Calming Ari!

So with a sigh Marcus and Rebekah exit the temple of Ono. They started back towards the bookstore or what Rebekah had assumed was the were they were heading. She did however manage to look down at his left paw and noticed he was clenching and unclenching his paw as if it was in pain or something.

"Marcus are you okay?" asked Rebekah really concerned and worried that he'd done something or agreed to something and wasn't telling her.

"Oh it's nothing just the odd feeling of wearing this ring is all." lied Marcus with a half smile.

"I'm not as dumb as you think Marcus. I know that your in pain what make you think we can live in the same room for the past four years not to mention all the time we grew up together and not notice when you're trying to hold back your pain?" asked Rebekah a bit hurt that he'd so plainly lie to her.