a lot of free time and who missed the little human, I agreed to meet. Glancing at the clock, I had time to wash up and so I headed upstairs to get a quick shower.

Once I was done, I pulled on a black turtleneck and pulled on a black oversized patterned sweater over it. Wanting to be all black today, I got a pair of high-waisted jeans and a chain as an accessory. I didn't know what I was going for when I bought that. Pulling on bracelets and jewellery, I snapped my watch on and a bucket hat.

With that done, I threw my items into a shoulder bag and left the loft. Choosing to use my alternate car, I put on a pair of shades and drove to the location. It took me twenty minutes to reach and I parked on the sixth floor as there weren't empty slots at the lower floors. Taking the elevators down to the second floor, I headed towards the restaurant where Jiminie had suggested to go.

Joining the queue, I stared off into space as I waited for both the queue and Jiminie to arrive. Hearing the familiar voice calling out for me, I turned to see the little one making his way towards me with a wide smile on his face. After not seeing him for a week, my dead heart did a flip inside and I had to do a double take at the strange sensation in my chest.

"Hi Jiminie," I greeted.

"Hi!" he greeted enthusiastically before throwing himself against me. "I missed you! How are you? Did you miss me?"

I squeezed him against me, longer than I meant to. "Yes, I missed you a lot," I replied. I couldn't lie if I wanted to. I felt it was not a moment to lie. Seeing him again made my worry recede. "How was your camp? Did you have fun?"

"It wasn't fun," he whined as he swung my arm back and forth. "It was so tiring. I was busy training and I had a packed schedule. I woke up at six a.m and slept at one a.m every day. I didn't have time to call you or message you! It was so unfair, and I was so sad the entire time."

I was sad too, little one. "Well, look at the bright side," I said. "At least it's over."

"We still have plenty of rehearsals to prepare for, Alice," he points out, a pout forming on his face as he unloads his sadness onto me. "I have a recital coming up very soon and I have to keep practicing everyday with my partner. I won't have time to hang out with you and I'll be so busy until the recital comes."

I gave him a smile as I ruffled his hair. "Isn't this what you wanted to do?" I asked, reminding him softly as I squeezed his cheeks. I missed the baby cheeks of his. Now there's nothing else to squeeze, I was getting nostalgic. "Ever since you were ten years old. You knew what you wanted to do."

"Yes but –"

"No buts," I said. "I'll be there for your recital anyway. If we can't meet up as usual, I can pick you up after practice. Time is what I have, and time will not tear me away from you."

"That … that was deep," he lamented.

"Time passes slower without you," I added. "And I have a lot of time."

He stares at me. "Why do you keep saying that?" he asked.


"Why do you keep saying that you have a lot of time?" he asked. "Nobody says that."

I averted my gaze and realised that I recognised the place. A playground used to be there, but it has been replaced with an open plaza for people to sit. There were a few couples, families with children and some with their pets. How many years has it been since the last time I've been here? It must've been ages.

"I do," I said quietly.
