What does the fox say?

(Mc POV)

Well life is cruel at one point you have an awesome dog that can transform into a cool dragon wolf hybrid and the next moment a woman comes by making weird hand gestures and your cool dog disappears. So relatable am I right?

Now I was face to face with a woman who I now realize has pointy fox ears and a fluffy white tail.

Not sure how I didn't notice before and I did notice the beauty mark under her right eye. Guess I just really like beauty marks and the author totally didn't forget.

She and I stared at each other for a while. I was quite worried that she would kill me or something that'd be quite frustrating to have to go through all this these last couple of days just to have my dreams of world domination destroyed just because of this woman.

But I was to scared of her to be angry at her. She looked at me with cold eyes as if nothing was worth anything and she'd toss me over her shoulder the second she lost interest in me. Yet it could be my imagination but there seemed to be a bit of warmth and affection growing in her eyes. But then again I am probably completely wrong because how am I supposed to know what someone feels by looking at their eyes I'm no looking into eyes expert.

"Hey Valery what do you have there?" A voice that came from behind my captor asked.

Valery stiffened up, the hair on her fluffy tail started standing up and the coldness in her eyes returned. She quickly hugged me against her chest and I found myself yet again between a pair of breasts. I'm not able to enjoy it as much as I thought I would maybe it has something to do with the fact that most of these people want to offer me to god.

Valery turned her head to look at her twin sister Mia standing there with a grin in her face.

"No I don't have anything go slaughter some of those church guys or something and leave me alone I'll take care of the baby" Valery said.

"Don't worry sis I'm already done with that and I sent out some lesser demons to comb the surrounding forest and kill any stragglers. So I thought I'll help you out" Mia said

"I don't need any help I've got it all perfectly under control go home and do something there."

"Seems like you're really Have something special there. If you don't want to share I respect that and I'll leave you alone" she walked out the tent and teleported whatever Valery was holding to her hands.

Valery was quite confused by the way Mia acted normally she would do everything she could to take whatever Valery had didn't matter what it was she would try to steal it. But she wasn't going to complain until she felt her baby disappear. Immediately Valery realized what had happened Mia had teleported her baby to her. This made Valery mad very very mad nobody was going to take her baby away from her and especially not her sister who she hated.

She quickly ran outside saw no one was there apart from the dead bodies she smelled the air and could get a whiff of her baby boy coming from the forest. She quickly transformed into a fox and started running as fast as she could to catch up to her sister.

Meanwhile I was with Mia somewhere in the forest she had run for a bit and she was very fast it was like we were going through hyperspace.

After a bit we stopped and she looked at me and I could finally see her and she looked identical to Valery I mean they said they were sisters probably twins so that they're very similar is to be expected but just how similar they were was uncanny the only difference was that her beauty mark was under her left eye.

She also looked at me analyzing me, smelling me and even liking me.

"Well aren't you the most precious little thing ever. No way I'm letting Valery have you I'll bring you home and keep you all to myself. Lock you up in a tower and call you rapunzel or something. Nah I'll lock you in my room and make sure you never leave me I'll make you completely dependent on me a complete mommy's boy.

Suddenly Mia's ears twitched and she started to smell the air. Her expression became serious, she put me down and started to transform into a fox.

Then suddenly another fox jumped out the bushes and stood directly face to face with Mia fox. Glaring at each other.

With two foxes here maybe I can find out what the fox says.