Mommy harem army?

(Matilda POV)

So now that the horse rider is feeling up my ass I'd normally not care at all and even take this opportunity to seduce and manipulate him. But now it's different now I have to get to my baby and he's in my way so he needs to die.

The longer we rode the further away we got from my baby. So the was no time to waste I quickly summoned my gladius and stabbed it through his bottom jaw so it came out of the top of his head.

When I sat up and took my gladius out of his head I realized that it was George.

I never really liked him and he wasn't useful to me anymore so I had no problems with killing him. He was actually quite infatuated with me for a while I had sex with him a couple of time's it was actually more like he had sex and I was just there being bored out of my mind I still acted like I liked it but that was just to get stuff from him but he let it get to his head and wanted me to be his girlfriend I declined him obviously but he wouldn't take no for an answer and he got violent though before he could do anything to severe my bodyguards stationed outside my room came in dragged him out and beat him up a bit for good measure.After that he kept on harassing me to become his girlfriend every time I declined.

All that doesn't matter now he's dead.

I stopped the horse, took George's corpse of the horse, took any valuables he had on him, climbed onto the horse again and rode of in the opposite direction we were going.

After a while of riding I suddenly felt some thing weird I seemed to get another power up and I suddenly knew not sure how or why but I knew you baby was called Sam.

This made me quite jealous it seems that someone got to name him before me I should have named him when I had the chance but I couldn't think of a good name so I waited but I took to long and this is my punishment. Oh well it doesn't matter to much the only thing that matters is that he's safe and sound.

I kept riding for another 30 minutes or so until I saw fire in the distance I tied my horse to a tree and I immediately rushed over there. I didn't want anyone to know I was here the dark helped quite a lot with this.

When I got closer I realized that the camp was destroyed and saw some demon imps hanging around fighting each other eating human corpses and there were quite a few hanging around one tent in particular seeing as I already knew what kind of beast they were I could make a pretty well educated guess.

I could feel Sam was still safe and alive so he probably wasn't here. But I still needed to know where he was.

So I started to make my way over to the tent I killed all the imps that dared get in my way with I had never been weak but now I was considerably stronger than I used to be.

When I got to the tent and looked inside I saw two woman lying there one getting fucked I believe she was called Olivia if I remember correctly and the other who was getting her clothes torn of and about to get fucked was Julie. She had ruined my perfect life with Sam so I in any other circumstances I would have left her here to fend for herself but she could know where Sam was and I really need to find him.

I killed all the imps inside and looked over to Olivia and Julie. Olivia was already broken just lying there with empty eyes but Julie still had some fight in her but was incapacitated so I quickly healed her I was confident in my ability to overpower her if need be so I wasn't to worried about her.

"Tell me where the baby is and I'll kill you by just snapping your neck" I said

"I understand your anger at me for taking him away but now 2 fox women have him and you don't stand a chance against them no matter how powerful you are now."

"Doesn't matter I'll think of something so tell me now where he is!"

"What are you gonna do when you have him? The entire church will be after you and probably the entire continent as well they hold a lot of power nowhere would be safe even if you go to places where no humans ever come there are often good reasons not to go there."

"So what do you want me to do? Just give up on him you've taken care of him so you probably also know that I can't do that."

"You can probably feel he's safe to and he's probably safer with them than with us seeing as they're fox people they probably come from one of the countries where the church holds no power and seeing as they are so powerful they're probably quite high ranking. Of course we can't just leave him with them so we'll build up an army strong enough to oppose the church strong enough to take back Sam strong enough to protest our perfect life with him."

"You're right about the first part but how will we form not just an army but also one strong enough to oppose the church. I'm pretty good at forming gangs and other shady underground groups but those aren't the same as an army"

"We don't have to really make an army we just need a fighting force loyal to us equal or preferably greater than that of the church so it can be a sect or a guild as well and as to how we'll build such a fighting force I had an idea which I'd like to test."

Julie then ripped open a cushion took some of the fluff ripped sums of the sheets and took out a small sowing kit. She started sowing quite fast and quickly I realized she was making a doll but I wasn't sure why yet.

When she was finished she had a plain white doll. She started pouring the energy she got from Sam in the doll and when she was done she sett it on Olivias lap at first Olivia didn't even notice and she kept on staring into nothingness. After about a minute Olivia took notice of the doll on her lap picked it up and looked at it then not long after she began caressing it affection seeping into her empty eyes and she began hugging the doll murmuring.

"My hypothesis was correct" Julie said "it seems that if a woman comes into contact with Sams energy they'll begin to feel affectionate towards him and even get a power up. With more of these kind of dolls we can easily make an army though probably not every woman will be as easy to convert as the others. Olivia was very easy because she was completely broken when we gave her the doll.

I thought about this plan realizing with such power I could also get my revenge on everyone who wronged me so I agreed to this plan I didn't like the idea of being separated from my baby for long but I understood it was for the better but if I ever got the slightest feeling he was uncomfortable I would immediately rush over to him no matter what I'm doing or how impossible it is to get to him I will get to him to make sure he's okay.