
(Mc POV)

Welp anyway now I'm alone again.

BUT THEN SUDDENLY... i got an itch on my nose DUN DUN DUUUUUN.

Now this was actually quite frustrating because my short pudgy arms weren't long enough for me to scratch my itch.

So I rubbed my nose on the carpet to scratch my itch which worked quite well.

After I overcame this obstacle I sat back up and started thinking.

I could try to escape now. I'm on my own and from the screaming and shouting outside I can conclude that there is probably enough chaos for me to be able to sneak through there unnoticed by any of the church people.

But I don't know who the attackers are. If they are able to detect people with other things than sight for example smell I'd be screwed especially if they're wild beast because I don't think they'll care if what they eat is a baby or not but any humans or even humanoids with a similar intelligence will probably not kill a baby without a reason.

I started to crawl over to the tent flap so I could look outside and maybe checkout who the attackers.

When I got closer to the flap I suddenly heard a sniffing sound and it was coming closer.

I quickly hid behind one of the wooden supports for the roof of the tent.

Then I heard the tent flaps rustling. Now there was something inside the tent with me and from the sniffing sounds I can conclude it's either an animal or a human with a runny nose I guess the first.

I quickly peeked around the corner.

And there I saw it sitting staring right at me a dog with pitch black curly hair.

He/she/it (can't assume genders maybe the dog identifies as a parrot) started walking over to me. While it looked quite cute I still thought it would probably be better to try and crawl away.

This somehow yet again didn't work and the dog caught up to me. I should really rethink my escape strategy.

The dog sat before me panting tail wagging and just looked at me.

Should I pet him I thought to myself. It could be hostile and bite my hand of if I try to pet but then again if he doesn't then I get to pet a dog. Worth it.

So I slowly raised my hand to his head and started to pet him. His fur was nice and soft his tail started to wag faster and I heard a happy growl come from him.

At this moment I decided that this would be my new companion me and doggo against the world.

I need to think of a name for him hmmmmmmm... how about Otis that's a good name right? Once I'm able to speak I'll start calling him Otis.

Then while I was planning my adventure with Otis two wolves came in they were quite a bit scarier than Otis they were very big, had blood in their gray fur and teeth, they had long sharp claws and blood red eyes glaring at me.

I started to hug Otis tightly thinking on how we would escape this predicament.

While I was contemplating on how we could out of this situation I suddenly felt Otis grow his fur started to harden and become thicker.

When I looked up I saw he had grown quite rapidly. He stopped growing when he reached the ceiling of the tent. He grew horns, his fur started to get a deep red tint and he sprouted wings. When he stopped changing he was aver 2 meters tall (from head to toe not head to tail) and he looked like a mix between a dragon and a very scary big wolf.

Otis glared at the two wolves and growled. The wolves whimpered and quickly laid down as if bowing down to Otis.

Otis after making sure those two wouldn't get any funny ideas reverted back to his earlier form and licked my face.

I was just sitting there stunned by what I just saw I didn't know Otis was so cool now nothing can stand in our way for world domination muhahahaha.

Then out of my peripheral I saw a woman in a red Chinese dress, pale white skin, long black hair, big ol tiddies and a beauty mark under her right eye.

She looked like one of those cliché girls who hates all men and when they walk into a room get hit on by guys and then the guy is all like: "all girls are weak so I'm gonna force you to spend time with me if you like it or not" and then she's like: "ugh all men are disgusting" (somehow she bases this conclusion of one guy she met in a back alley bar where all the thieves and rapist hang out) and she beats the hell out of that guy. Then another guy tries to fight her but then the mc comes in and acts like a complete simp and say something like: "you shouldn't hit women" even though she's perfectly capable of handling herself and if she didn't wanna fight she just shouldn't have come to a back alley bar with a bunch of hooligans I mean what do you expect is going to happen idiot.

But even if she wanted to hurt me I was safe because I had Otis with me so nothing could stand in our way.

She started to make weird signals with her hands and I began to wonder if she was deaf.

But then suddenly Otis and the two other wolves disappeared.

Wtf what did she do where is my new buddy Otis go? That woman didn't kill him did she? I already lost teddy today I don't think I can handle another loss like that.

The woman walked over to me and picked me up she held me face to face with her so I was staring right into her eyes. she looked at me as if she was analyzing me.