Chapter V - Delirium

"the eye within the eye,"

philosopher's bane

and poet's wine...

a trance of thought,

written into the lines

of your mind-

it's in your nature,

finely and meticulously

poured into the lines

of your palm,

to create mirrors

all throughout,

and venture deeper

into yourself

every waking second;

to investigate

all the little

things you do

with the slightest

of regard,

to stare at everything

in great peculiarity-

as if nothing really

is a part of who you are...

you spend your days

chipping away

at the identity

this world has given you,

this blank slate

waiting to be reworked

with purpose,

with passion,

with authenticity...

you'll find yourself

old and gray

as you still carve into

the stone you're told

is who you are,

where you're from,

where you'll be,

what's expected of you,

what you'll be.

and it is only

through the unlearning

and relearning,

from the voluntary

death and rebirth,

from the revolutionary

renaissance of will

and conviction

that you may EVER

release yourself

from the world,

(and ironically enough)

find yourself.

a loss can only be a gain

in the eye of the beholder...

(someone's bound to get that reference damn it.)

let no man tell you

this world is set in stone,

for it is the truth

that only those who dare

set themselves apart

from those who believe

in the impossible

are those who find

it possible,

and are deemed worthy

of rewriting fate

as they please.

poets and


of ancient times-

those who've written

epics and tragedies,

plays and odysseys,

those who've pressed

their soul into lines

of poetry,

those who've served

the sands of time

writing endless prophecies,



they revel in the light

of self-discovery,

holding themselves up

to the universe

like a crystal,

simply waiting

to be,

to become an instrument,

to realize a purpose,

to refract light

in times of darkness...

the definition of insanity

is creating a world

within a world,

and believing all in it

to be true...


this is exactly where

sanity coincidentally begins.

and now, you must choose:

the truths you speak of,

the abstract depths of your mind;

will they be your sanity,

your passion,

your innovation,

your elixir of life?

or will they be

your downfall

at your own hand?

always remember...

delirium has two ends.