A Girl And Her Dragon


 Skye awoke the next morning to a light tugging on one of her curls. It was a familiar and comforting feeling that had brought a smile to her face before she'd even opened her eyes. After a languid stretch, Skye turned her head, opened her eyes, and spoke with a drowsy voice; "Good mornin', love.."

 Tidas smiled back at his sleepy wife; "Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?"

 "Like a bear in the winter. You?"

 "I slept well, although I seem to be having a problem," Tidas replied with a furrowed brow.

 Skye's eyes lost their droopiness as worry covered her features; "What's wrong?"

 Tidas grinned cheekily as he grabbed his wife's hand, and placed it on top of his hardened member. Skye sighed as she pulled her hand away, then lightly smacked him while saying; "Dinna do that first thing in the mornin'! I thought that ya had a serious problem!"