Keep calm and kill

(Mathilda POV)

Now I myself am actually not entirely sure as to why I suddenly became so powerful. I mean I was never really weak or anything even though I am a healer I still got taught a couple of things about the sword. So even if I was with a group and we would get overwhelmed by a group of monsters I would be able to hold my own for a while and not be completely helpless.

So while at first I was around the same level as one of those militia grunts I just beaten. Now my battle prowess is around the same level as George and Boris though I'm not able to beat them both at the same time.

I do have a couple of things working in my favor. They have to come to me so I get to choose where we fight, they want to capture me alive so will probably not go for fatal blows though if I drive them to it to much I believe they'll choose their own life over mine, they need my baby completely intact because wouldn't be pleased if they offered him anything damaged so they won't use anything like a fireball and I'm originally a healer and while my combat power has gone up so has my healing power so if it came down to a battle of attrition I would easily outlast the both of them.

Also I've been on a few mission's with them so I know their fighting style. Boris is a semi tank he's not very agile so most attacks he'll block but attacks with a lot of force behind them he'll still dodge because he lacks any heavy armor or shield.

George is pretty much the opposite he is very agile he keeps dodging till he sees his chance and then he strikes. Most of the times his first strike is the fatal one.

I looked at them and saw their clothes were dripping wet they probably had done that so that I wouldn't be able to set their clothes on fire. I turned off the flames of my Gladius because it would now only be a hindrance because whenever I'd cut or stab them I'd also immediately be burning their wounds closed so they won't bleed as much and wouldn't be able to get infected.

I retreated back further into the house and I quickly made sure my baby was still sitting safely between my breasts.

They followed me inside the house.

While Boris would probably not have any problem fighting in a confined space because his hammer is pretty short and he wasn't so agile anyway.

But George on the other hand wouldn't be able to dodge as well and his spear is pretty long so he would have more trouble moving it around.

There we stood for a sec facing each other Boris was moving to my left George to my right.

I wasn't going to wait around for them to finally attack so I immediately used my binding light on Boris which made shining chained come out of the ground and bind him his ankles together and I rushed George.

My plan is to separate them and force them into one on ones. So I wouldn't have to deal with the both of them at once.

George saw me coming and he immediately tried to thrust his spear into my left leg. I dodged by spinning out of the way of his spear and I followed it up with a slice at his left shoulder. Dodge by taking a step back.

I wasn't letting him catch a breather. I used a blinding light spel which he unfortunately saw coming just in time to turn his head away but in the split second he did that I had already bridged the gap between me and him I tried to stab him in the eye but he blocked just in time with his arm then I punched him in the nose.

It was bleeding everywhere and I could see it was broken.

George took a step back and bashed the side of my head with the wooden hilt. It was completely unexpected for me I thought he would still be dazed because of my punch to his nose.

While I was still dazed he kicked me in the stomach this caused me trip.

He walked closer to me keeping his spear pointed towards me. I let him take a couple of steps closer to me and then I suddenly threw a wooden stool at him.

He blocked it with his spear but simultaneously I swept his legs this caused him to also fall to the ground.

I was on him immediately ready to bring the finishing blow with my Gladius.

But then I felt a sharp pain to the side of my head and I fell over. The world was getting dark but hen I saw Boris right beside me how could he already have broken free it should have at least taken five minutes.

But then I saw behind him Julie looking nervous. That bitch she helped him escape she ruined my plan she will pay I will fucking murder her!!!

I thought while the world was fading away.