1000 degree knife gone wrong

(Author note)

this will be the first time I write a fight scene so please bear with me it will probably not be the best thing you ever read but if you can give some tips on how to improve I'll do my best to make it as good as I can.


Now with me safely secure between her breasts. I saw she had the a knife in her hand.

Now where she got that from no idea I don't remember seeing it when she ran over to me.

The knife began to elongate and shine brightly and it seemed to transform into something reminiscent to a Gladius. It was a two edged short sword with a wooden hilt. There were some decorations on it that looked pretty good.

(Mathilda POV)

I quickly stuffed the head of my baby boy further down in between my breasts so he wouldn't be able to hear or see what is going to happen.

I don't want to taint his soul. At least not like this and maybe when he's a bit older.

Just thinking about 'tainting his soul' and teaching him all about the womanly body got me all hot and bothered.

But no time for that now first I have to deal with these idiots who are trying to take my baby away from me they'll never understand the connection me and my baby have. I'll be the best mommy he could ever wish for I'll be all he needs I'll spoil him rotten and keep him all to myself.

I took a couple of steps back to use the door as a choke point I'm vastly outnumbered but with the door i could make sure I wouldn't be facing more than one opponent at a time.

"Ok whoever can bring me back Matilda and the demon baby alive will when we return get first pick in which heretic they want to 'break in." Boris the guy with the black spiky hair and glasses said.

This seemed to get the men fired up.

The first man came through the door and said: "come on give up you can't win from all twenty of us just give me the baby come out quietly and I won't hurt you I'll even show you a good time tonight."

He stepped closer to me a bit hesitant at first trying to gauge my reaction but as he drew closer and I didn't really do anything he grew more confident that he somehow convinced me to do what he said.

But as soon as he was through the doorframe and about two steps away from me I shot forward pierced my Gladius right through his throat and whispered in his ear: "this a lot quicker death than you deserve."

I took my Gladius out of his throat took a couple of steps back and let his body crumple to the floor in the doorway so he would be a hindrance to anyone who would try to come through next.

The others were stunned for a moment probably not expecting such a swift kill.

But then another guy approached with a shield in his left hand and a axe in the right. Both were poorly made and maintained. But that's what you would expect of the mass produced stuff the militia uses.

He tried to rush me holding his shield in front of him so I couldn't hit him. He stepped over the corpse of his fallen comrade.

At this moment I decided to engage I stabbed around his shield a couple of times none of these stabs were fatal one did graze his left arm but it wasn't a deep cut and it wasn't meant to be I just wanted to scare him in stopping from moving forward which worked.

We exchanged blows for a few seconds he blocked most of my blows with his shield but I still got a few cuts in and I dodged all his blows with ease even though I was carrying extra weight on my chest.

The guy striked with his axe but he overcommitted on this strike so when I dodged his attack he didn't have enough time to bring up his shield. I saw my chance I used my magic to set my Gladius on fire and stabbed it in his left shoulder.

His shirt set on fire and I withdrew my Gladius from his shoulder and kicked him out the doorway.

He immediately started rolling around in the grass screaming for help one of the guys went to get a water canteen to pour over the burning guy.

It seems that guy will survive but that doesn't matter it doesn't seem like he'll be fighting again anytime soon.

After this four other guys tried their luck all of them failed I killed two of them one is knocked out and the last one is critically wounded and will probably not survive.

Suddenly Boris and George came up to me just out of the doorway.

Boris the black spiky haired guy with glasses said: "seems if you want something done correctly you have to let the actual competent people do it."

George the dude with the long white hair nodded and said: "Matilda let me ask you something? Aren't you supposed to be a healer how come you're suddenly so proficient at sword fighting"?

"None of you business I yelled back!"

George shrugged and said: "oh well doesn't matter how good you've gotten you won't be able to beat me and Boris so let's begin."