humungous hungolomghnonoloughongous

(Author thingy)

Guess who's back

Back again

I am back

From vacation

Hello I'm back from my camping vacation with my family. The WiFi was pretty much non existent so I'm sorry that I didn't upload last week. Because the WiFi was non existent I was forced to actually spend time with people. It was horrible. But now I'm back and I can live like a vampire again.

And a thank you for reading this. The stats say on web novel that this has about 4,700 views which I have my doubts about if it's actually true but it also says I 20 people added it to their collection which I think is more accurate. And that's a lot more than I was expecting I thought it would take at least a month before anybody saw my novel. So that I already have this many people reading it makes me very happy and so I just wanna say thank you for spending you time to read this story even if you don't like it thanks for giving this a try and I hope you find something you like.


(??? POV)

There's a girl in the middle of the forest sitting cross legged and perfectly still is a woman with very pale skin, long straight black hair, a beauty mark under her left eye, pointy fluffy ears on top of her head and a very fluffy white tail.

She also has huge boobs. i mean some serious honkers. a real set of badonkers. packin some dobonhonkeros. massive dohoonkabhankoloos. big old tonhongerekoogers.

Suddenly another woman appeared nearly identical to the other one only she had her beauty mark under her right eye and she had even bigger bonkhonagahoogs. humungous hungolomghnonoloughongous

She immediately attacked the one sitting down.

She tried to punch her with her right fist covered in ice.

The one sitting down seemed to disappear and then appear a few meters back.

She immediately yelled at her attacker: "Valery what do you think your doing attacking your sister like that"

Valery shrugged and said: "had to check if you were the real Mia or not"

"With that much power behind your punches you could've actually killed me" Mia said while seething with anger.

"If I killed you with that you deserved to die for being so weak" Valery said coldly.

"Where is your sense of family love" Mia asked.

"You would kill me as soon as you have the chance" Valery retorted.

"True but only because you started it" Mia snapped back

"Did not you ate my ice cream" Valery said with hate flickering in her eyes.

"Yeah but only because you ate my bacon first" Mia said while her hair started flaring.

The two stood there glaring at each other for a minute.

Suddenly all the tension disappeared and Mia asked: "so did you find our target".

"Yeah I trailed those church people for a bit until they arrived at a house. They knocked on the door and a woman with brown hair made into a ponytail came out with a baby sucking on her boob. I overheard their conversation at first it seemed she was also part of that religious group but then suddenly they started attacking each other something about her not wanting to give up the baby. She killed a couple of them but then two guys named Boris and George joined in. I couldn't completely see what happened because they fought inside but later Boris and George came out George was pretty beaten up but Boris was fine he was also carrying the woman who was unconscious he also started to put his hand between her breasts to get the baby out but he was a bit to eager if you ask me. Some girl healed that guy George after he was healed they discussed a bit over their plans. They eventually agreed that the best plan of action was to have George bring the unconscious girl Matilda back to the church while the rest continue on the mission. George has already left but the other guys have set up camp a couple of kilometers from here." Valery informed Mia.

"Well what are we waiting for our mission is to stop them from bringing the baby to the ritual site if we just massacre them all the baby included that's job done and we can go home and chill or something" Mia said looking forward to some free time.

"Yeah yeah calm down" Valery said " we need to make absolutely sure none of them escape no matter how slim the how about we summon the dogs"?

"Ok it's a bit overkill but no reason not to do it"

Mia and Valery touched each other's hands and started concentrating on summoning.

Beside them the earth suddenly began to shake and tear small flames came out (don't want the forest catching fire) out of these fires emerged three beasts two of them were just like Valery and Mia identical twins.

They both had a wolf like appearance are about, 1,50m in height, big razor sharp teeth gray fur, one red eye and one black eye one had the black eye on the right and the other on the left and their throats glowed red a bit.

The third and most fearsome of the three was a barbet about 40cm in height had long black curly hair that covered its eyes, a white spot on its chest and was still a pup with his tongue lolling out.

"Well let's go" Mia said "the sooner we're done the better".