Chapter VII - Void.

You find yourself

staring at a blank easel,

wondering where to start-

the canvas calls you.

you're drawn to a feeling

you cannot express,

your thoughts are mute

yet have so much to say...

you cry,

brush and paint in hand,

beaten by the feelings

you cannot set free.

some days,

all you can pour in

is pain.



and that's okay.

it's a small price to pay

for you to stay real.

for you to keep giving.

for you to find purpose.

you are not a hologram.

you are not a ghost.

you are here.

right here and now,

i feel you next to me.

i understand the pain.

you don't always have to write.

you don't always have to dream.

you don't always have to be something.

just be yourself.

even if that means

you need to lie

down in the dark,

staring at the ceiling

wondering where

you've gone wrong.

even if it means

you must become a void;





forgive the long introduction.

here, have a seat.

where are my manners?

pardon me,

for a moment-

to gather my words.

it seems the days

have taken a bite

out of all of us,

testing our temper.

testing our faith.

testing our will.

life does that.

it tests you,

it bends you all kinds of ways,

throws all these new experiences

and events your way..

to make sure you are ready

to receive what you truly need.

it's only after a hardship

that you may reconcile

with yourself,

and find peace in everything around you.

it is only through

the dying of an ember

that ashes may soar

to life as flames.

the fire is relentless,

but it is hardening you.

giving you form.

purifying you of flaws.

maturing you through adversity.

through heat.

through hell.

through hardships.


it'll be alright,

i promise.

life is not a constant state of being.

life is a fluctuation,

a cyclic turn of events.

the same way you'd distill wine

time and time again

perhaps to perfect it,

to give meaning to the fruit

that was taken away

from its roots so harshly.

the void will leave you empty,


burnt out;

but it is temporary.

it is a must.

without it,

you will never see

courage in tears,

nor strength in will.


hang in there,


you'll find a way out.