32 Chapter

As it turns out, we could have dropped the scum off at a no-name planet where they could have bribed their way out in about five minutes after we left... or we could continue for a couple of days more and drop them off at Alderaan, one of the closer core worlds on this hyperlane.

I had never been to Alderaan before so I figured we might as well go there as anywhere else. We had plenty of food and water and the hyperdrive didn't take any damage in the fighting. They should be fine, and we could have the shipyards fix the damage we took as well. The Jedi could take another transport from here.

The prisoners weren't going anywhere either. The ones in the brig were stuck and the ones in the containers... well, we rigged up an air supply system and kept the rest of the hold in a vacuum.

We had no escape attempts.

The faces of the police officials when we delivered just under a hundred and fifty known smugglers and pirates to them... about half already wanted for a variety of crimes, such as piracy, murder, extortion and pretty much anything else you could name.

All in all, hopefully, the couple of hundred thousand in combined bounties should cover the repairs. Which was what I was on my way to find out right now.

With some luck, the most likely new leader of the Glass Hand took my warning to heart and they were going to stay out of my way... but I'm not easing up on my security protocols anytime soon.

Or ever.

I sighed at my drone as it floated along beside me. The servant drone was carrying fruit again, but not my favorite kinds. They didn't have that kind on the shipyard we docked at, though I'm sure they did down on the planet.

I need to make sure to get my cook to pick some up before we leave again. Even if we get hydroponics repaired, it will be a couple of months for the bushes to start producing fruit... even if we are able to get the right kind of bush.

I looked around as I entered engineering. Things didn't look that bad down here, but then again, the damage would be on the outside of the ship.

I blinked as I looked around. The place looked empty. Wonder what hole my engineers have crawled into this time I asked "Hello? Anyone here?". They should be here...

"Oh! Captain! Hi!" Padme exclaimed as she poked her head out of an open vent in the bulkhead behind me, above the door I came in through.

I twitched at the sound of her voice and turned to look up at her. What is it with Honor family members hiding in the walls?

"I'm wondering if I could perhaps get a report on the condition of my ship?" I asked, tilting my head at her as I turned around.

"Ah... yeah." My second engineer said as she climbed out of the hole and dropped down on the floor. "I think my sister is a bit tied up at the moment, but I should be able to tell you what you need to know, Captain."

I nodded and waited for her to continue. She looked at me for a moment and then went "Oh! Right! Report..." before she dug through her coverall before pulling out a datapad.��Well, we have gone through the ship and there is some good news and some bad news. Good news is that all the hull leaks except the one in hydroponics will be easy to fix. We have temporary patches there now to keep the air in, but we need to replace the hull panels. That's about two days of work in total. Hydroponics though, is a different matter. It needs to be completely rebuilt from scratch, they hit the water recycling unit and messed up most of the piping in the section. What didn't get wrecked by the blast, froze and shattered their pipes. That will take a week, maybe a week and a half to get fixed."

I ruffled my feathers in annoyance before I nodded. "I see. I assume that will cost me a nice chunk of credits. What about the engines?" I then asked.

Padme sighed and shrugged. "Honestly, they just needed some maintenance to fix what mess-ups trying to run them on a fracked up power frequency for your trick did to them when we turned them back to full power. Just a couple of burned-out power converters. We fixed them already."

Well, that was good news. If we needed to overhaul the engines, we could be stuck in the dock for weeks if not months.

"Good work, Miss Honor." I said, giving her a nod "Is there any other malfunctions that you think I should know about?" I then asked.

The human frowned slightly and then shook her head. "I don't think so, Captain. There is the normal minor things, like one of the actuators of one of the cargo droids acting up again... Oh! Wait... there are some scorch marks on the hull from the fighting. They didn't breach it, do you want us to replace those hull panels as well?"

I nodded "Yes. While we are in the dock to make repairs, we might as well repair everything." I said before I moved to leave. "Tell your sister that I appreciate the work you two do, but that she really should take breaks sometimes."

Padme nodded but blinked at me. "She is on a break, she is with Tel'te."

I tilted my head as I looked down at her ��But you said she was tied up with so... "I started before I shook my head. "Nevermind."

I might be bad at using the force to get a feeling for what others think or feel, but I didn't need it to feel my second engineers amusement behind me.


Pressing the button to open my quarters and peered inside, suddenly feeling a bit paranoid, remembering what happened after the last time we were in a real fight.

When I was secure in the knowledge that my room was empty of both humans and twi'leks I entered and let the door close behind me as I removed my carrying harness, hanging it up as I pulled my lightsaber from its pouch and put it on its place on the shelf, ruffling up the feathers on my neck it messed up when I removed it.

I stretched, spreading my wings wide before I looked between my pillar and my large pillow. Tired... but I had something I needed to do first.

I shook myself before I climbed up to coil around my pillar before recording a holo message for transmission. ���Galuga, It's Atreus. I'm wondering, do you still need your collection moved? There will be a couple of weeks before I can get to you, the ship took a bit of a battering, but I handled my problem. Standard fee would apply." I said into the recording before I hit transmit.

Climbing off the pillar I moved over to collapse on my silk-covered pillows, quickly falling asleep.