No, more r*pe

(Mc POV)

I got taken out between Matilda's breasts. It was quite comfy but it was a very rocky ride so 4/5 stars.

The person who took me out was the guy with black spiky hair and glasses who I now know is called Boris.

He handed me over to the girl in nun clothing called Julie and went over to George who was lying on the ground checking if he was ok.

While George was bleeding profusely out of his nose further he seemed fine he had a couple of cuts and bruises but nothing to severe.

Julie quickly went over to George while still holding me and quickly healed him up.

"About fucking time you came to help me" George yelled.

"Don't curse in the presence of a baby" Julie said

"I don't fucking care about a baby I nearly died because you guys were so slow" George said while visibly shaking.

Man whatever happened to him must have really done a number on him I thought to myself.

Boris quickly took George away before this situation would escalate. They started to discuss some things but I couldn't hear what because Julie took me away to the horses and she took out a little bear plush out of one of the bags and gave it to me. At first I was wondering what I was supposed to do with it but then I felt how fluffy it was and I started hugging it.

"Awwww aren't you just the cutest" Julie softly said.


I'm not cute I'm a fearsome (apparently) demon baby and I was going use my fearsome demon baby powers on her but I wanted to keep on hugging teddy so I'll do it later. You better prepare because you won't be getting any sleep tonight because I'll be constantly crying.

Eventually George and Boris came back.

They announced that we would be riding further and setting up camp somewhere else and that George would be going back with Matilda to the church.

Julie picked me up and climbed on top of a horse she put me in front of her on the saddle. Having me face towards her and she held me tightly making sure I wouldn't fall of and I held teddy tightly making sure he wouldn't fall of. One of the foot soldiers took the reigns of the horse and walked beside us.

After a couple of hours of walking the sun began to set and it started to get dark.

We kept on walking for I don't know 30min I'm not good at guessing, until we found a river.

Boris gave the order to set up camp here.

One big perk of being a baby is you don't really have to do anything. So while all those losers who aren't baby's built the camp I was just sitting around with Julie getting fed and playing with teddy.

When they were done Julie brought me to one of the two biggest tents and started to change my diaper I hadn't actually realized it yet but I had peed myself which was pretty embarrassing but good thing I hadn't pooped myself yet.

After a little bit of more play time Julie said: "ok bed time now"

I thought to myself what no I don't wanna go to bed yet and I tried to quickly crawl away at lightning speed but somehow she still caught up to me and put me on her lap she started to read a story again I didn't really listen I had better things to do like playing with teddy. I heard some tid bits of the story and the gist of it was bad guy gets punished good guy gets reward.

Then suddenly Boris barged in while holding a bottle of some sort.

He stumbled a bit while walking and his talking was slurred.

He said: "hey Julie *burp* wanna have some fun"

"no I-I-I need t-t-to take care of the b-baby" Julie stuttered.

"You're property of the church so that means I can do with you whatever I want" he said while moving in closer.

Julie quickly put me down and backed away from Boris.

"P-please don't I don't want to do it again it hurts"

Boris just grabbed her long blonde hair which was now visible because she wasn't wearing her nun outfit. He slammed her head on the table, brought his mouth close to her ear, whispered I don't care and gave her cheek a long lick.

I didn't like this I mean she was pretty nice to me apart from the time she called me cute but I've got a plan to punish her but for the rest she was pretty good to me so seeing her so sad and in pain I wanted to help her so I crawled over to bad guys legs and gave him a punch.

He just looked down at me and laughed: "oh look who's *hick* here the knight in shining armor."

He reached down to me grabbed my teddy bear and he threw it into the fire.

This devastated me. That was my favorite and only toy.

I sat there silent for a minute and then I started to cry a lot.

Boris tried to yell at me to shut up but halfway through his sentence he got sucker punched by Julie she broke his glasses as well with that punch so now his face was full of glass splinters. I could pretty much see her power surging

She quickly ran over to me picked me up and rocked me back and forth while shushing me. She said she would get me a new toy as soon as possible and this calmed me down a bit I mean no new toy would be able to replace what I and teddy had but I can't keep dwelling in the past I need to move.

Then outside we heard yelling and screaming.

Julie put me down again now that I calmed down a bit.

She said: "it seems we're being attacked don't worry stay put mommy will return to you soon I just need to help out by healing the wounded."

With that she gave me a kiss on my cheek and left.

Why did she suddenly begin to refer to herself as mommy?