Mafia boss lvl 999

(Matilda POV)

I started to become conscious again and I immediately realized I was on a horse by the galloping and I was lying face down other the horse riders lap. By the pathetic little boner I felt pocking my stomach and the fact the rider was groping my ass I deduced that they were a male.

Before I wouldn't' have really cared. My parents sold me to the church when I was 8 years old they even told me that the only reason they had me was so they could sell me for money for the 5 years I was with them I barely survived they didn't want to waste any money on me they didn't give me a bed and because we were pretty poor we didn't have a couch or anything for me to sleep on other than the floor I would often get a kick in the stomach from dad as wake up call.

They also didn't want to waste any money on my clothing or food so once I was done drinking tit milk and could barely stand I was told I had to take care of my own food and while I could sleep here I wouldn't get any thing from them. They didn't really care if I live or die yeah it's frustrating for them because then they can't sell me to the church any more but there are some nobles they could still sell my body to

They didn't even give me a name so I went by with many different names but eventually settled with Matilda because one of my few friends was called that but one day she disappeared and not until a couple years later did I learn that she got caught stealing from a noble and got locked up in the basement in his mansion where he raped and tortured her to death so I took her name as a kind of honorary thing it was too bad having a friend die but not unexpected.

At 2 years old I had to fend for myself I had to do whatever it took to survive steal, kill, deceive and sometimes whore myself out to some gross and sick in the head people I had to live like this for the next 6 years.

I actually got quite (in)famous in the underworld I as I got really good at assassinations, theft and finding information.

In those 6 years I thought about leaving frequently and did multiple times I always came back no matter how bad they were to me no matter how little they cared about me I always came back. I guess that's the curse of being a child you will always want to return home where you're supposed to be safe and happy even if it isn't.

When I turned 8 I was sold to the church as my parents had promised.

There I was given as servant to a pedophile priest he did unimaginable things to me but when he did those things I didn't feel anything not good not bad so I faced my reactions with this I could manipulate him into giving me things I want.

Once I turned 16 years old the old priest lost interest in me and the church tested me to see what position would be appropriate for me. Ironically enough I was quite a proficient healer and I was immediately sent to training.

While in class I set up a sort of under ground gang with some other girls. We started extortion, loaning and did all kinds of dirty jobs for mostly other students and sometimes even teachers.

I got in trouble a couple of times but most of the times teachers just wanted to blackmail me into having sex with them I didn't really care about sex anymore and with this I could wrap them around my finger. The others I just gave a little incentive to keep their mouth shut otherwise they would find themselves being ripped to shreds by wolves I actually had to do it once to set an example but after that nobody dared oppose me.

A couple of years went by and even though I had all this I still had a lot of suicidal thoughts and really the only thing withholding me from killing myself was revenge I wanted revenge on the priest I wanted revenge on my parents and most of all I wanted revenge on the church.

Then one day came and I was sent on a mission which was weird I was rarely ever sent out on missions my healing powers were some of the strongest in the church so they didn't want to put me in unnecessary danger. But this mission was apparently quite important they never really gave a good explanation as to what was happening precisely the only thing I was told was that I had to take care of a baby for a couple of days and make absolutely sure he stays healthy.

I did find out some more information through my connections but really not a lot I found out the baby's parents were going to be killed by two of my peers George and Boris and that the baby was to be an offering.

I saw this as the opportune moment to leave the church I would kill the baby and start living on my own plotting my revenge and when I'm done kill myself.

But the moment I arrived and I got the baby handed to me I saw the peaceful sleeping face I knew I couldn't do my plan anymore because there was now one critical flaw I had another reason to live.

I was going to take care of him like my parents never took care of me I'll show him all the love I can give, I'll be there when he needs me and when he doesn't, I'll worry about him and make sure he's okay all the time and I'll give him something I never had a nice and warm home he can return to