The following week passed by quickly and they all became best of friends. Each one of them opened up to Amy and their bonding strengthened. They loved and cared of each other like a real family would do. They danced and partied, went to discos and bars, drank together and sometimes just watched movies on weekends.

One day in college when Amy was walking alone down the corridor towards her locker she was surrounded by a group of boys and girls. She thought 'bullies again, phew'. One of the girls sneered and said,"Look who we have here!! Our little miss favourite Amy." Everybody laughed hysterically. One of the boys said,"You are a freak. Stay away from them. You are not worthy to be friends with them." Everybody laughed but Amy remained calm and cool and just smiled at them. They all stopped laughing and the boy from before said,"See I told you all, she's a freak." One of the girls came forward and was just going to slap her and Amy was ready for the blow to follow when someone held the girl's hand tightly in mid air and spun her around giving her a tight slap and glared at all the people around. It was Em. She said in a threatening tone,"Stay away from her" and all 5 of them encircled Amy. Amy was left stunned. It was the first time in her life when someone stood up for her. Not even her own parents or, for the fact ,boyfriend stood up for her. She loved her boyfriend ,no doubt about that but they had been maintaining some distance after she moved out of her home town. Soon the bullies hurried away and she recovered from the shock when she was enveloped in a tight hug by the 5 of them. They all were frantic and was asking her if she was OK or it she was hurt or anything.

She calmed them down and they released her from their tight grip. She smiled sweetly at them and their frowns once again turned to smiles seeing their Amy's beautiful smile. One by one they all pecked her cheeks and she just giggled.

They were in economics class and it was about to start when they heard the speakers announce,"All are requested to gather in the hall. There's some exciting news for you all and oh!! all the other classes for today are cancelled." Everybody cheered and some were discussing what the exciting new maybe. While walking down the corridor towards the hall  Em said,"What do you guys think it all is about?"

Archie replied shrugging,"Dunno" and everybody else hummed in response to agree with Archie.

Amy was walking silently, engrossed in some thought when she bumped in someone's chest. "Ow!" She said rubbing her forehead and snapping out of her thoughts. She saw Archie standing in front of her and she stepped back a little. She peered sideways and saw her friends moving towards the hall and then she looked back again at Archie. He said,"Are you alright? You know you were daydreaming" in a worried tone. Amy looked at him guiltily and said,"Sorry about that Archie. I was just wondering what this all is about!!" Archie hummed in response and they continued on their way catching up with their friends.

They found seats together at the back of the hall and sat down chatting. The hall was brimming with excitement when the loud screech of the mike silenced them all. Everybody's eyes trailed towards the enormous stage where some people were standing in well clad suits. Amy recognised them as the Deans of other local colleges and some from out of town. One even from her hometown. Their Dean smiled wickedly and said on the mike,"G' mornin' my dear students. I know you must all be very curious about this exciting news." On this Em rolled her eyes sighing exasperatedly which made Amy giggle with mirth. The Dean continued,"You can see all these gentlemen and women here" he said indicating towards the people standing beside him "are the deans of different colleges and we all have come together and decided to give our students a chance to interact with each other. We thought of organizing a competition; like a music fest. The crowd erupted in hooting, cheers and claps. The Dean continued,"All the colleges will get one chance to perform in front of everyone and we are honoured to be organizing this music fest. I hope you all will cooperate and remain in the competitive spirit."

After the Dean was finished with his speech people were bustling with happiness, talking about what they will do or what they will wear, will they try for auditions etc. Amy was far too excited than the look on her friends faces. She squealed and looked at her friends who were just shrugging or rolling their eyes or looking bored. She eyed every one of them and gave them a questioning look. Archie who was sitting next to her saw her confused look and answered,"We don't really fancy all of this." Amy's eyes widened for a second but then she asked cautiously,"Won't you guys give it a try.... the auditions?" All of them looked at her and answered in unison,"Naah!! Not interested." Amy felt a little hurt but didn't show it . She said,"Okay then lets get going. We don't have anything to do here." They all pushed through the crowd and exited the college.

Once when they settled at their usual spot in the coffee shop and ordered their favourites, Amy began cautiously,"So.. I was thinking ... if u are comfortable telling that is... what exactly happened to your music career? You were such a famous band after all. Always topping the charts." She finished nervously looking at her friends. They all looked a little bit tensed at this sudden question so Amy added," If you don't wanna tell then that's alright and understandable. I won't pry in your matters. Sorry." Em with all the courage she could muster up answered,"You see, we had a manager like every band does. He worked really hard for us and we appreciated his efforts. We all were best of friends. One day we just came to the agency and we got the news that our manager had fled with all our money. We trusted that asshole a lot and he betrayed us." Em continued agian gnashing her teeth,"we were left broke. We still were getting offers but without a manager... surviving in this industry is not possible. We thought of applying for a new manager but we had no money left to do so. Agitated as we were, we started fighting amongst ourselves and our band was gone just like that." She sighed then smiled at Archie and said,"but this guy here , Archie, made us realise that we are a family and here we are." She concluded with a small smile on her face and others were also smiling sadly.

