The next day when Amy got up, she went to the kitchen, where she found Archie singing and making breakfast. She stopped at the entrance of the kitchen and leaned on the door, enjoying the sight. She had a huge grin on her face.

When Archie turned around and saw Amy, he stopped singing and gave her a wide smile. He walked around towards the entrance and leaned down to place a chaste kiss on her lips, then murmured,"Good morning." She blushed but smiled and whispered a ,"'morning." He then went back to his work smiling like a fool.

Amy stood beside him leaning on the counter and asked,"What are you making?" Archie replied,"Bacon and eggs for breakfast." She said,''Lemme help you." He instantly grabbed her hands and said,"Nope. Not today." She smiled and nodded an okay. He continued,"You can go and wake others up. Breakfast will be ready soon." She chuckled and saluted saying,"On it captain." They both laughed at the silly joke.

Breakfast was fun. They chatted happily throughout it. When everyone was helping Archie clean up the table, Archie said,"You know what Amy! I'm gonna take you on a date today." Amy looked at him, eyebrows raised and said,"What?" Em said,"What what Amy? A date! He's your boyfriend now, he ought to take you out on a date." Amy blushed but said,"But what if-" Archie cut her off, clearly understanding what she was worried about,"Don't worry about it. Nobody will find out. Trust me." She hesitated so Em said,"Oh Amy! If Archie said that nobody will find out then nobody will. He's a rich scum. You need not worry about anything." Amy looked at Archie and said,"OK." Archie said smiling enthusiastically,"Perfect! Be ready at 4." Em said,"I will make sure of that. She'll meet you at 4 in the lobby." Archie smirked at Em and said,"Alright then, I'm gonna make some arrangements." Saying so, he left.

Even after all the complaints from Amy, Ember insisted on being the stylist and helping her to get ready for the date. Amy said exasperated,"Em, this is way too much. Its just a date and I wanna be as subtle as I can." Em shushed her and said,"Do shut up Amy. This is your first date and that also with 'The Archie Angelo'. You've got to look drop dead gorgeous." This rang bells in Amy's head and she asked,"Hey Em, earlier you said Archie is a rich scum, of course you all are rich but you all have been, you know... umm.. disconnected from your parents. What did you mean?" Em smiled reassuringly and said,"That's a story for Archie to tell. Not me!" And with that she continued her styling.

It was now 3:50 and at last Em stopped. She looked at Amy up and down, appreciating her handiwork and said,"You are so ready for your date with Archie now." Amy giggled and said,"Sometimes, you are too much Em."  Em glared at her playfully and then rolled her eyes. She excitedly clapped her hands and said,"I just wanna see Archie's reaction. His jaw will definitely drop and he'll stare dumb struck at you. Oh my! What a sight it would be to watch." Amy laughed and playfully shoved Em. Em said,"Time to leave. Now go. Hurry up and I want all the details."

Amy was wearing a white evening dress. The back of the dress was longer than the front portion and at the seams of the dress a broad black pattern design was made. It was an off shoulder dress.

It, of course belonged to Em because as per her, Amy didn't have any special dress for the occassion. She was wearing black high heels. Her hair were done in a nice bun on top of her head, not messy at all, just a single stand on the left was let free. Her makeup was done by Em. She was wearing black earrings which looked like a long drop of water, just in black colour.

She slowly made her way downstairs.
She was worried but excited at the same time. Reaching the bottom stair, she took a long breath in and released it, trying to calm down. Apart from the nervousness, every inch of her skin was filled up with so much happiness and excitement that it was like a miracle that she hasn't fainted with the overflow of the ecstatic feeling yet.

Arriving at the lobby she was in awe of the sight in front of her. She couldn't take her eyes off of him. She had seen archie in a formal wear for the first time. Maybe not all formal because it gave some casual vibe too. Archie was wearing black pants and white t-shirt with black shrug and lastly white sneakers. He was wearing a watch. His hair were ruffled in a sexy way. He was leaning on the wall, waiting for her to arrive.

She finally recovered from her stance and made her way towards him. Just like Amy, he was completely shocked to see Amy. Amy clicked her fingers in front of his face and giggled when, at last Archie blinked his eyes, closed his mouth and shook his head to recover from the complete bliss that he was experiencing.

He smiled widely at her and said,"Damn, you look beautiful Amy. Let me guess, it was Em." Amy giggled and said,"You hit the nail right on the head and by the way, you don't look too bad yourself, Mr. Angelo." He laughed and gave Amy his right hand to take  it and said,"Shall we?" She blushed and took his hand.

"Where are we going?" She asked intrigued as they both sat in the car and Archie started to drive. He answered,"A few places." She said again questioning him,"Namely!?" Archie said,"Well.. you'll find out soon enough." She pouted but didn't try to dig in further because she knew she wouldn't get to know.