Chapter IV - Resonance

as a kid,

I'd find my place

mashing away

at my aunt's piano;

watching in wonder,

trying to figure out

why the keys were painted

so mysteriously

in black and white,

i saw a silent story

written into the shapes

and colors around me,

i saw melodies

twirling around,

the harmonies

calling me-

i saw all these partitions

written into the keys,

all the songs that have

found a home in their scales,

all the dreams that live

within the keys

God, there's just so much

that comes up when

I hear the word "music"

lost in an endless world

of possibilities, combinations;

harmonies at your fingertips

singing of the joys and heartbreaks

hidden away deep inside,

capable of expressing more

than what tears could ever write

there's a flame

that lights up in my chest,

a constant burning desire

of playing music,

of diving into this realm

of insanity-

like a madman,

hammering away at

the keys with no thought

in mind,

speaking hundreds of languages

in each note,

a brilliant melody that


and has a mind of its own

even in dissonance,

even in its most chaotic

and disorganized forms,

music will find a way

to touch you,

and I think that's beautiful-

you want a hint of chaos,

a little insanity thrown

into the mix to spice it up;

that flare you could never

bring to the world

by other means

too much chaos,

you'll have noise-

too much order,

you'll have something

to help you sleep.

there is no perfection.

there is no melody

that is complete;

even the most brilliant

pieces ever written

are in fact,


in the eyes of those

who are too stern

to be free.

it's not about finding

the most complex


it's not about finding

the best arrangement

of notes,

it's not about the lyrics,

or the rhythm,

or the scale,

nor the key;

it's about finding

what resonates with you

down to your very core,

it's about finding

the one song

that'll make you say

"this is a part of me,"

"this is who I am,"

"this is who I want to be."

music is an identity.

it carries so much energy,

so much personality,

so much flame,

so much passion,

it's a whole new world

of possibilities

beyond what we could ever

be able to conceive-

it's the driving force

of the universe,

the way that nature speaks.

the way your soul

tries to manifest its way

into this world.

a connection.



and most importantly...


(oh look, a reference to the title,

how clever!)

- "oh my God he did the thing

with the walls and and and

the title wowwwww"

yeah yeah i get it.

keep reading.

not cliche at all,

but very unexpected.

see now you're self awar-

(at this point the author of this

book decided to drag himself

back down to reality,

we apologize for the technical difficulties.

he tends to get carried away sometimes.)

my point is.

(or was, at least)

you're going to come across

some things in life

that simply resonate with you.

there's no further explanation needed.

it's just... there.

you know it when it happens.

you feel every single cell in your body

confirm that it's exactly that.




it's there.

all you need is to

pay attention

slow down.


there are so many things

that try to show you the

deeper sense of life,

the one that brings purpose,




the key is to never cease to dream,

no matter how hard that may be,

to live freely and fearlessly,

as a child that loves to play

and sees the good in everything

there's a world

beyond the ego of many

that very few will ever

live to witness;

a world of feelings

and emotions so rich,

intuition sharp

and honed-

brisk whispers of wind

teaching you

all you need to know.

you'll feel

right from wrong,

you'll have the judgement

of eternity at your side;

you'll read people

like open books,

you'll write your soul

into flowers

growing through

the cracks of the

sidewalks you tread-

the faces you meet

will carry new energy,

it's written into your blood

to feel,

to carry the burdens of others,

to be the kindness this world needs.

embrace it,

and listen to the voice

that needs no words,

it echoes the void within you

to bring you melodies,

for you to color the lives

of all those who grace you

with need.