Chapter III - Blackbird

the dark

whispers to light

in shadows;

figures hidden away

in a mysterious play.

the beauty of darkness

is often overlooked,

only present in the hearts

of those who have embraced it

as a part of themselves.

music, art, poetry;

all can quickly

turn heavy-

all these blooming expressions

become the sobs of those

who could find no other

way to bring their thoughts

to life.

heaviness is beautiful too.

no melody is ever complete,

or even interesting,

without dissonance

oddly enough,

it's exactly what makes

a melody distinguishable,


polished, even.

no melody is beautiful

without a little hint of chaos.

to me,


brings order.

dark, heavy music

has been a home to me,

as it has been for others

before me.

endless playlists

full of lyrics

that mean the world

to so many different people,

so many memories

tied to each and every

song that exists...

all the scenes

that play back

in your head

suddenly find a place

in a greater harmony,

your thoughts

finally settle,

you find balance

amid dissonance,

amid chaos.

and that,

is art.

through the years

a blackbird forms;

tainting your thoughts

at first-



fighting for a breath

trying to find a place

in your heart.

you're always trying

to get rid of it,

to shake it off,

to burn its nest.

the blackbird

lays its heavy heart

onto your chest,

seeking comfort,

seeking refuge-

in the fighting,

the constant refusal,

the endless squawking-

you finally see

that the blackbird

only wants to be free,

it lives in your shadow,

it is your shadow.

to set it on its way,

you must embrace-

you must find the courage

to be

all that you feel-


and only then,

shall your emotions

ever take flight...


as the blackbird flies

through the columns

and the smoke,

through toxic waste

and black death...

through crossfire,

through hell-

you become your own shield.


mid flight,

your wings

turn ethereal;

they glow

as your heart does.


the essence of your hate,

your nightmares,

your worst days-

becomes the golden dream,

the version of yourself

you've always wanted to be.

in the furl of its wings

you'll see,

maybe one day,

how chaos brings peace