On Friday evening their shoot for an ad was cancelled due to some unknown reasons and was, unfortunately, scheduled for the next, that was Saturday, the day Amy was gonna meet Archie's grandpa. They came back home and everybody retired to their rooms, except for Amy and Archie. They cuddled on the sofa, watching a movie. Amy thought that it was a good chance for her to ask the question that had been bugging her for the whole week.

She cleared her throat loudly and said,"Uh.. Archie, if you dont mind, I have a question for you." Archie said, still engrossed in the movie,"Shoot" and so Amy did,"Can you tell me about your family? After receiving the letter from your grandpa, I was .. confused!" Archie stilled and took a deep calming breath. He looked sideways, facing Amy and then said,"My grandpa is my favourite person. I kinda grew up around him and granny only. I don't particularly remember but maybe I was 4 or 5 when I became interested in music."

He paused and sighed contentedly then said," Grandpa always encouraged me in whatever I did. He taught me to follow my heart and so he was really happy when I chose music as my career in future but I can't say the same for dad. Not that he was upset or discouraged me or anything else like that but .... you can say he didn't pay much attention to me or what I like to do when I was younger and when he did.. it was too late. The damage was done."

He gave a humorless laugh but Amy stayed quiet, listening intently to his each word. He continued,"Music had become my passion and I was not ready to give it up at any cost. My dad always wanted me to take over the company after him. Well, I had other plans. I never wanted that. I don't understand all these company affairs and matters. He just wants me to take his place but I don't want to and I can't even see myself at that position even in the far future which he says, he can. You can say he neither supports me nor discourages me for this. He is neutral regarding all this but my grandparents and mom are always thrilled to know about my achievements."

Amy just said,"Oh!" After a while she said again,"That means he still loves you the same because he never stopped you from following your dream, he just wanted that after all this you'll go and take after him. He still loves you."  A small laugh erupted from him and he said,"In your language, maybe but I just go there for my mom and grandparents. My grandpa is my number 1 fan or at least he says so." Amy grinned,"I bet he is." Archie smiled back at her and placed a kiss on her lips. A few minutes later Archie said,"Do you remember my words Amy? Do not pay attention to whatever my dad will say or tell you. I love you and you just have to trust my words." Amy replied,"Of course!! And I do trust you chi."

Amy tried to suppress her smile but miserably failed to do so when Archie said exasperatedely,"Not you too."

The next day on the sets was a busy one. The shoot was going on perfectly but Amy was still slightly nervous to meet Archie's family. She just thought what if she didn't make a good impression?  What if she messed up? She can't because they were the most important people in Archie's life. She had to impress them. There were many what ifs going on her mind. She was fidgeting with the pen in her hand in the vanity van when Archie said,"Huff! What time is it now Amy?"Amy turned her head to look at him so fast that she would have had a whiplash. She said,"Uh.. huh.. lemme check."

Archie smiled and said,"Its nearly 4:20. Go home and get ready. We are gonna pack up soon." She looked up at him with brows furrowed in worry then said,"Please come along. I really don't wanna mess up. What if-...?" She was cut off by Archie's lips. Breaking the kiss, he smiled broadly at her and said,"Believe me, you won't. They already love you." She sighed and gave him a small smile saying,"Alright then. I'll see you later." He said,"Of course you will. Now give me a biiigg smile." She giggled at that and Archie continued,"Now that's more like it."

It was 5 o'clock in the evening and Amy was ready to leave. A while ago she bought an evening gown which she thought she'll wear at some special occasion but this occasion was just as special as any other, so she wore it.

It was a simple plain rouge pink coloured straight gown  she thought it was the best dress for this meeting.she was wearing white heels and a small necklace round her neck. She was wearing a beaded bracelet in her right hand and matching earrings. She applied fawn coloured lipstick and black mascara and with this she was done. She was also carrying a white coloured clutch in her hand which had some criss-cross patterns on it.

The door bell rang and she opened it up to find Danny standing there. He said,"Good evening, Miss. Black. If you would please come along." She replied with a smile,"Good evening to you too Danny and please call me Amy." He nodded in her direction and then they went on the way to Archie's home.