Someone had clicked their picture from the graduation day where Archie was kissing Amy. The picture was taken when they were celebrating her graduation in a restaurant. They had booked a private room to avoid all the reporters but she had no clue as to how they got the picture.

She didn't realise when Archie sat down beside her and pulled her closer. He said very softly,"Amy please say something." But she couldn't. The news reporter said,"Amy Black and Archie Angelo were found kissing when they were celebrating the former's graduation a few days prior. People doubted their relationship from the beginning and now this picture clearly tells that the hottest bachelor is now taken. It broke the hearts of millions of fans but the most surprising thing is many are supporting their relationship. Even the famous singer Paul Grint and many others were wishing the couple luck and congratulations."

A few seconds passed, then Amy said,"I think I need to check my phone." She tried to escape but Archie stopped her and said,"That can wait Amy. Tell me how do you feel?" Amy sighed and replied,"I don't know, if I'm being honest with myself." Archie sighed then Amy continued,"What about you?" Archie replied,"Me? I ... I.. umm.." he rubbed the back of his neck, meaning he was nervous. Amy hugged him and said,"I'll be alright, if you are." Archie sighed in relief and hugged her back saying,"To be honest I'm happy that it's finally revealed but a lil' disappointed that it wasn't us who revealed our relationship. It's all gonna be alright as long as we have our friends." Amy hummed in response and hugged him tightly.

A few hours later they were all sitting in the living room and discussing what to do. Em said,"I'm telling you, you should just give an interview to them." Dray said,"Yeah, or you can hold a press conference?" Steph interrupted,"It totally depends on you guys. What do you wanna do?" Amy and Archie shared glances and Archie said,"I'll be alright with whatever Amy agrees with or decide." They all looked at Amy who sighed and slumped her shoulders then said,"Let me make a call, to schedule the interview." Em smiled and gave her an encouraging pat on the back. Amy smiled back at her.

So, finally they had revealed their relationship to the public and people were dealing well with it. Yeah some crazy fans were upset but all in all it went well. A day or two later,while Amy was preparing a chart for the band's next month schedules, someone rang the doorbell. She though it must be one of her friends so while opening the door she said,"I told you I-.." but her next words were cut off. A man probably in his 40's, dressed up in a black tux stood right there in front of her flat. His posture was too straight for Amy. He looked down at Amy and said,"Ms. Black?" Amy said nervously, because nobody really knew where she lived,"Yes, how may I help you?"

He pulled out an envelope from the inside pocket of his tux and handed it out for Amy to take, then said,"I'm here as per requested by Mr. Angelo. He has asked me to inform you that he would be really glad if you would agree to meet him this coming Saturday and have dinner at his place."

Amy hesitated but then only Archie came to her rescue saying,"What's up Amy, already completed your work? What's going on here?" The guy turned towards Archie and said,"Good evening young master." Archie said,"Danny? What are you doing here? And how many times have I told you not to call me that, just Archie is fine!" Amy interrupted saying,"umm.. Danny...?" He turned towards Amy, then Amy continued,"Umm.. tell Mr. Angelo.. I'll be there. What time though?" Danny replied,"You don't need to worry ma'am. I'll come to pick you up at 5." She smiled and said,"Sure. Thank you." Archie asked confused,"Wait what? Which Mr. Angelo specifically?" Danny replied,"Elder Mr. Angelo, young master." With that danny left with a small smile on his face. Archie turned towards Amy and said rolling his eyes,"I swear that guy does it on purpose." Amy giggled at that. He said again,"What was it all about by the way?" Amy replied,"Come on in. I'll tell you."

A while later, when Amy had narrated the whole incident, Archie said,"Why didn't you talk to me first? How can I let you go alone? No!" Amy rubbed his shoulders soothingly then said,"Trust me Archie. I can handle this." Archie said,"Just remember I love you and if my father is there don't believe a word he says." Amy smiled and replied,"Of course! And I love you too." After calming down a bit he asked,"So,what's in that envelope?" Amy shrugged then said,"I don't know. Let's see." There was a letter inside which they read together.

The letter said:

'Dear Amy and Archie,

Yeah I know you both must be reading it or else Amy will tell Archie. I hope this letter of mine find you both in great spirit and the other members too. Don't get suspicious over anything, alright? I just wanna talk and have dinner with my future grand-daughter-in-law and yeah, Archie, if you want you can join us too or else you'll whine about it later. I'll be looking forward to seeing you Amy. I've heard a great deal about you from that grandson of mine which have piqued my curiosity. I have loads to tell you too. You'll be surprised, I bet. You know Kate ( your future granny-in-law) already adores you. Hopefully, we'll meet soon.


Your future grandpa.'

Amy was so confused after reading the letter so she just looked up at Archie who tried to hide his embarrased face through fake coughing. He saw Amy looking at him for some kinda explanation and so he said,"Yeah, that's my grandpa for you. He loves to crack jokes. You'll love him but I don't know why he has to be so cheesy all the time." Amy burst into laughters then said,"Oh my God! I already love your grandpa. I can't wait to meet him. I'm soo looking forward to the meeting." Archie said, trying to sound bored,"Yeah!Yeah! Whatever! Just don't fall for his rubbish talks and jokes." Amy laughed again.

After that when Amy told all her friends about the letter, they all burst into laughters, just like Amy had and they chatted a bit about Archie's grandpa. Apparantly everybody had met him and seemed to loved the old man and this made Amy more eager to meet him but a question was still lingering inside her head and bugging her from time to time but she just pushed it off for later and enjoyed the moment with her friends.