What does the fox say? 2.0

(Mc POV)

Here I am sitting in a forest pretty late at night no idea precisely how late but I'm pretty sure it's already bed time and there are two pretty big foxes glaring at each other I'm not really sure how big a fox should be but I'm 90% sure those two are bigger than normal foxes and seeing as they had a bunch more tails which just seemed unnecessary I mean one is for balance and stuff but what would you need a 2nd or even a 9th tail for.

The foxes are glaring at each other with their snouts nearly touching each other ready to pounce kill their opponent. This frightened me quite a bit knowing that these twins have no qualms about killing one another even though their siblings. I know sibling often have a sibling rivalry and sometimes not get along well but they share some kind of bond and being able to just throw that away and kill each other makes me think what they would do to me I'm not sure if they would care if I'm a baby or not and just kill me.

Looking at the foxes glaring at each other getting ready to kill one another I started to get an irresistible urge I just had to do it I couldn't stop myself.

So I crawled closer. Raised both my arms closer to those two they didn't seem to notice me they were to focused on each other so I brought my hands even closer and started petting them.

They shot up startled by my petting they both turned their heads to me and their expression calmed down and they brought their heads towards me seemingly wanting to be pet more. I happily obliged.

After a while of petting I was getting pretty tired I mean it was getting pretty late and I'm still a baby so it's to be expected. But I can't afford to go to sleep now if I go to sleep I'm not sure if I'll ever wake up and most importantly I have yet to figure out what they say I can't let this chance to figure out what they say slip through my fingers.

But no matter how hard I tried to stay awake after a couple of more minutes my eye lids started to get heavy and I started going to a kinda half sleep where I slowly begin to fall asleep and when I'm nearly asleep I shoot awake again and repeat the cycle.

The two foxes saw I was getting sleepy and started to transform back to their humanoid form.

I was to tired to do anything so while I was disappointed that I didn't get to figure out what they say and scared that they could just kill me in my sleep. But I was to tired to do anything about it so I just curled up in a ball and started sucking my thumb which was surprisingly tasty.

I heard 2 squeals right before I went to sleep I was a bit confused because I couldn't imagine such girly squeals coming from the 2 cool looking fox sisters and there was nothing to squeal about so maybe they were both slaughtering pigs with weird squeals that seemed more plausible.

(Mia POV)

As my baby fell asleep, curled up and sucked his thumb me and Valery squealed I raised an eyebrow looking at Valery she barely ever shows emotion and I have nether ether heard her squeal about anything and pretty much with her 24/7.

I quickly turned back to my baby lying there. He was just so cute it should be illegal I just want to pick him up and hold him forever I would lock myself and him up in a room for the rest of our lives and I can live if I didn't do anything to increase my life span about another couple of hundreds of thousands of years and I could increase his and my life span to practically not age at all any more so that we sort of are immortal as long as we don't get stabbed or something.

After a little bit of staring at his cuteness Valery spoke up and said: "ok how about a truce for now we both want to monopolize him and even if we didn't we would still end up trying to kill each other but we both know it'll end in a draw and when we're fighting each other we can't keep him safe so I propose a truce till we get back home and then we'll kill each other and the victor gets to keep him."

"Okay but who gets to carry him" I ask?

"Seeing as he trip will take a couple of days we'll Do it on a day to day basis so if I get to do today you get to do tomorrow and carrying him means you get to completely take care of him play with him sing him, to sleep, breast feed him etc."

I nodded satisfied with this proposal.

We flipped a coin for who got to go first. Valery won and she took a blanket out of her hyper inter dimensional super cool inventory space 9000xpro (this is a bit of a long name so I'll just call it inventory). She wrapped the blanket around my baby and held him tightly but not too tightly against her chest.

This made me quite jealous but I had to hold out till it was my turn and I will make that bitch jealous.

Suddenly I thought of something: "hey Valery we haven't given him a name yet maybe we should"

"Good point Mia" Valery said "hmm how about we call him Sam?"

We both agreed on that name and when we did I felt a bit of magic surge through me but it was not enough to be worrying I was kinda curious as to what it was precisely but it didn't return so I just dismissed it besides I've got better things to think about like what I'm going to do once I've killed my sister and get to keep Sam for myself it's getting me all giddy with excitement.