Amy began,"I'm soo sorry that happened with you. I had no idea. You guys don't deserve this.. you deserve much better," she looked on the verge of crying. Dray said,"Hey! Hey! Don't cry. We are here. Ain't we?" He gave her a side hug and pecked her cheek. Steph said smiling,"We are a happy little family now. Even our parents support us now because they wanted our lives to be normal. And now we are not even bothered with this normality idea. That time was all a buzz. I like the calm and quiet more."

Amy gave a sad small smile. Em said,"Aww... is our little Amy sad now. Don't be sweetie." And this lightened up the mood. Em also gave Amy a little peck on the cheek. Amy giggled and said,"You guys spoil me a lot. Its not good." Eveybody smiled at her sweetly and said,"You are our Amy ... and you should be treated like a princess." Amy blushed profusely and everybody laughed at that.

*p.s.- I'm just gonna add the missing chapter here.. sorry again T-T

The college was a little busy than before and their Amy was as adorable as ever. The day of  the music fest was approaching soon; just a week to go. The band selected were practising with their full potential. On the other hand Amy and her friends were having quite a normal time. Enjoying themselves, studying and chatting. The next day was a weekend and they all decided to go for a movie because their Amy suggested it and was bouncing and squealing with joy just at the idea of that.

Amy got ready in her room. She was later meeting with the others in lobby. Her hair was tied in a side pony and she was weraing black skirt with white polka dots on it and black boots. The skirt was a little short,just above her knees and she was wearing a white crop top and upon it a black shrug. She wore a little makeup too as advised by Em. She looked cool, casual and cute. She took the lift and went for the lobby. She met with the all black group. She sighed and thought it was good she wore black or otherwise she would seem to be the odd one out. They wore not all black but yes mainly black.

Em was wearing a purple sparkling crop top and tight charcoal black jeans with a long neck pendant. Her hair were left loose and she was wearing black lipstick and was looking smug. She was wearing black wedges. Ed was wearing a white t-shirt with black jacket on top of it and black jeans and black trainers. Ed also wore some rings in both his hands. Draco was wearing a brown-black jeans with black sleeveless t-shirt which had a biting lip painted on it. Steph was all black with black shoes, same as Dray. He was wearing blackish grey ripped jeans and a jumper with some design pattern on it. Archie looked like God himself. He was wearing black leather jacket with dark blue jeans and black boots. His hair styled with gel, giving him a look which girls will drool upon. His silever eyes never leaving Amy.

Amy was bouncing with happiness when she came to a halt upon seeing them. She said,"Oh my!! Maybe I should change." Em retorted,"Oh do shut up. You look adorable sweetheart." Steph tugged his arm around Amy's shoulder and said,"She's right sweetie. You look adorable" giving her a peck on her cheek and Amy giggled. She said,"Thank you Steph and Em and you all look fabulous by the way." Everybody laughed and complimented her kissing her on her cheeks.

They arrived at the mall but still had an hour for the movie to start, so they decided to take a stroll and slowly divided into partners. Ed said,"I have some things to buy. Em,if you would accompany me please." Em replied,"Of course love." And they both went off leaving the four on them.When they were just strolling down the mall Steph exclaimed,"They are out now. The new denim collection. I'm gonna take a look. Anybody wanna join?" Dary said,"I will, see if there's something of my liking." Amy giggled and waved them bye. They all had agreed to meet before the theater on time. Now Amy and Archie were left alone with an awkward silence. It was not obvious just because Amy was mesmerized with the dresses she saw. Archie looked at her and thought something. He nudged Amy and she looked back at his face. He held out his hand which Amy looked at in confusion but took it otherwise.

Archie dragged her towards the shop and held open the door. Amy was confused. Archie asked for the dress Amy was eyeing and then handed over the dress to Amy to try. She refused then he said,"You consider me your best friend no? So think of it as a gift." After many tries Amy gave up and Archie bought the dress. Happily she left the shop with archie, draping an arm around his arm and tugged him along her towards the theater. She gave Archie a little Peck on the cheek and thanked him. Later everyone arrived  and Amy looked at Em and Ed who seemed a little bit down. She went over to them and asked what was wrong. Em just sighed and smiled sadly saying,"It's just dad!!" It was all for everyone to understand. Their dad was little too strict and now when they both depended on him, it was too difficult. Amy kissed Em and Ed's cheek and hugged them both. Eventually they began a group hug. Em broke the hug and said,"Sorry to break this cuddly session but I have a movie to watch." Amy was happy to see her friend full of enthusiasm again. They all laughed and agreed with Em. They watched the movie and together they made their way towards the apartment.

Suddenly Em said,"Let's make this night count today and spend it together." This announcement brought smiles to their faces and they all agreed. Steph said,"What about Amy's place? We have never seen the inside of her room." At this Amy stiffened a but but then laughed nervously and said,"Maybe another time. Its gross today." Archie looked at her suspiciously and said,"You said that the last time too and before the last time too and always." Amy looked at them with her puppy eyes which melted their hearts and all of them crashed in the group's apartment as always.