Preferred Company(Part Four)

Zazzy was happy to see her father and uncle, but they were both giving off a tense aura. It didn't deter her appetite as she ripped into the bear, but it did worry her enough to listen in as they talked. She had to do it while seeming not to, which was hard, considering who the two were..

 Tidas stared at Genie with a furrowed brow, waiting for him to speak. It was rare for the great Jin Laos to look akin to a child with his hand caught in a cookie jar. Feeling like he had the upper-hand in their situation, Tidas pressed it..

 "You know what I'm talking about.. Why did you look at Skye like that? When you opened the carriage door?"

 Genie's eyes widened for a split second before he regained his composure. Tidas knew that he had struck something with his comment, and tensed with the anticipation of dragging a confession out of him. So when Genie admitted right away what Tidas had assumed: he was temporarily stunned..