33 Chapter

I looked out over the large empty cargo hold. Newly cleaned as well by the simple method of turning off gravity and then venting the room by opening the outer door for a while.

Not something to do while underway, but during the trip from the orbital space station to the orbital docks, it was a good opportunity as we would be able to refill the air supply when docked. Cleaning droids or not, dust gathers, especially where you store cargo containers.

Now when the area is refilled with air... we have a large clean area with no gravity yet. Normally, you want to keep gravity on to keep the environmental system from being stuffed with dust, especially in cargo bays, so this is not something I am able to do often, even the times when we were moving empty.

Trilling happily, I threw myself out into the large empty space, bringing myself to a stop with my wings in the middle of the cargo hold, slowly floating around the cargo bay with small movements of my wings.

There was a reason why the Morrigi kept their ships even after we mastered gravity. We were meant to fly, not crawl... and with no gravity, you were always soaring. That kind of brought its own problems, but Morrigi medical science had found ways to counter the effects of long-term microgravity.

Either way, that was not a problem for me.

I slowly rotated as I floated towards the farthest wall from the door, a small shifting of my wings changing so I just gently touched it with my feet before I pushed off again, this time with a flap of my wings, causing me to shoot across space with a happy trill.

Shifting my wings I turned my motion into a loop and a spiral before I swooped 'up' so I didn't hit the wall again.

Cupping my wings, I brought myself to a slow float again with a beat of my wings, simply floating in the air, closing my eyes as I relaxed.

My crew did wonderfully in the fighting. Much better than I could have asked of them actually. We were not a warship, we were a merchant trader. They all deserved a raise and would get it.... and while hydroponics and parts of the hull get fixed, everyone was getting the time off.

Alderaan was supposed to be a rather nice place to vacation on. I think they would enjoy a couple of weeks of paid leave there.

I opened my eyes and turned my head as I heard a door open to the cargo bay just in time see Nicole let out a squeal as she walked out into the cargo bay and immediately lost her footing and went floating.

She was carrying a thirty-centimeter metal pipe and, as soon as she realized what had happened, she looked around before throwing it away from her, causing her to drift back to the wall so she could get a hold of something.

"Well handled." I said, spreading my head feathers in amusement as I watched the human get a hold of a loop of metal normally used to strap down cargo.

I'm not entirely sure exactly how she managed to miss the dragon floating in the air but she jerked in surprise as I spoke up before she turned to finally spot me.

"Ah... Captain, I think we have a malfunction in the gravity generator..." she said as she kept a firm hold on the wall.

"Not at all." I answered as I extended my hand towards the piece of piping she threw, making it float into my grip before I beat my wings once to slowly float towards her. "I'm simply taking advantage of the micro-gravity when I have the opportunity. Normally, this place is either full of cargo or too dusty to be fun."

Nicole shook her head. "I never liked the weightlessness. I get sick after a while... Sorry for disturbing you, Captain."

I shook my head and grabbed hold of the next metal loop before handing the piece of metal pipe back. "Not at all. If I wished to have privacy, I would have put a note up or something. Just having a bit of fun before we turn the gravity back on in the hold."

"I see...I didn't expect that anyone else was in the hold." She nodded as she took the pipe, looking at it for a moment.

"I was just thinking I would go through some lightsaber forms. It's a good exercise. This is pretty much the only place I wouldn't get in the way," she said before she shrugged. "Or so I thought."

"Just because you left the Order, there is no reason for you not to continue your practice, if that is what you like doing. Even with the Force... there are force users that are neither Jedi nor follow The Dark Side. You are looking at one." I said as I tilted my head.

Nicole frowned slightly but nodded. "I know. I'm not sure I feel comfortable to try using it again... Not yet anyway. Maybe someday I will be, I don't know."

I nodded and pushed off the wall, slowly floating into the empty air before halting my movement with my wings.

"Perhaps it is best that I return gravity to normal so you can get your exercise." I then said as I beat my wings once, floating over to the controls to slowly turn the gravity back on, both of us floating down to land on what turned back to being the floor.

Ruffling my feathers, I then folded up my wings after stretching. The ex-Jedi held on tightly to the metal loop before gravity was strong enough to stand firmly in before she let go with a small sigh. "Thank you, Captain."

I raised my head feathers in slight amusement. "For somebody who dislikes micro-gravity, you picked a rather uncomfortable profession."

"It's what I know... Well, it was this, dancing or fighting." Nicole said, shaking her head. "I can handle freefall, I just don't enjoy it."

She then grinned. "I do like flying though. That's completely different."

"Flying is enjoyable, I agree." I said before I gave her a nod before I moved to leave. "I will leave you to your exercise now. Have fun, Miss Mara."

"You too, Captain! Fun, I mean." I heard behind me as the door closed, causing me to shake my head in amusement as I continued towards my quarters.


Indeed... What would I be doing for fun during the upcoming vacation? I would try and find a new cargo, of course, but that was work and should not take to long.

I did want to see the crystal city, so maybe I would do the tourist thing.