A New Plan

"Ari, maybe your father's curse was designed to also keep you four from coming together and destroying him. I mean for the most part the four of you sisters get along and keep the peace, yet if you start fighting daddy wakes up and in the end does more damage then the four of you ever could." explained Marcus after the three of them gathered around the table Ari summoned so they could just talk.

"You think he's scared that they could win in a battle against him?" asked Rebekah as sh sat to one side of Marcus.

"Yes I think he saw what you four were capable of and was afraid to ever give you the chance to join forces. He knew that the four of you have the power to end him for good." replied Marcus looking Ari in the eyes before adding, "I think I may know a way around that thanks to you saving my life once. Also I might know a way around this pain as well."